average US Income, almost 50k per year.

May 21, 2015
but a HUGE chunk of that income is from those paid FAR More than the 1/4 mill max per year that is taxed for SS. 1/7th of that is paid into SS, so, say 6k per year paid in. Average working lifespan, 35 years (due to early deaths, higher education for many, exemptions, injury, illness, etc). So, about 200k paid into SS per person. Average draw-out of SS is about 10k per year, for an average of about 20 years. Notice that NOTHING is paid towards Medicare, and average Medicare cost, for those on SS, is half a million $ per person. Cause so many are on SS disability very early in life. That, and VA disability and medical costs, are a HUGE drain on the US economy.
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I know you a trying to say something in there.

I blame the education system today. It's really not your fault.

Do you even know how to construct a sentence?
Gramnny says, "Dat's right - no matter how much ya spend - we just keep gettin' poorer...

Census: U.S. Household Income Peaked at End of 20th Century; Down 6.5% in Last 7 Years
September 17, 2015 | Real median household income in the United States has been on a generally downward trend since it peaked at the end of the last century in 1999, according to data released yesterday by the Census Bureau.
In 2014, according to Table H-6 that the Census Bureau released along with its annual report on income and poverty in the United States, real median household income was $53,657. The report said that was “not statistically different from the 2013 median,” which was $54,462.

However, said the Census Bureau, the median household income of $53,657 in 2014 was “6.5 percent lower than the 2007 (the year before the most recent recession) median ($57,357), and 7.2 percent lower than the median household income peak ($57,843) that occurred in 1999.”


According to Table H-6, which lists median household income in constant 2014 dollars for every year from 1975 through 2014, the real median household income in the United States was $55,313 in 2008, the year Barack Obama was elected president.

Of the four major regions of the country, the Northeast had the highest median household income ($59,210) and West had the second highest ($57,688), the Midwest had the third highest ($54,267) and the South had the lowest ($49,655).

Census: U.S. Household Income Peaked at End of 20th Century; Down 6.5% in Last 7 Years

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