The most famous rabbis of Israel Amnon Yitzhak.THE NWO already announced its COVID-19 plans... they are already written in UN documents in plain text.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The Antichrist and his world government through one of the most famous rabbis of Israel have announced their immediate plans, which, as we see, are already being implemented.

The Antichrist and his world government through one of the most famous rabbis of Israel have announced their immediate plans, which, as we see, are already being implemented.
Here is a translation of this rabbi's speech (see video below):

"In front of me is a document of the UN called the "New World Order", whose execution is designed for the period from 2021 to 2030. For this period of time, the following objectives are outlined:

- establishment of a single world government
- non-cash single global currency
- central/unified world bank
- unified world army
- revocation of national sovereignty
- revocation of property
- dissolution of the family institution
- global population decline
- control over population growth and density
- compulsory reusable vaccination
- universal basic income
- wage abolition
- implantation of the microchip into the human body for shopping, payment, travel and to control human movement
- implementation of social rating (as in China)
- countless electronic devices will be connected to 5G systems
- The government will take over the right to raise children
- Private schools, universities, and other institutions will move away from the state.
- closure of private vehicles
- closure of all private enterprises
- in air transportation the number of passengers will be limited to a minimum
- concentration of people in special areas (suburbs)
- irrigation cancellation
- The abolition of private enterprises in the agricultural sector, including the ban on animal ownership
- home cancellation
- land use restriction
- ban on all natural (non-synthetic) treatments
- prohibition of all non-traditional treatment methods (naturopathy)
- ban on all types of fossil fuels.

This is the content of the document. Who has ears, let him hear. Even the Egyptian pharaoh was more pitiful than this satanic system. I do not believe my eyes what is written in this document. Nevertheless, take a deep breath and do not despair, for all the reins are in the hands of God.

Now you can understand what going on now and why Covid-19 hoax is so useful.
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there is a Rabbi Amnon Ytzchak in Israel---but that
ain't him
Can you call him and ask him about this?

there are pictures of him on the net-----it's not the same person. As it happens he is yemenite in background.
That person in the clip introduced by Baron is not a yemenite person-----my hubby is. Another issue is that the speech presented by Baron has Yiddish interspersed---- IMPOSSIBLE for a yemenite person. The actual Rabbi Amon Yithchak is something of a nut------but not THAT NUTTY
there is a Rabbi Amnon Ytzchak in Israel---but that
ain't him
Can you call him and ask him about this?

there are pictures of him on the net-----it's not the same person. As it happens he is yemenite in background.
That person in the clip introduced by Baron is not a yemenite person-----my hubby is. Another issue is that the speech presented by Baron has Yiddish interspersed---- IMPOSSIBLE for a yemenite person. The actual Rabbi Amon Yithchak is something of a nut------but not THAT NUTTY

It's the same person, google ' Rabbi Amnon Ytzchak ' and see hundreds pictures of him
there is a Rabbi Amnon Ytzchak in Israel---but that
ain't him
Can you call him and ask him about this?

there are pictures of him on the net-----it's not the same person. As it happens he is yemenite in background.
That person in the clip introduced by Baron is not a yemenite person-----my hubby is. Another issue is that the speech presented by Baron has Yiddish interspersed---- IMPOSSIBLE for a yemenite person. The actual Rabbi Amon Yithchak is something of a nut------but not THAT NUTTY

It's the same person, google ' Rabbi Amnon Ytzchak ' and see hundreds pictures of him

I did-----if he were famous, hubby would know ALL
about him-----never heard of him. He is a fanatic
nut and certainly not the only one. I do not believe that the footage you posted is genuine----it seems to
include words in Yiddish that Yemenite people never use. In my town you can come across lots of psychotics on park benches and in train cars just as
ELOQUENT so what did you accomplish by putting up a fake? rubles?

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