The newest we've only got 10 more yrs pronouncement


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Instead of Greta or Algore or Ted Danson making it, its the power hungry UN licking their chops.
Party on Garth.
They really should stop putting hard time frames on their grift. The rubes may wake up eventually & then the gravy train ends.
Leave it open ended & give yourself some wiggle room by saying things like:
"We're all going to die horrible deaths from Manbearpig.... soon!"
Soon is just ambiguous enough that the minions will keep following them even when soon never comes.

This is Basic Grifting 101 people, step up the game
Instead of Greta or Algore or Ted Danson making it, its the power hungry UN licking their chops.
Party on Garth.
You need to make certain you're not comparing apples to oranges. And that you accurately describe what was actually said. The discussion is what progress needs to be made on emissions reduction to avoid unavoidable heating at catastrophic levels down the road. But you don't care about science or facts. You've got a story to tell. So keep telling it.
You need to make certain you're not comparing apples to oranges. And that you accurately describe what was actually said. The discussion is what progress needs to be made on emissions reduction to avoid unavoidable heating at catastrophic levels down the road. But you don't care about science or facts. You've got a story to tell. So keep telling it.
Its the same same every time dumbass......
It is astounding how many different ways fools like you can attempt to overturn science without using science - or even basic logic.
Dude ya dont have any science to overturn just pompous lies.....
The elites will tax us another 20% or more. Endless programming in every way for global climate change. It is so easy to convince people it is humans. We build on barrier islands and flood planes with an increasing population making it look worse. To see these people, receive justice on TV, Movies, NASA, Weather Channel and all others who are stealing our money will be a pleasure when it comes. We are tricked y these ghouls. Most of this is natural as the earth is old and it change happens at all times. Put resources into real infrastructure and reduce the corrupted human infrastructure with stupid Prog women embracing among all other agendas that is destroying civilization.
The elites will tax us another 20% or more.
Elites? The people taxing you are the elected representatives we all sent to Congress and the White House.
Endless programming in every way for global climate change.
I've no idea what you mean by programming but no government on the planet is yet doing as much as they should.
It is so easy to convince people it is humans.
Because it is.
We build on barrier islands and flood planes [plains] with an increasing population making it look worse.
It doesn't make it look worse. It makes the results worse. More people injured and killed. More homes lost. But no one but deniers tries to measure storms by such parameters. Why look at second and third and fourth order effects when you can look at the change itself: air temperatures, sea surface temperatures, sea level rise.
To see these people, receive justice on TV, Movies, NASA, Weather Channel and all others who are stealing our money will be a pleasure when it comes.
As pleasurable as your QAnon Storm failed to turn out to be?
We are tricked y these ghouls.
Then vote for someone else.
Most of this is natural as the earth is old and it change happens at all times.
Wow... you'd think the thousands of scientists working on this problem for the last 30 or 40 years might have thought of that. Guess what? They did. And the evidence says that is NOT what is happening.
Put resources into real infrastructure and reduce the corrupted human infrastructure with stupid Prog women embracing among all other agendas that is destroying civilization.
"Prog women"? Where the fuck are you coming from? Another whiny incel who can't find a woman to take your orders?

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