The Most Politically Ludicrous Things During Your Life


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What are the most politically ludicrous things that have happened during your lifetime. Young people have not had a very long lifetime, but that's OK. Whatever has been your life span, just list your top 3 most insane things you have seen happen.

Here are my top 3 most politically ludicrous >>

1. The 8 years (or 1 day) presidency of Bill Clinton. This disgusting thug, never held accountable for his crimes, murdered dozens of people who were scheduled to testify against him. They never got the chance.

2. The election of Hillary Clinton to Congress, being Sect. of State, and nominated to run for POTUS, while being a longtime mass murderer, same as her husband.

3. The ludicrous claim of Cassius Clay (aka "Muhammad Ali) of being a conscientious objector, based on being a Muslim, together with the Supreme Court's acceptance of this absurdity, based on the Welsh v. United States precedent, in which the Court had ruled that moral and ethical objection to war was as valid as religious objection.
Whaaaat ? Islam is the last thing in the world that could be connected to pacifism. It is exactly the opposite. The Koran is cover to cover WAR, and it isn't just suggested to Muslims to engage in it. It is commanded that they do it.
Clay's status a Muslim should have been the draft board's, the Justice Dept, and the Supreme Court's absolute proof and grounds for his conviction. Clay got lucky when the Justice Dept filed a sloppy appeal that didn't meet all the technical requirements, and the case was tossed by the SCOTUS based on a technicality.
Win or lose, no claim has ever been more ludicrous that someone saying he couldn't take part in war, based on being a Muslim.

Clay v. United States - Wikipedia

1. Invading the wrong country after 9/11.

Nothing tops this.

We are still paying the price for this stupidity as is the entire region.

Just think, if Bush II had not invaded Iraq, there never would have been an ISIS.
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1. Invading the wrong country after 9/11.

Nothing tops this.

We are still paying the price for this stupidity as is the entire region.

Just think, I Bush II had not invaded Iraq, there never would have been an ISIS.
ISIS is just another jihad group of which there have been thousands for 1400 years. Were all those Muslim invasions and conquests caused by Bush ?

Secondly, the invasion of Iraq was not as absurd as the invasion of Vietnam.
1. Invading the wrong country after 9/11.

Nothing tops this.

We are still paying the price for this stupidity as is the entire region.

Just think, I Bush II had not invaded Iraq, there never would have been an ISIS.
..I've been over this before---Iraq did NOT abide by PG1 cease fire terms--it was NOT an invasion but the LEGAL right to finish/continue PG1
...hitler violated the Versailles Treaty and no one did anything about it = WW2
Jimmy Carter - Iran hostages, oil shortage, poor economy
Barack Obama - poor GDP, economic malaise, divisiveness
Hillary as First Lady then Senator and awful Sec of State (think Russian reset)
LBJ - Great Society, created dependency and control of Blacks
Ted Kennedy - Chappaquiddick
John Edwards - affair as wife is dying of cancer
John Kerry - I voted for it before I voted against it
Al Gore - lost Presidency over gun control and his own state of Tennessee
1) Watched the Democrat Party move from being the leading advocate of civil liberties and against police state thuggery, to being apologists for civil liberties abuses and the police state.

2) Saw Jesse Ventura plummet from hard-assed independent firebrand to sniveling victim, in the span of four short years.

3) Marveled at the roaring silence from republican debt hawks, as their "compassionate conservative" boy Chimpola Bush spent more and expanded bureaucracy at a greater rate than did his liberal predecessor.

3a) Justice Roberts re-writing Ovimitcare from the bench.
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What are the most politically ludicrous things that have happened during your lifetime. Young people have not had a very long lifetime, but that's OK. Whatever has been your life span, just list your top 3 most insane things you have seen happen.

Here are my top 3 most politically ludicrous >>

1. The 8 years (or 1 day) presidency of Bill Clinton. This disgusting thug, never held accountable for his crimes, murdered dozens of people who were scheduled to testify against him. They never got the chance.

2. The election of Hillary Clinton to Congress, being Sect. of State, and nominated to run for POTUS, while being a longtime mass murderer, same as her husband.

3. The ludicrous claim of Cassius Clay (aka "Muhammad Ali) of being a conscientious objector, based on being a Muslim, together with the Supreme Court's acceptance of this absurdity, based on the Welsh v. United States precedent, in which the Court had ruled that moral and ethical objection to war was as valid as religious objection.
Whaaaat ? Islam is the last thing in the world that could be connected to pacifism. It is exactly the opposite. The Koran is cover to cover WAR, and it isn't just suggested to Muslims to engage in it. It is commanded that they do it.
Clay's status a Muslim should have been the draft board's, the Justice Dept, and the Supreme Court's absolute proof and grounds for his conviction. Clay got lucky when the Justice Dept filed a sloppy appeal that didn't meet all the technical requirements, and the case was tossed by the SCOTUS based on a technicality.
Win or lose, no claim has ever been more ludicrous that someone saying he couldn't take part in war, based on being a Muslim.

Clay v. United States - Wikipedia

I remember back in the 1970s when cars would line up for hours waiting for the rationing caused by Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter and his "we only have 10 years left before we run out of oil" bullshit. Back before this shit happened a gallon of gas was about 29 cents a gallon and a loaf of bread was a nickel. Those were the days...
What are the most politically ludicrous things that have happened during your lifetime. Young people have not had a very long lifetime, but that's OK. Whatever has been your life span, just list your top 3 most insane things you have seen happen.

Here are my top 3 most politically ludicrous >>

1. The 8 years (or 1 day) presidency of Bill Clinton. This disgusting thug, never held accountable for his crimes, murdered dozens of people who were scheduled to testify against him. They never got the chance.

2. The election of Hillary Clinton to Congress, being Sect. of State, and nominated to run for POTUS, while being a longtime mass murderer, same as her husband.

3. The ludicrous claim of Cassius Clay (aka "Muhammad Ali) of being a conscientious objector, based on being a Muslim, together with the Supreme Court's acceptance of this absurdity, based on the Welsh v. United States precedent, in which the Court had ruled that moral and ethical objection to war was as valid as religious objection.
Whaaaat ? Islam is the last thing in the world that could be connected to pacifism. It is exactly the opposite. The Koran is cover to cover WAR, and it isn't just suggested to Muslims to engage in it. It is commanded that they do it.
Clay's status a Muslim should have been the draft board's, the Justice Dept, and the Supreme Court's absolute proof and grounds for his conviction. Clay got lucky when the Justice Dept filed a sloppy appeal that didn't meet all the technical requirements, and the case was tossed by the SCOTUS based on a technicality.
Win or lose, no claim has ever been more ludicrous that someone saying he couldn't take part in war, based on being a Muslim.

Clay v. United States - Wikipedia


Donald getting elected President, your post, and birtherism.
The support of obvious, blatant lies from the administration, the press secretary, and the *president* itself starting with "biggest inaugural crowd ever" and ranging right on up to whatever he has said today.
There's obviously a helluva lot to choose from, but the denial of the causes of the Meltdown comes to mind first.
The after-the-fact spin regarding the Iraq War also.
Holy crap, I'd have to add the absolute shameless dropping of all standards in spinning for Trump.

Not sure how I could have forgotten that one. Maybe I'm just numb at this point.
1. Invading the wrong country after 9/11.

Nothing tops this.

We are still paying the price for this stupidity as is the entire region.

Just think, I Bush II had not invaded Iraq, there never would have been an ISIS.
..I've been over this before---Iraq did NOT abide by PG1 cease fire terms--it was NOT an invasion but the LEGAL right to finish/continue PG1
...hitler violated the Versailles Treaty and no one did anything about it = WW2

We did not invade Iraq due to "cease fire violations" we invaded Iraq because a good hearted but simple minded president was manipulated by his advisers into using the anger of the American people to further a life long goal of controlling the middle east and its oil.

And yes it was an invasion and it is still costing us money, lives and it screwed up the entire region worse than it already was.
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There's obviously a helluva lot to choose from, but the denial of the causes of the Meltdown comes to mind first.
The after-the-fact spin regarding the Iraq War also.
Holy crap, I'd have to add the absolute shameless dropping of all standards in spinning for Trump.

Not sure how I could have forgotten that one. Maybe I'm just numb at this point.
The dropping of standards happened way before the appearance of the God Emperor.
Watching the election in 2016.

The most qualified person ever to run for office, :21:, running against a person with absolutely no political experience, and losing.

Can't wait to see it happen again with Biden in Hillarys place.

(I'll be sitting on the sidelines, :popcorn:)
Dishonorable mention:

The 9/11Commission whitewash and coverup of Able Danger
Dan Quayle
The silence of both the media and political class, over Dianne Feinstein's blatant war profiteering and the Chinese spy in her midst.
The re-emergence or the Democrat Party as a pro-war party.
Jimmy Carter
The preposterous claim the GHWB wasn't "in the loop" viz. Iran-Contra, and the ensuing media whitewash
The entire Obama presidency
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There's obviously a helluva lot to choose from, but the denial of the causes of the Meltdown comes to mind first.
The after-the-fact spin regarding the Iraq War also.
Holy crap, I'd have to add the absolute shameless dropping of all standards in spinning for Trump.

Not sure how I could have forgotten that one. Maybe I'm just numb at this point.
The dropping of standards happened way before the appearance of the God Emperor.
Sure, it's been a slow and steady decline.
I would have to say the weaponizization of government.
Going from ask not what your country can do for you, to demand that my country do for me.
A supposed constitutional scholar writing an EO that even he said might not be constitutional.
A large and vocal part of America hoping for war and/ or the economy to fail because they don't like the current president.
Sancutuary cites.
The current presidential candidates promising government giveaways to purchase votes with no idea of how to pay for them.
1. Invading the wrong country after 9/11.

Nothing tops this.

We are still paying the price for this stupidity as is the entire region.

Just think, if Bush II had not invaded Iraq, there never would have been an ISIS.
ISIS, or more accurately, ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant), is an AQ affiliate. AQ had taken control of territory in northeastern Iraq before the 2003 invasion and even had a chemical and biological weapons facility in Iraq near Sargat.

The wrong country to go to war against after 9/11 was Libya. Libya was an ally in our war against AQ. AQ bombed the police stations and took over all of the government buildings in Benghazi so Libya sent their armed forces to go slaughter them. But they never made it because we bombed the shit out their convoys and air force.

That was fucking stupid.
The most outstanding of my 80 years.
1. Watching Japanese neighbors being taken away as supposed threats to our national security.
2. The long gas lines and American hostage fiasco of The Peanut Farmer.
3. The absolutely lunacy of anti-Trumpers.

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