Powerful winter storm to hit San Francisco. Good news bad news.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
There is going to be so much wind and rain that for the first time in years, San Francisco streets might actually be cleaned of homeless/drug addict poop and pee. Hooray! The bad news is it is all going to be washed into the San Francisco bay. :oops:

just signs of the end. Maybe nancy's power will go off and she'll have to replace all her signature ice creams.
At least when the cops show up at the Pelosi's house this time they will have a plausible excuse for why they have so many homeless dudes running around in their underwear with hammers.
For the plywood of course.
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There is going to be so much wind and rain that for the first time in years, San Francisco streets might actually be cleaned of homeless/drug addict poop and pee. Hooray! The bad news is it is all going to be washed into the San Francisco bay. :oops:

Oh, dear, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title, that it would wash away the ---- street bathroom problem they have. I suppose people used to think about just that when transport was all horses!

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