It's The Reichstag All Over Again


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

And, of course, just like the Reichstag Fire, they'll claim it's the other side, just as their media and schools claim about historic and current racism.

1. "Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene
... family says their garage and trucks were burned early Wednesday morning, and they believe it was because of the “Trump 2020” flags that were draped over them.

2. The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.
Denis says as he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out.

3. The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Dennis, a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for the president. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.
“We’re just very happy to be alive, and praise God that we’re alive,” Deana said.
The family was also able to save four puppies from the smoke-filled garage. Their home suffered minor damaged. They say they can’t believe someone targeted them for their political beliefs.

“It just shocked me,” Denis said. “These kind of stuff should not happen, especially over beliefs of some sort.”

4. This is the America you support if you vote Democrat.....the party that did everything to destroy Trump's greatest asset, the economy.
To destroy Trump they will stop at nothing, no matter how heinous.

If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

And, of course, just like the Reichstag Fire, they'll claim it's the other side, just as their media and schools claim about historic and current racism.

1. "Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene
... family says their garage and trucks were burned early Wednesday morning, and they believe it was because of the “Trump 2020” flags that were draped over them.

2. The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.
Denis says as he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out.

3. The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Dennis, a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for the president. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.
“We’re just very happy to be alive, and praise God that we’re alive,” Deana said.
The family was also able to save four puppies from the smoke-filled garage. Their home suffered minor damaged. They say they can’t believe someone targeted them for their political beliefs.

“It just shocked me,” Denis said. “These kind of stuff should not happen, especially over beliefs of some sort.”

4. This is the America you support if you vote Democrat.....the party that did everything to destroy Trump's greatest asset, the economy.
To destroy Trump they will stop at nothing, no matter how heinous.

View attachment 392777

sit tight-----someone out there is going to fart
If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

I saw an old thread that said Nazis are just like Democrats. Truer words were never spoken.
Dems have just replaced "Jew" with "Trump supporter".

Not 'replaced'......they alternate the two.

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]
If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

I saw an old thread that said Nazis are just like Democrats. Truer words were never spoken.

The word Nazi is a simple contraction of Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (DNSAP) – the Austrian "German National Socialist Workers' Party".

That's 'socialist worker's party.'

Exactly what the Democrat Party, ....

In fact, the Nazi program is the Democrat program:
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies
Click Here for Adolf Hitler and World War 2. What is NAtional SoZIalism. Economic, Social and Political policies of Adolf Hitler an...

So.....the only 'Nazis' are the Democrats.
"To be honest, we didn't feel threatened. We live in America," Molla said. "We live in the greatest country on earth and everybody has the right to say what they feel."

"My son's bedroom, his window is facing the garage. My son smelled like smoke this morning when I was putting him down to sleep after the whole thing, he smelled like smoke, so it just blows my mind that someone would stoop this low," she added."

And herein we find the difference between Americans, and Democrats: the former believes in free speech.
The latter, in punishment for any disagreement.
If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

And, of course, just like the Reichstag Fire, they'll claim it's the other side, just as their media and schools claim about historic and current racism.

1. "Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene
... family says their garage and trucks were burned early Wednesday morning, and they believe it was because of the “Trump 2020” flags that were draped over them.

2. The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.
Denis says as he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out.

3. The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Dennis, a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for the president. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.
“We’re just very happy to be alive, and praise God that we’re alive,” Deana said.
The family was also able to save four puppies from the smoke-filled garage. Their home suffered minor damaged. They say they can’t believe someone targeted them for their political beliefs.

“It just shocked me,” Denis said. “These kind of stuff should not happen, especially over beliefs of some sort.”

4. This is the America you support if you vote Democrat.....the party that did everything to destroy Trump's greatest asset, the economy.
To destroy Trump they will stop at nothing, no matter how heinous.

View attachment 392777

We know what's going down, PC . . . don't we? It's the French Revolution all over again, only this time Bastille Day is Bastille Year. We know that radical leftist rioter terrorists will soon be mass murdering their fellow Americans—even their fellow ideologues—in the streets. What's next? Guillotine parties? We must stop being shocked and surprised by what the radical left and neutered republicans do or don't do and determine a way forward for both ourselves, our families and our civilization, one which involves surviving 2020 and beyond. Stay safe out there.
"To be honest, we didn't feel threatened. We live in America," Molla said. "We live in the greatest country on earth and everybody has the right to say what they feel."

"My son's bedroom, his window is facing the garage. My son smelled like smoke this morning when I was putting him down to sleep after the whole thing, he smelled like smoke, so it just blows my mind that someone would stoop this low," she added."

And herein we find the difference between Americans, and Democrats: the former believes in free speech.
The latter, in punishment for any disagreement.

So the paranoid and crazy Trump Cult members have decided, on no evidence, that somebody set fire to their garage because they had a Trump sign in their yard. This is even better than the gun wielding homeowners saying the protestors in front of their homes were threatening them. And you being a loyal Trump Cultist yourself are amplifying this propaganda.

You get more and more gullible by the day. But then only the completely brainwashed cult members are still planning on voting for Trump. These even remotely capable of thinking for themselves have long since left the party of death.

Maybe they set fire to their own garage because they're in financial difficulty, and wanted the insurance money, and they're using the Trump sign to deflect from their own guilt.
Pentagon leaders have joined many other Americans in the fear the impeached president trump will order the military to put down post-election violence motivated by his attempted coup.

But why would military leaders be concerned about killing their fellow Americans‭? ‬They will just be following orders.

The impeached president trump expects the conservative members of the USSC will disregard all constitutional law and cave to his illegal demands to install him as führer.‭ ‬The impeached president trump realizes it will be necessary to order a few dozen Tiananmen Square style massacres of pro-democracy protesters to crush the resistance.‭ ‬They’ll be the first Americans to experience how the new order wields its military might.‭ ‬Protests and protesters will no longer have‭ “‬that goddamned piece of paper‭” ‬to protect them,‭ ‬in fact,‭ ‬nobody will.

The white nationalists will have the Nazi States of America they’ve wanted for so long,‭ ‬but it’s highly probable it won’t be the racist utopia they had hoped.‭ ‬Since their iron-fisted hero will no longer require their political support,‭ ‬and their private militias will be absorbed into the der führer’s Wehrmacht.

As with all fascist states,‭ ‬and with‭ “‬that goddamned piece of paper‭” ‬burned to ash,‭ ‬private ownership of firearms will no longer be permitted due to the danger posed to der führer’s safety.

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a big surprise if the conservative members of the USSC fail to understand the deadly consequences in rubber-stamping the impeached president trump’s government take-over.‭ ‬Black lives will no longer matter,‭ ‬but neither will the lives of the devoted fanatics or anyone else.

If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

And, of course, just like the Reichstag Fire, they'll claim it's the other side, just as their media and schools claim about historic and current racism.

1. "Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene
... family says their garage and trucks were burned early Wednesday morning, and they believe it was because of the “Trump 2020” flags that were draped over them.

2. The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.
Denis says as he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out.

3. The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Dennis, a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for the president. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.
“We’re just very happy to be alive, and praise God that we’re alive,” Deana said.
The family was also able to save four puppies from the smoke-filled garage. Their home suffered minor damaged. They say they can’t believe someone targeted them for their political beliefs.

“It just shocked me,” Denis said. “These kind of stuff should not happen, especially over beliefs of some sort.”

4. This is the America you support if you vote Democrat.....the party that did everything to destroy Trump's greatest asset, the economy.
To destroy Trump they will stop at nothing, no matter how heinous.

View attachment 392777
So now a garage is a legislative building that hold its elected members of the Wehrmacht... in Germany.....Yeah, PS is not losing her mind.
If the threat of the modern Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks isn't written clearly enough for you, here's a story of them taking it from burning down business districts, to them moving to their next level: they have no compunctions about destroying your home, your life and your family.

And, of course, just like the Reichstag Fire, they'll claim it's the other side, just as their media and schools claim about historic and current racism.

1. "Suspicious Fire Destroys Trump Supporter’s Garage, Truck; Pro-Biden, BLM Graffiti Left At Scene
... family says their garage and trucks were burned early Wednesday morning, and they believe it was because of the “Trump 2020” flags that were draped over them.

2. The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.
Denis says as he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children — ages 2 and 5 months — out.

3. The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Dennis, a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for the president. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.
“We’re just very happy to be alive, and praise God that we’re alive,” Deana said.
The family was also able to save four puppies from the smoke-filled garage. Their home suffered minor damaged. They say they can’t believe someone targeted them for their political beliefs.

“It just shocked me,” Denis said. “These kind of stuff should not happen, especially over beliefs of some sort.”

4. This is the America you support if you vote Democrat.....the party that did everything to destroy Trump's greatest asset, the economy.
To destroy Trump they will stop at nothing, no matter how heinous.

View attachment 392777

We know what's going down, PC . . . don't we? It's the French Revolution all over again, only this time Bastille Day is Bastille Year. We know that radical leftist rioter terrorists will soon be mass murdering their fellow Americans—even their fellow ideologues—in the streets. What's next? Guillotine parties? We must stop being shocked and surprised by what the radical left and neutered republicans do or don't do and determine a way forward for both ourselves, our families and our civilization, one which involves surviving 2020 and beyond. Stay safe out there.

I wish I could give that post two smiley faces.
Dems have just replaced "Jew" with "Trump supporter".
While they all despise Israel, while Israel openly supports Trump, as they call Trump a nazi and his supporters members of the national socialist workers party, as they all promote socialism.

That's them.
Dems have just replaced "Jew" with "Trump supporter".
While they all despise Israel, while Israel openly supports Trump, as they call Trump a nazi and his supporters members of the national socialist workers party, as they all promote socialism.

That's them.

Always comes back to anti-Semitism in the end. All I can report, as a living human being, as a mind with a heart attached to it and still beating, mostly, is that I have meant good people and bad people, annoying people and people much, much better than myself. Some were Jews, some were "white", some black, brown, red, yellow . . . it's these group/collective judgements on categories of people that keep the human race divided and infighting century after bloody century. It's the new/not so new Tower of Babel and all that . . .
Good ole PC, still yearning for the days of her beloved Nazi Party

She is still pissed off that they lost
"To be honest, we didn't feel threatened. We live in America," Molla said. "We live in the greatest country on earth and everybody has the right to say what they feel."

"My son's bedroom, his window is facing the garage. My son smelled like smoke this morning when I was putting him down to sleep after the whole thing, he smelled like smoke, so it just blows my mind that someone would stoop this low," she added."

And herein we find the difference between Americans, and Democrats: the former believes in free speech.
The latter, in punishment for any disagreement.

So the paranoid and crazy Trump Cult members have decided, on no evidence, that somebody set fire to their garage because they had a Trump sign in their yard. This is even better than the gun wielding homeowners saying the protestors in front of their homes were threatening them. And you being a loyal Trump Cultist yourself are amplifying this propaganda.

You get more and more gullible by the day. But then only the completely brainwashed cult members are still planning on voting for Trump. These even remotely capable of thinking for themselves have long since left the party of death.

Maybe they set fire to their own garage because they're in financial difficulty, and wanted the insurance money, and they're using the Trump sign to deflect from their own guilt.

1. :... crazy Trump Cult members ..."

I've composed six rules for the Left, and here we find a perfect example of Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

The term 'cult' is most accurately applied to a religion, and that is what Leftism is, Militant Secularism.

It is the Left that sold their last President as god, Jesus and the messiah.
Of course, no one is calling Hussein Obama that, any longer.

2. " evidence, that somebody set fire to their garage because they had a Trump sign in their yard. "

And here we have an example of Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

From the OP:
The family’s garage, trucks and trailer were burned just after 3 a.m. Wednesday. Graffiti on the garage read, “Biden 2020,” “BLM” — shorthand for Black Lives Matter — and the anarchy symbol of an “A” with a circle around it. Two 3 x 5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck."

3. Anyone who has observed the destruction in America's street these last few months, and the Democrat DAs, Judges, prosecutors freeing any rioters who were arrested, knows who is behind the mayhem.....
.....the same ones who burned a home with children and puppies in it....., Democrats.
Pentagon leaders have joined many other Americans in the fear the impeached president trump will order the military to put down post-election violence motivated by his attempted coup.

But why would military leaders be concerned about killing their fellow Americans‭? ‬They will just be following orders.

The impeached president trump expects the conservative members of the USSC will disregard all constitutional law and cave to his illegal demands to install him as führer.‭ ‬The impeached president trump realizes it will be necessary to order a few dozen Tiananmen Square style massacres of pro-democracy protesters to crush the resistance.‭ ‬They’ll be the first Americans to experience how the new order wields its military might.‭ ‬Protests and protesters will no longer have‭ “‬that goddamned piece of paper‭” ‬to protect them,‭ ‬in fact,‭ ‬nobody will.

The white nationalists will have the Nazi States of America they’ve wanted for so long,‭ ‬but it’s highly probable it won’t be the racist utopia they had hoped.‭ ‬Since their iron-fisted hero will no longer require their political support,‭ ‬and their private militias will be absorbed into the der führer’s Wehrmacht.

As with all fascist states,‭ ‬and with‭ “‬that goddamned piece of paper‭” ‬burned to ash,‭ ‬private ownership of firearms will no longer be permitted due to the danger posed to der führer’s safety.

Yes,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a big surprise if the conservative members of the USSC fail to understand the deadly consequences in rubber-stamping the impeached president trump’s government take-over.‭ ‬Black lives will no longer matter,‭ ‬but neither will the lives of the devoted fanatics or anyone else.


The paranoia runs broad and deep in you morons.

And .....impeachment????


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