The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

During the early 1960's white racial moderates thought that by supporting civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty they were buying racial peace. What they got instead were five years of black ghetto rioting, and more enduring increases in black social pathology.
They thought civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would make up for centuries of brutalizing racism?
Allow me to educate you once again: Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":

That's a Republican strategist for Nixon laying out the GOP plan going forward.

The Southern Strategy was real, dipshit. It's right there in front of you now.

You're welcome.

The Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory requires that Nixon and following GOP pres. candidates pandered to southern wacists.

So, what policies did Nixon use to do that?

Hint. Dont spend too much time looking, You won't find anything. This is where you need to start employing every logical fallacy you can, to try to hide the fact that you cannot support your position.
The Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory requires that Nixon and following GOP pres. candidates pandered to southern wacists.

So, what policies did Nixon use to do that?

Hint. Dont spend too much time looking, You won't find anything. This is where you need to start employing every logical fallacy you can, to try to hide the fact that you cannot support your position.
Did you click on the link and read it, dumbass?
They thought civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would make up for centuries of brutalizing racism?

Sounds stupid when you put it like that.

But, you have to remember, black leadership was claiming to want integration. They thought they were giving blacks what they wanted, and that the goal was living together as equals in harmony.

The PayBack shit came later, once political power shifted and lies were not needed as much.
Did you click on the link and read it, dumbass?

I've read it all before.

you know what else that republican said? He said that "his generation" of southerns, ie the boomers, were the first generation of southerns that were not racist.

This is hte part where you explain how Atkins was sooo trustworthy and smart where he said what you liked, but bat shit crazy and untrustworthy at other times.
They thought civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would make up for centuries of brutalizing racism?
They thought giving blacks equal equal rights would cause most blacks to behave and perform as well as most whites, for the first time in history, anywhere on earth. They were disappointed, so they began to vote Republican. The black response to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty destroyed the New Deal Coalition that came to existence during the election of 1932, and turned the United States into a Republican country.

White racism does not cause black social pathology; black social pathology causes white racism. No one should be surprised that a race that is accurately associated with low intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy arouses negative feelings toward itself.
That you rely on a Tik Toc video for "actual facts" tells me everything I need to know about your level of idiocy.

On March 28, 2019, Angie Maxwell presented “The Long Southern Strategy: How Chasing White Voters in the South Changed American Politics” as part of the Pryor Center Presents lecture series. Beginning with Barry Goldwater’s Operation Dixie in 1964, the Republican Party targeted disaffected white voters in the Democratic stronghold of the American South. To realign these voters with the GOP, the party capitalized on white racial angst that threatened southern white control. However—and this is critical—that decision was but one in a series of decisions the GOP made not just on race, but on feminism and religion as well, in what is called here the “Long Southern Strategy.” In the wake of Second-Wave Feminism, the GOP dropped the Equal Rights Amendment from its platform and promoted traditional gender roles in an effort to appeal to anti-feminist white southerners, and it politicized evangelical fundamentalist Christianity represented by the Southern Baptist Convention. Over time, that made the party southern, not in terms of place, but in its vision, in its demands, in its rhetoric, and in its spirit. In doing so, it nationalized southern white identity, and that has changed American politics.
On one hand it's so silly that it's a little humorous and laughable, but on the other hand, a lot of LWQNJ moonbats are so stupid, thoughtless, and thoroughly brainwashed, that they actually believe it. The sad thing is, most of them are not just playing and pretending to be that stupid, they really are that fucking stupid.
Let's settle this once and for all.
Uh, guy, these excuses just won't fly. If you aren't the first person to repeat a slander, doesn't mean you aren't guilty of slander.

Your party has been playing on racism since Tricky Dick, through Willie Horton, up to Trump talking about a birth certificate. Because the last thing your side ever wants is white people looking at who are REALLY causing their problems.
Not true
The Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory requires that Nixon and following GOP pres. candidates pandered to southern wacists.

So, what policies did Nixon use to do that?

Hint. Dont spend too much time looking, You won't find anything. This is where you need to start employing every logical fallacy you can, to try to hide the fact that you cannot support your position.

the explanation is here.
As Northern Union Democrats embraced Marxism they ( Rosenbergs) gave the Bomb to the Russians to even the playing field

the explanation is here.
The Southern Strategy worked because the civil rights movement did not work. Giving Negroes equal rights did not cause most of them to behave and perform as well as most whites. It lead immediately to five years of black ghetto rioting, and to more enduring increases in black social pathology. Black academic performance improved little, despite expensive government spending programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind.

A criminal justice system that is effective for whites and Orientals is insufficiently harsh for Negroes. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and particularly in the South. This is why, when a black man and a white man committed the same crime, the black man received more punishment. It is why police brutality is sometimes necessary to control black crime.

Liberals pretend that proximity to Negroes dispels prejudice against them. If this was true, Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States. Because Southern whites see Negroes up close every day, Southern whites are the most prejudiced, and the Southern Strategy worked and continues to work.

Yes, wonderful lesson and whenever these blowhards on the left repeat marxist cliches and utter BS about the democrats in the all of sudden switching parties, listen to the truth and counter it with facts.

Not that that would mean much to these contaminated thoroughly dd.moralized leftists around, you can at least have the actual facts.
The thread premise is a lie.

The Southern Strategy was – and still is – a fact; used by Republicans to attract Southern racists and bigots to the Party:

‘Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman tacitly admitted the racial basis of the southern strategy. In prepared remarks to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Mehlman acknowledged that “some Republicans [were] trying to benefit politically from racial polarization,” adding that “we were wrong” and calling it “not healthy for the country for the political parties to be so racially polarized.”’

The Southern Strategy continues to this day, as expressed by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

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