The New Totalitarians Are Here


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
This thread is about one of the best commentaries I've read about the political and cultural climate in the U.S. today. There is a growing faction on the Left that, even when it wins, insists that "dissidents" must be forced to "believe". Tolerance is not enough; the opposition must be bludgeoned into True Believers.

We are fast heading towards 1984.

Totalitarians are a different breed. These are the people who have a plan, who think they see the future more clearly than you or who are convinced they grasp reality in a way that you do not. They don’t serve themselves—or, they don’t serve themselves exclusively—they serve History, or The People, or The Idea, or some other ideological totem that justifies their actions.

They want obedience, of course. But even more, they want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining. And the only way to achieve that is to create a new society of people who share those beliefs, even if it means bludgeoning every last citizen into enlightenment. That’s what makes totalitarians different and more dangerous: they are “totalistic” in the sense that they demand a complete reorientation of the individual to the State and its ideological ends. Every person who harbors a secret objection, or even so much as a doubt, is a danger to the future of the whole project, and so the regime compels its subjects not only to obey but to believe.


Love Your Terror
It is not enough for these Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”

Even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways.

This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas, and making Young an accomplice to rape will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest...

The New Totalitarians Are Here
This thread is about one of the best commentaries I've read about the political and cultural climate in the U.S. today. There is a growing faction on the Left that, even when it wins, insists that "dissidents" must be forced to "believe". Tolerance is not enough; the opposition must be bludgeoned into True Believers.

We are fast heading towards 1984.

Totalitarians are a different breed. These are the people who have a plan, who think they see the future more clearly than you or who are convinced they grasp reality in a way that you do not. They don’t serve themselves—or, they don’t serve themselves exclusively—they serve History, or The People, or The Idea, or some other ideological totem that justifies their actions.

They want obedience, of course. But even more, they want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining. And the only way to achieve that is to create a new society of people who share those beliefs, even if it means bludgeoning every last citizen into enlightenment. That’s what makes totalitarians different and more dangerous: they are “totalistic” in the sense that they demand a complete reorientation of the individual to the State and its ideological ends. Every person who harbors a secret objection, or even so much as a doubt, is a danger to the future of the whole project, and so the regime compels its subjects not only to obey but to believe.


Love Your Terror
It is not enough for these Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”

Even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways.

This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas, and making Young an accomplice to rape will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest...

The New Totalitarians Are Here
that's not new thinking

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot did those very things.
Ah this is what Rush was talking about today. It must be today's talking point from the GOP. Nvm that republicans do the same thing on issues. For example: marriage can only be between a man and woman, gay marriage is destroying families, gay people are pedophiles, gay people should be discriminated against, gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, gay people should go to reparative therapy, gay people should not be allowed in the military, etc.

But yeah it's just the people you disagree with that are being totalitarian... :rolleyes:

This thread is about one of the best commentaries I've read about the political and cultural climate in the U.S. today. There is a growing faction on the Left that, even when it wins, insists that "dissidents" must be forced to "believe". Tolerance is not enough; the opposition must be bludgeoned into True Believers.

We are fast heading towards 1984.

Totalitarians are a different breed. These are the people who have a plan, who think they see the future more clearly than you or who are convinced they grasp reality in a way that you do not. They don’t serve themselves—or, they don’t serve themselves exclusively—they serve History, or The People, or The Idea, or some other ideological totem that justifies their actions.

They want obedience, of course. But even more, they want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining. And the only way to achieve that is to create a new society of people who share those beliefs, even if it means bludgeoning every last citizen into enlightenment. That’s what makes totalitarians different and more dangerous: they are “totalistic” in the sense that they demand a complete reorientation of the individual to the State and its ideological ends. Every person who harbors a secret objection, or even so much as a doubt, is a danger to the future of the whole project, and so the regime compels its subjects not only to obey but to believe.


Love Your Terror
It is not enough for these Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”

Even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways.

This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas, and making Young an accomplice to rape will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest...

The New Totalitarians Are Here
that's not new thinking

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot did those very things.

Indeed. That's the point. They were Totalitarians, and now we have our own Special Snowflake version in the U.S.
Ah this is what Rush was talking about today. It must be today's talking point from the GOP. Nvm that republicans do the same thing on issues. For example: marriage can only be between a man and woman, gay marriage is destroying families, gay people are pedophiles, gay people should be discriminated against, gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, gay people should go to reparative therapy, gay people should not be allowed in the military, etc.

But yeah it's just the people you disagree with that are being totalitarian... :rolleyes:


That's funny. You listen to Rush.

I don't.
Ah this is what Rush was talking about today. It must be today's talking point from the GOP. Nvm that republicans do the same thing on issues. For example: marriage can only be between a man and woman, gay marriage is destroying families, gay people are pedophiles, gay people should be discriminated against, gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, gay people should go to reparative therapy, gay people should not be allowed in the military, etc.

But yeah it's just the people you disagree with that are being totalitarian... :rolleyes:


That's funny. You listen to Rush.

I don't.
Well maybe you should. When you hear the insanity you people believe in out loud, it really drives home how whiny and crazy you sound.
Ah this is what Rush was talking about today. It must be today's talking point from the GOP. Nvm that republicans do the same thing on issues. For example: marriage can only be between a man and woman, gay marriage is destroying families, gay people are pedophiles, gay people should be discriminated against, gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, gay people should go to reparative therapy, gay people should not be allowed in the military, etc.

But yeah it's just the people you disagree with that are being totalitarian... :rolleyes:


That's funny. You listen to Rush.

I don't.
Well maybe you should. When you hear the insanity you people believe in out loud, it really drives home how whiny and crazy you sound.

I think you fit right in with 1984, bub. Now, go worship Big Brother.
The Federalist. Interesting read. The totalitarians are the ones who won't do what the far right wants. OK.
The Federalist. Interesting read. The totalitarians are the ones who won't do what the far right wants. OK.

This isn't really a Far Right issue. The issue affects anyone who disagrees with a Cause Du Jour promoted by the Prog Mob. Today's it's Gay Marriage and the Confederate Flag...leading to a small bakery being driven out of business and the Dukes of Hazard being BANNED.

As complete BELIEF is the goal, the odds are that most of us will transgress at some point.
The battle line will be the first time a serious court challenge is made to force a court to marry a couple against its membership's will.

You watch from left to right gather together to stop it.
This thread is about one of the best commentaries I've read about the political and cultural climate in the U.S. today. There is a growing faction on the Left that, even when it wins, insists that "dissidents" must be forced to "believe". Tolerance is not enough; the opposition must be bludgeoned into True Believers.

We are fast heading towards 1984.

Totalitarians are a different breed. These are the people who have a plan, who think they see the future more clearly than you or who are convinced they grasp reality in a way that you do not. They don’t serve themselves—or, they don’t serve themselves exclusively—they serve History, or The People, or The Idea, or some other ideological totem that justifies their actions.

They want obedience, of course. But even more, they want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining. And the only way to achieve that is to create a new society of people who share those beliefs, even if it means bludgeoning every last citizen into enlightenment. That’s what makes totalitarians different and more dangerous: they are “totalistic” in the sense that they demand a complete reorientation of the individual to the State and its ideological ends. Every person who harbors a secret objection, or even so much as a doubt, is a danger to the future of the whole project, and so the regime compels its subjects not only to obey but to believe.


Love Your Terror
It is not enough for these Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”

Even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways.

This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas, and making Young an accomplice to rape will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest...

The New Totalitarians Are Here

More RW victimology.
Uh....isn't someone telling you to change your opinion on something just political speech? And are you not free to tell them to go f#$k themselves?

Con media, they have a never ending strawman argument in their magicians hat to pull out whenever needed.

You want to say something, get off your ass and SAY IT. That is how free speech works. Jesus H cons have become the whiner classes of the population. You people whine about EVERYTHING that doesn't go your way.

Whining is free speech, whine on.
This pretty much 'splains it:

…To understand the behavior of the intelligentsia it is imperative to keep in mind at all times its deliberate detachment from reality: for while the revolutionaries can be ruthlessly pragmatic in exploiting, for tactical purposes, the people’s grievances, their notion of what the people desire is the product of sheer abstraction. Not surprisingly, when they come to power, revolutionary intellectuals immediately seize control of the means of information and institute a tight censorship: for it is only by suppressing free speech that they can impose their “sur-reality” on ordinary people bogged down in the quagmire of facts.

—Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution, Chapter 4

On Sur-Reality And Blood Libel The Camp Of The Saints
The Federalist. Interesting read. The totalitarians are the ones who won't do what the far right wants. OK.
look at this asshole, defending the left, the whole left b/c he thinks the far right is the same. and then he blathers on why we think he's just another leftist
I would call out criminals left and right and center. I am no more a lefty than you are a normal, mainstream American. Whine all you want, it's your right to do so.
boedicca, that's interesting but has nothing to do with America.

We have free speech. You have the right to call your opponents dipshits, and they you.

You guys are whining that you lost.

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