The "Mostly Peaceful" and Tolerant Left Strike Again.


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
For the crime of displaying a Trump flag, this family gets their garage and vehicles torched by BLM knuckle draggers.

Long past time to start shooting on sight.

BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. — It was a harrowing morning for Deana and Dennis Molla of Brooklyn Center. The parents of two small children were stirred from their sleep at 3:40 a.m. by the sound of a boom outside their home and the sight of flames leaping from their driveway.

"I was just thinking that it was not real. I thought it was just some sort of dream or something," Dennis Molla told KARE Wednesday morning, as officers from the FBI, ATF and Brooklyn Center Police Department poked through the rubble of his garage for clues.

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For the crime of displaying a Trump flag, this family gets their garage and vehicles torched by BLM knuckle draggers.

Long past time to start shooting on sight.

BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. — It was a harrowing morning for Deana and Dennis Molla of Brooklyn Center. The parents of two small children were stirred from their sleep at 3:40 a.m. by the sound of a boom outside their home and the sight of flames leaping from their driveway.

"I was just thinking that it was not real. I thought it was just some sort of dream or something," Dennis Molla told KARE Wednesday morning, as officers from the FBI, ATF and Brooklyn Center Police Department poked through the rubble of his garage for clues.

The perps should be charged with arson, attempted murder as well as civil rights and hate crime violations if found. And yeah, anyone caught setting fire to your house while your kids are inside can be shot with a gun. They are idiots if they dont realize the risk they are taking.
I would have opened up on them.
Where are the motherfucking left on this one:


They are all scumbags and hypocrites. They know any comments they would have to make would only further illustrate that fact.

When did violence become acceptable behavior just because you don't like who someone voted for?

Why is this only happening to conservatives, and not the other way around?

It's because the media and Democrat politicians have been encouraging this behavior for years, and lefties are just showing who they have always been.

Intolerant anti American psychopaths...
Where are the motherfucking left on this one:

I doubt the left supports this anymore than the right supports it's extremists.

The big difference? The right's extremists haven't been using violence, they have only been using words and symbols.


OTH, Trump actually DID use dog whistle racist comments recently in a speech in Minnesota. It was awful.


Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed
Touting “the racehorse theory” and the superiority of the genes of white Minnesotans, Trump explicitly embraced eugenics
Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed

Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have 'good genes'

"You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota," Trump said.

That is the sort of thing that supposedly is provoking the extreme left into violence, if you do not understand that, there can not be a solution to this.

Dog whistle (politics)
Dog whistle (politics) - Wikipedia
" (Redirected from Dog-whistle politics)
In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in sheepherding.
Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences. They are generally used to convey messages on issues likely to provoke controversy without attracting negative attention. One example may be use of a phrase such as family values to signal to Christians that a candidate would support policies promoting Christian values, without alienating non-Christian supporters.[1] Accusations of dog whistling are, by their nature, hard to prove and may be false. One example may be the use of the phrase 'international banks' to signal to racists that a candidate is antisemetic without alienating non-racist supporters.[2] Some argue that the concept is too vague and prone to false accusations.[3]. . . "
Where are the motherfucking left on this one:

I doubt the left supports this anymore than the right supports it's extremists.

The big difference? The right's extremists haven't been using violence, they have only been using words and symbols.


OTH, Trump actually DID use dog whistle racist comments recently in a speech in Minnesota. It was awful.


Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed
Touting “the racehorse theory” and the superiority of the genes of white Minnesotans, Trump explicitly embraced eugenics
Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed

Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have 'good genes'

"You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota," Trump said.

That is the sort of thing that supposedly is provoking the extreme left into violence, if you do not understand that, there can not be a solution to this.

Dog whistle (politics)
Dog whistle (politics) - Wikipedia
" (Redirected from Dog-whistle politics)
In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in sheepherding.
Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences. They are generally used to convey messages on issues likely to provoke controversy without attracting negative attention. One example may be use of a phrase such as family values to signal to Christians that a candidate would support policies promoting Christian values, without alienating non-Christian supporters.[1] Accusations of dog whistling are, by their nature, hard to prove and may be false. One example may be the use of the phrase 'international banks' to signal to racists that a candidate is antisemetic without alienating non-racist supporters.[2] Some argue that the concept is too vague and prone to false accusations.[3]. . . "
Nobody preached white supremacy in Minnesota, Dudley.

And the "dog whistle" is supposed to be only heard by the dog, so it could be reasonably concluded that the white supremacist is you (the royal "you" not literally).
For the crime of displaying a Trump flag, this family gets their garage and vehicles torched by BLM knuckle draggers.

Long past time to start shooting on sight.

BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. — It was a harrowing morning for Deana and Dennis Molla of Brooklyn Center. The parents of two small children were stirred from their sleep at 3:40 a.m. by the sound of a boom outside their home and the sight of flames leaping from their driveway.

"I was just thinking that it was not real. I thought it was just some sort of dream or something," Dennis Molla told KARE Wednesday morning, as officers from the FBI, ATF and Brooklyn Center Police Department poked through the rubble of his garage for clues.

It's obvious that the 'Quisling Fifth Column' media continues to spread their disinformation. We see it everyday as the Marxist Socialist anarchists continue to destroy and try to assassinate police in their Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities and blame it on White Supremacists, and the Alt Right, while all we see is Antifa and BLM Marxists at the front and center of the violence, arson, looting and murder.....

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Where are the motherfucking left on this one:

I doubt the left supports this anymore than the right supports it's extremists.

The big difference? The right's extremists haven't been using violence, they have only been using words and symbols.


OTH, Trump actually DID use dog whistle racist comments recently in a speech in Minnesota. It was awful.


Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed
Touting “the racehorse theory” and the superiority of the genes of white Minnesotans, Trump explicitly embraced eugenics
Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed

Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have 'good genes'

"You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota," Trump said.

That is the sort of thing that supposedly is provoking the extreme left into violence, if you do not understand that, there can not be a solution to this.

Dog whistle (politics)
Dog whistle (politics) - Wikipedia
" (Redirected from Dog-whistle politics)
In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in sheepherding.
Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences. They are generally used to convey messages on issues likely to provoke controversy without attracting negative attention. One example may be use of a phrase such as family values to signal to Christians that a candidate would support policies promoting Christian values, without alienating non-Christian supporters.[1] Accusations of dog whistling are, by their nature, hard to prove and may be false. One example may be the use of the phrase 'international banks' to signal to racists that a candidate is antisemetic without alienating non-racist supporters.[2] Some argue that the concept is too vague and prone to false accusations.[3]. . . "
Nobody preached white supremacy in Minnesota, Dudley.

And the "dog whistle" is supposed to be only heard by the dog, so it could be reasonably concluded that the white supremacist is you (the royal "you" not literally).

Everyone knows that all of the ruling oligarchs have eugenicists leanings. Sorry you may be triggered by truth.

For someone that specialized in Anthropology, I can tell you that such a comment made by the POTUS in Minneapolis was either one steeped in elitist eugenics signifying the generations and culture from the socioeconomic strata from where he came, or, sheer ignorance of the human genome.

I am inclined to believe it is of the former. Andrew Carnegie, Margaret Sanger, hell, even RBG all had similar ideas and values, misguided as they were.
Where are the motherfucking left on this one:

I doubt the left supports this anymore than the right supports it's extremists.

The big difference? The right's extremists haven't been using violence, they have only been using words and symbols.


OTH, Trump actually DID use dog whistle racist comments recently in a speech in Minnesota. It was awful.


Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed
Touting “the racehorse theory” and the superiority of the genes of white Minnesotans, Trump explicitly embraced eugenics
Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed

Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have 'good genes'

"You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota," Trump said.

That is the sort of thing that supposedly is provoking the extreme left into violence, if you do not understand that, there can not be a solution to this.

Dog whistle (politics)
Dog whistle (politics) - Wikipedia
" (Redirected from Dog-whistle politics)
In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in sheepherding.
Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences. They are generally used to convey messages on issues likely to provoke controversy without attracting negative attention. One example may be use of a phrase such as family values to signal to Christians that a candidate would support policies promoting Christian values, without alienating non-Christian supporters.[1] Accusations of dog whistling are, by their nature, hard to prove and may be false. One example may be the use of the phrase 'international banks' to signal to racists that a candidate is antisemetic without alienating non-racist supporters.[2] Some argue that the concept is too vague and prone to false accusations.[3]. . . "
Nobody preached white supremacy in Minnesota, Dudley.

And the "dog whistle" is supposed to be only heard by the dog, so it could be reasonably concluded that the white supremacist is you (the royal "you" not literally).

Everyone knows that all of the ruling oligarchs have eugenicists leanings. Sorry you may be triggered by truth.

For someone that specialized in Anthropology, I can tell you that such a comment made by the POTUS in Minneapolis was either one steeped in elitist eugenics signifying the generations and culture from the socioeconomic strata from where he came, or, sheer ignorance of the human genome.

I am inclined to believe it is of the former. Andrew Carnegie, Margaret Sanger, hell, even RBG all had similar ideas and values, misguided as they were.
I know the ruling oligarchs have eugenicist proclivities...The way I see it, they've been projecting them onto Trump with their lies about Charlottesville and their manic overreaction to the comment in Minnesota.
Where are the motherfucking left on this one:

I doubt the left supports this anymore than the right supports it's extremists.

The big difference? The right's extremists haven't been using violence, they have only been using words and symbols.


OTH, Trump actually DID use dog whistle racist comments recently in a speech in Minnesota. It was awful.


Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed
Touting “the racehorse theory” and the superiority of the genes of white Minnesotans, Trump explicitly embraced eugenics
Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed

Trump told a crowd of nearly all white supporters that they have 'good genes'

"You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota," Trump said.

That is the sort of thing that supposedly is provoking the extreme left into violence, if you do not understand that, there can not be a solution to this.

Dog whistle (politics)
Dog whistle (politics) - Wikipedia
" (Redirected from Dog-whistle politics)
In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named for ultrasonic dog whistles used in sheepherding.
Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences. They are generally used to convey messages on issues likely to provoke controversy without attracting negative attention. One example may be use of a phrase such as family values to signal to Christians that a candidate would support policies promoting Christian values, without alienating non-Christian supporters.[1] Accusations of dog whistling are, by their nature, hard to prove and may be false. One example may be the use of the phrase 'international banks' to signal to racists that a candidate is antisemetic without alienating non-racist supporters.[2] Some argue that the concept is too vague and prone to false accusations.[3]. . . "

What a load of shit..You don't get to try and excuse, or justify the violence done by one group by saying that the opposing group is using mean words you don't like. That's some incredibly infantile reasoning at work there.

We have something called free speech in this country (or we used to before the crazy left started to attack it).

Free speech that is supposed to allow people from whatever end of the political spectrum to say whatever it is they want to, no matter how heinous, or how much someone doesn't want to hear it...without fear of violent response.

It's only the left that I see taking it to extreme ends, and treading all over the constitutional rights of people who they simply just don't like.

The left is full of waaaay more hateful violent extremists (as evidenced by the amount of violence in our streets the past 6 months, and the leftist media/Dem leaders that have made them mainstream) than pictures of the few racists you could find.

And about your Trump dog whistle BS. You guys are full on loony tunes.

You don't ever have anything concrete on you have to resort to these kinds of ridiculous contrived twisting of words, and implied meanings to make it seem like Trump is saying something that he isn't.

I have been told many times that I have good genes, or we as a family have good genes...and it's not because of race, or some "white supremacist" doctrine.. It's because my family has been healthy and lived long lives.

It's a compliment people give to each other, and just something people say...

My weapon of choice. Use slugs, makes a neat hole.

I like your idea, but when using a shotgun against a mob, Double 0 buck shot seems to work well... You get twofers for one shot or shred the perp you're aiming for.
Then again my SKS loaded with a thirty round magazine will make short work of any mob aimed at ding harm to me or my family....

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