The most common sense approach to Climate Change


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC
People don't care about a few degrees warmer... we all just survived a Chinese bio weapon... climate change is nothing compared to that...
Well, it's hot as hell here in south Texas, but we always have hot summers and some not that hot. Our problem really isn't the heat, it's the drought. Which this area has had off and on for eons, including when the Spanish were here some 500 years ago. So, people can bitch about climate change, but I don't think we can lay the blame for every severe weather phenomenon on that.

Which isn't to say that the subject should be ignored, but I don't think we should be spending billions and trillions of dollars on programs and policies that are not proven to move the needle. Mostly I think it's a big scam by the politicians and their donor/supporters to get richer.
I do not understand why nuclear power isn't also on the table in a big way, at least in some places where earthquakes and sunamis are not a problem.

Nuclear should be the goal for mass energy. It's the best step in energy until we figure out the next stage beyond that.

Build a nuclear plant next to a coal plant. Train the coal workers to work at the nuclear plant, tie the nuclear plant into the grid, switch workers over, demo the coal plant and there you go. Could even leave the old coal plant site vacant in case you need to expand the nuclear plant or build a smaller supplemental plant.

No jobs have to be lost, no interruptions in power and everything is fine.
Nuclear should be the goal for mass energy. It's the best step in energy until we figure out the next stage beyond that.

Build a nuclear plant next to a coal plant. Train the coal workers to work at the nuclear plant, tie the nuclear plant into the grid, switch workers over, demo the coal plant and there you go. Could even leave the old coal plant site vacant in case you need to expand the nuclear plant or build a smaller supplemental plant.

No jobs have to be lost, no interruptions in power and everything is fine.
Training coal workers to run a nuclear plant is like training NYC bus drivers to race in Formula One! It is not happening!
You know, if battery tech would improve to something sustainable and our nation would commit to a REAL nuclear grid, I would consider giving up on fossil fuels. But, they won't. Because it's all about consolidating economic power. Nothing more.

So, fuck off.

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