The PCR test for the corona virus is useless, as it gives more false-positive results than really positive ones.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The much-publicized test for the corona virus is useless, as it gives more false-positive results than really positive ones.
The test absorbs virus residues from previous infections. However, the test is used to excuse lockouts and other limitations.

Just for remembrance

The flu kills up to 650,000 people worldwide every year. This is significantly more than the actual number of deaths caused by covid-19 in 2019/2020. Governments around the world have admitted that the total number of deaths caused by covid-19 was deliberately manipulated and massively exaggerated.
In America, the Center for Disease Control has admitted that its original estimate of the number of deaths caused solely by covid-19 was 94% wrong. The true number of deaths caused by Covid-19 alone is only 6% of the previously released official total.
The British government has admitted that more people will die than from Covid-19 as a result of the closures, and it is no exaggeration to say that the cure was worse than the disease. Suicide rates among children and adults have skyrocketed.
The flu kills up to 650,000 people worldwide every year. That is significantly more than the actual number of deaths caused by covid-19 in 2019/2020. Governments around the world have admitted that the total number of deaths caused by covid-19 was deliberately manipulated and massively exaggerated.
Many of the advocates of the "covid-19" scam have publicly stated that the world is overpopulated and that the world population must be reduced by 90%.
Every year there are an estimated 1 billion cases of influenza worldwide. If the media reported every single case of influenza, we would all be terrified of the flu.
Most medical experts now agree that the risk of dying from Covid-19 is almost identical to the risk of dying from influenza. But far more people are infected with the flu than have been infected with Covid-19.
Several billionaires (including Bill Gates) seem to be behind the hoax. In the first six months of the coronavirus hoax, the richest billionaires in the world have massively increased their wealth.
The World Health Organization has constantly changed its advice for no good reason. The main donor to the WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The test admitted my CDC was way off. 90% were a common cold and they tested positive. They don't have a vaccine what makes anyone think they have a valid test?

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