The Myth That Refuses To Die

I know what I signed up for--so I wont bitch about how much I make. I accept it, and I'm actually fine with it.

BUT I work A LOT more than 40 hours a week (which is all I'm paid for). Just saying.
I know what I signed up for--so I wont bitch about how much I make. I accept it, and I'm actually fine with it.

BUT I work A LOT more than 40 hours a week (which is all I'm paid for). Just saying.

Most salaried employees work more than 40 hr/w
By your dismissive tone regarding my incorrect attribution of that number, it certainly implied that you thought it was ludicrously high. .

Nothing was implied. You made an asinine assumption.
The proof is in the pudding as the kids are successful. The vast majority go onto further schooling. I think the number that have joined the military upon graduating the past 5 years can be counted on 1 hand. ...

Choosing to serve the country in the military sounds pretty damn successful to me.

Reading your posts, it is clear that your standards for success are not terribly high.
BUT I work A LOT more than 40 hours a week (which is all I'm paid for). Just saying.

Most salaried employees work more than 40 hr/w

Teachers get paid by the hour in my district.

At face value these two statements seem to be contradictory. You say you are paid by the hour and then say you are only paid for 40 hours per week yet work "A LOT" more than 40 hours.

Mind posting the school district and state you work in. I'd like to verify that?

judge not less ye be judged. what are you worth? as much as you can get? and your gang tries to take as much as it can get. so does the teachers gang. what's the problem? you are forced to pay for insurance? but you can shop around? oh well, sour grapes. go spend some time with today's crazy self centered youth and see how much you want to be paid. no i'm not a teacher as you can see by the spelling and not in union. so save those two for some one else. we should all be judging each other much more equally and honestly. i don't think some one selling me bad stock or bonds on the free market should make millions as millions lose their homes because of their swindles. that's a dishonest and unwary living off other's misery. but do you hear me crying?

So a person going to college sees that their chosen profession pays X. They graduate from college and get a job in their chosen profession and get paid X, but since they graduated now want Y, not seeing why they deserve Y, when they were told they'd get X and still pursued their careers.
x + y = bs going to school to learn how to hide the truth in a court of law, which is what lawyers are presently paid for. Lawyers legally drawing up laws against the people they are meant to protect is also bullshit and shall fall to the truth of God's laws. Those going to learn banking, wall street economics, that was suppose to help people wisely invest in growing companies for the benefit of them and others with in that company, as corporations were first established and charged to do, has now come to serve a chosen few. those few have chosen the wrong path and you all followed blindly. now we shall pay for our stupidty and sloth
Teachers are underpaid.

The fact is that:

. . . teachers actually do quite well for themselves when you consider the economic realities of their profession.
Then there is the matter of demand — or lack of it. According to Andrew Coulson at the Cato Institute, since 1970 the public-school workforce has roughly doubled, from 3.3 million to 6.4 million (predominately teachers), while over the same period, the enrollment of children rose by only 8.5 percent — or a rate that was 11 times slower. Recently, the National Council on Teacher Quality found that schools are training twice as many elementary-school teachers as they need every year.

With this kind of surplus, the question we really should be asking is: How are teachers’ salaries so high?

Are teachers underpaid? Let’s find out
By: David Harsanyi
7/25/2014 08:33 AM

Are teachers underpaid? Let's find out | Human Events

This is the secret Democrats guard like Fort Knox. Open-borders will increase the education industry’s tax dollar funded customer base by tens of millions which converts to hundred of billions paid to the economic and intellectual foundation of the parasite class. And that is on top of the tens of billions of tax dollars education industry parasites already get. In precise terms the salaries of everybody in the education industry from teachers to bloated administrative staffs to building maintenance personnel will further enrich the government middle class at the same time it destroys the private sector.

It’s for children is the lie that feeds the myth.

There's a classroom waiting for you! Let's see how long you last! Now, the trick is to be a GOOD teacher!
if teachers don't like the pay then why do they go to school to get jobs as teachers Unkatare ?? Teachers are s'posed to be smart but getting a [supposedly] low paying job as a teacher doesn't sound very smart to me . Maybe teachers oughta get jobs where they like the pay scale !!

Teaching is like a "calling" for preachers. It isn't for the pay. They work beyond the classroom hours preparing for class and grading papers after class. They work on motivational strategies outside of the classroom, decorating the classroom on their own time, etc. Most teacher stay after school to have conferences with parents when behavioral or classwork problems arise. Teacher meetings, grant meetings and PTA meetings are also unpaid.

No 9-5 job for teachers. Summer work usually involves college classes to update their certificates which is ongoing for most teachers..
x + y = bs going to school to learn how to hide the truth in a court of law, which is what lawyers are presently paid for. Lawyers legally drawing up laws against the people they are meant to protect is also bullshit and shall fall to the truth of God's laws. Those going to learn banking, wall street economics, that was suppose to help people wisely invest in growing companies for the benefit of them and others with in that company, as corporations were first established and charged to do, has now come to serve a chosen few. those few have chosen the wrong path and you all followed blindly. now we shall pay for our stupidty and sloth

Bottom line, you know going in that teaching doesn't pay squat. Why bitch and moan when you start teaching, don't act so stupid.
hey Jackson , --- voluntary extra work is fine and I applaud it but if its VOLUNTARY then they shouldn't complain about pay . If teaching is a calling then they know the pay scale before the try to become teachers !!
I know what I signed up for--so I wont bitch about how much I make. I accept it, and I'm actually fine with it.

BUT I work A LOT more than 40 hours a week (which is all I'm paid for). Just saying.

I work a lot more than 40 hours a week, it's called salary, you do what you need to do to get the job done.
morning Unkatore , hows it goin . Yeah , voluntary work is work that is done voluntarily and volunteer work should be done with no expectation of payment . Simple solution is for teachers to quit beating the drum [tootin their horn] about volunteer work and quit doing volunteer work !! [simple solution]
You think a 6 to 8 year old kid should be able to eat whatever they want? This has been many school districts approach for years, hot dogs, french frys, and ice cream. What kid is going to select fresh salads and fruits instead candy bars and soda pops. I understand your point about government control of our lives, but that's exactly what young kids need in schools, not freedom of choice.

I work a lot more than 40 hours a week, it's called salary, you do what you need to do to get the job done.

I'm paid by the hour not salary. Info agree with your premise though. Personally I don't bitch and so my job however long it takes
Tell you what I won't post it publicly but I'll pm it to you if you admit I'm not full of shit. Deal?

By "work" more than 40 hours I mean mostly planning and grading. I work 8 hours a day. I have 6 classes, lunch, and a planning period. Planning period is only 50 mins long.

Now i currently have a little over 150 students. I make every student write everyday (I teach English). At least two paragraphs...many times they need to write more (it really depends on the day and what the lesson is).

That's 300+ paragraphs everyday. I'm paid 50 mins to grade/revise all of those AND plan for future classes (I have 2 preps meaning I teach 9th and 10th grade so I need to plan two separate lessons).

If I have essays to grade/revise times that by 100 or 50,

Now you tell me is it really possible that I can do all of that in 50 minutes a day?Maybe if I was a shitty teacher who didn't care I would (and unfortunately there are many out there).

It's why many English teachers don't bother to read a lot of the work students hand in (which for the record I think is bs).

So I think we can agree that in order to do my job effectively I need to work more than 8 hours a day (40 hours a week).

Now I am paid hourly. Obviously I get sick/personal days (which I've never taken).

Oh and the icing on the cake? As a non-education major (which I like to think makes me well rounded) I have to pay to take classes during the school year for the state.

I want to make it crystal clear I'm NOT bitching. I know what I signed up for. I'm fine with it.

What pisses me off is people who have no clue what they're talking about comment about what my job entails because they heard from somewhere else. I don't assume I know everything your job entails, don't make assumptions about mine either.

A lot of what you hear or may perceive is true. A lot of it is bullshit.

What pisses me off the most is that I bust my ass every single day to do the best possible job for my students and people belittle me (usually because they assume I'm a liberal-which I'm not). Or they blame everything on teachers when they won't buy their kid a $1 folder or notch about having to buy a $8 book but will buy their kid $300 shoes. That's their choice and it's fine. But when you tell your kidneys more important to have a pair of Air Jordan 7s than it is to get an education-----don't blame me when your kid doesn't take school seriously.

Ps: oh and for the record I opted out of the teachers union (which in all fairness did ruffle the feathers of some co-workers but not all and I'm not the only one to do so).

At face value these two statements seem to be contradictory. You say you are paid by the hour and then say you are only paid for 40 hours per week yet work "A LOT" more than 40 hours.

Mind posting the school district and state you work in. I'd like to verify that?

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Teachers work around 2/3 the hours of other professionals and they get around 2/3 of the pay

Seems about right

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