The NEWEST Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

In 1947 the Arabs who did not have a national identity at the time (only during the 1960s they decided to identify themselves as "Palestinians") became victims of their own agenda which was backed by the neighboring Arab countries.

They paid a heavy price for their own decision to try and ethnically cleanse the Jews who tried to prevent war and reached out for peace. Many left their homes and others were indeed forced to leave because of the war that the Arabs themselves initiated as they rejected the UN partition plan. The Arabs literally declared that their ultimate goal was not to establish a state but to "push the Jews into the sea". They had the opportunity to establish an Arab state, but they preferred to destroy their neighboring one for being Jewish.

The Jewish state won, the Arabs lost but did not learn a lesson and repeated their fatal mistake again and again over the years.

Today in Jewish History​

• Hospital Convoy Ambushed (1948)

On the morning of the 4th of Nissan, a civilian convoy of doctors and nurses traveling to the Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus (see Today in Jewish History for 20 Iyar) was attacked by Arab forces. Of the ten vehicles in the caravan, five escaped. The other five vehicles, however, which included two buses and an ambulance, were riddled with machine gun fire and later set ablaze. Altogether 77 Jewish civilians were massacred on that day.

Shortly afterwards, the hospital was closed down and moved to the western part of Jerusalem.

The Mt. Scopus hospital only reopened after the eastern part of Jerusalem was liberated by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Primarily staffed by Israeli doctors, it is the largest and best equipped hospital in the eastern section of Jerusalem.

In 1934, Arabs slaughtered hundreds of Algerian Jews. Look at how they killed them.“

A scene of utter desolation and horror, of Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, of little children with numerous knife wounds and of whole families locked in their homes and burned to death, was described by a Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent, who succeeded in reaching this city today."I

t will take days before the world will obtain a true picture of all the atrocities committed by the Arabs during the pogrom on the Jewish quarter," the correspondent wired."

The only comparison I can think of is the Palestine riots of 1929. I found Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, greybearded Jews stabbed to death, little Jewish children dead ofnumerous knife wounds and whole famities locked in their homes and burned to death by the rioters.

"Just as in Palestine in 1929, the lists of the dead and injured run into the hundreds with no official estimates available. The hospitals are Alled with Jewish victims and the doors of the hospitals are besieged with half-crazed wives and mothers seeking to ascertain whether their loved ones are among the dead or injured, or whether they succeeded in escaping the pogrom bands.

"The Jewish ghetto is heavily guarded by troops, but the ruins are still fresh.and smoking. Many of the houses are completely de-serted. The famous Algerian Jewish families Halini and Dadoun were completely exterminated by the Arab rioters.

"The Jewish printer Attali, whose children were all murdered by Arabs and who was severely injured, as was his wife, told me of the bestialities practiced by the Arabs during the pogrom, which he characterized as worse than the Inquisition in Spain.

"I myself saw two Jewish girls on the verge of death owing to the fact that pogromists cut off their breasts.

"The city is calm now, but the authorities are prepared for renewal of rioting.

"LONDON, Aug. 7. - London newspapers reporting the violent massacres which took place in Constantine, Algeria, emphasize that the worst features of the riots were the atrocities committed by the Arabs on the Jewish women and children. Estimates of the dead run to over 100, most of them killed in a brutal fashion.

The newspapers also revealed that most of the Jewish victims were killed by Arab debtors, whe seized upon the riots as a means of ridding themselves of debts owed the Jews.

Nakba "Displacement" - What Really happened?

In this video, 13 Palestinian Arabs discuss 1948 and why they Left their homes. Most were Promised by the 5 Arab Armies that they would soon Return after the Jews were exterminated.

This is quite a contrast from the Propaganda that the Jews forced the local Arabs to flee. But the fact is many Arabs chose to not fight against the Jews and they stayed.

150,000+ Arabs chose not to flee (not "forced"). Now, those Arab descendants are the 2 million Arab-Israeli citizens.

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