The most accurate poll has Romney up by 5

To start with I never said rasmussen was perfect
I look at it as the approval rating is at 45 and the re-elect is at 53
there is a problem
Rasmussen missed the Reid win in 2010 by a mile, they admitted (as did many others)

For one thing, Rasmussen wants you to pay to see the internals, aka crosstabs, of their polls, so unless you pony up you can't even see who or how they might be polling - or claiming to poll - at this point.

So does Gallup, if you want the 'fine details.' Rasmussen, like Gallup gives enough for those of us interested, but not THAT interested to look.
To start with I never said rasmussen was perfect
I look at it as the approval rating is at 45 and the re-elect is at 53
there is a problem
Rasmussen missed the Reid win in 2010 by a mile, they admitted (as did many others)

For one thing, Rasmussen wants you to pay to see the internals, aka crosstabs, of their polls, so unless you pony up you can't even see who or how they might be polling - or claiming to poll - at this point.

So does Gallup, if you want the 'fine details.' Rasmussen, like Gallup gives enough for those of us interested, but not THAT interested to look.

Rasmussen does this for a living
what do you expect
My claim was to get the discussion going about polling data and the info it states to be discussed

Rasmussen I feel has this info close
Again BHO approval rating and Rasmussen's info is close to what the voters are thinking as I asses it

If you have a AP number that has a 53% approval, you start looking for a skunk
Latest AP Poll Sample Skews to Democrats by 17 Points - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online
Rasmussen cannot afford to do that and because they do it daily they leave them selves open for cherry picking

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
wait till the May job numbers come out and OBL media blitz is gone
I want to see Romney and Obama debate only because they will both sound like ass kissing wussies.
Rasmussen's pro-GOP bias in the 2010 elections:


Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly -

Oh dear we are in trouble. Lol. ;)
For one thing, Rasmussen wants you to pay to see the internals, aka crosstabs, of their polls, so unless you pony up you can't even see who or how they might be polling - or claiming to poll - at this point.

So does Gallup, if you want the 'fine details.' Rasmussen, like Gallup gives enough for those of us interested, but not THAT interested to look.

Rasmussen does this for a living
what do you expect
My claim was to get the discussion going about polling data and the info it states to be discussed

Rasmussen I feel has this info close
Again BHO approval rating and Rasmussen's info is close to what the voters are thinking as I asses it

If you have a AP number that has a 53% approval, you start looking for a skunk
Latest AP Poll Sample Skews to Democrats by 17 Points - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online
Rasmussen cannot afford to do that and because they do it daily they leave them selves open for cherry picking

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
wait till the May job numbers come out and OBL media blitz is gone

No, the media will still spike the ball for him and away from Romney, problem for Obama, the media doesn't control the game.
Sorry you feel that capital injection does not create any wealth, hence jobs
I made close to 6 figures last year
I bought a truck
I bought a travel trailer
multiply that by billions, trillions in whole

I am not sure what you think those companies do with the monies invested, nor the people who profit from the same do with that wealth

First, I doubt you made six figures, unless we were counting Pesos...

You just don't seem stable enough.

Secondly, companies don't invest money unless they know there is a consumer demand for the product. And usually, they guess right, but that's all they are doing is investing.

The real economic activity is those who are buying or not buying, which is why this RW insanity of stripping people of good union jobs so a few assholes can get more stock dividends is insanity on steroids.

you want to make this personal?
That would be strike 1 and strike 2 Joe
I do not debate these issues with children
You did your reputation allot of harm

Stable? Stable?
and to call me a liar on top of that?
Joe do you realize I work Union jobs?

Dude there was no call for that, you owe me an apology and then you need to gett off of your but and be part of the solution as I am
I am 1300 miles from from my front door to work, and you respect that with, never mind

That would be strike 3
Good luck in who and what you are in life, you will need it
Living at home and using up your parents wealth to get through life is one thing, but to attack a grown man like my-self with slander and lies is another
You make # 14 on my ignore list

It is funny you claim I am not stable, I am the only adult here that knows there is no future discussing anything with you. Being stable does not require one to try and lower someone else to your level

Oh, boo, hoo, you are upset becuse I doubted your claims on the internet that you had a 10 inch wang.

People who have to brag about their wealth on the internet are kind of pathetic, actually.

Oh, BTW, my parents passed away about 30 years ago.
To start with I never said rasmussen was perfect
I look at it as the approval rating is at 45 and the re-elect is at 53
there is a problem
Rasmussen missed the Reid win in 2010 by a mile, they admitted (as did many others)

For one thing, Rasmussen wants you to pay to see the internals, aka crosstabs, of their polls, so unless you pony up you can't even see who or how they might be polling - or claiming to poll - at this point.

So does Gallup, if you want the 'fine details.' Rasmussen, like Gallup gives enough for those of us interested, but not THAT interested to look.

Then what percentage of Republicans vs. Democrats vs. Independents is Rasmussen polling?

Then what percentage of Liberals vs. Conservatives vs. Moderates is Rasmussen polling?
Obama's War on Christianity is going to cost him the election.

You can't be a true Christian and state that you believe Gays should be able to marry....
He lost a lot of Christians with this statement.

So you're really going to take that stance?

What if I know gay and lesbian Christians. I assume they're all hell-bound, along with anybody who perceives them to be human like the rest of us.
Gallup has the President up a point or two. However they admit that Romney has a 'slight edge' on the economic front, which is #1 in minds of the people. Furthermore, if one looks at the numbers, that 'slight edge' is a wee bit more than that, with those that vote. If anyone really wishes that the conservatives aren't going to vote or that Obama has awakened any of his base, don't read this.

Voters Give Romney Slight Edge Over Obama on Economy

Okay, I don't care who y'all are; that right there is funny.

How do they decide that. What has he said that leads them to believe he will handle the economy well. It looks to me like they voted their "anybody but Obama" stance.

Bd Boop
tax policy
BHO has a record and with his class warfare verbiage, you cannot trust them

Can we trust Romney to carry out his promise to balance the budget solely by cutting non-defense domestic spending?
Okay, I don't care who y'all are; that right there is funny.

How do they decide that. What has he said that leads them to believe he will handle the economy well. It looks to me like they voted their "anybody but Obama" stance.

Bd Boop
tax policy
BHO has a record and with his class warfare verbiage, you cannot trust them

Can we trust Romney to carry out his promise to balance the budget solely by cutting non-defense domestic spending?

Hell, we can't trust Romney to say the same thing two days running.
Bd Boop
tax policy
BHO has a record and with his class warfare verbiage, you cannot trust them

Can we trust Romney to carry out his promise to balance the budget solely by cutting non-defense domestic spending?

Hell, we can't trust Romney to say the same thing two days running.

Balancing the budget cannot even be talked about until we get some real job creation
As far as where it goes from there all I can say is BHO way will never work
We went from the last GOP budget in 07 of 2.7 to the first all Dem budget of 3.7 in 2010 (trillions)

Romney has to be given a chance with Reid out of the way
If not it will not matter, were done
It amazes me that the you cannot trust 2 days in a row is the best some can do

BHO and his budget got 0 votes in the house
Can we trust Romney to carry out his promise to balance the budget solely by cutting non-defense domestic spending?

Hell, we can't trust Romney to say the same thing two days running.

Balancing the budget cannot even be talked about until we get some real job creation
As far as where it goes from there all I can say is BHO way will never work
We went from the last GOP budget in 07 of 2.7 to the first all Dem budget of 3.7 in 2010 (trillions)

Romney has to be given a chance with Reid out of the way
If not it will not matter, were done
It amazes me that the you cannot trust 2 days in a row is the best some can do

BHO and his budget got 0 votes in the house

Still not the point.

Nobody knows who Romney is and what he stands for. Not even Romney.
Hell, we can't trust Romney to say the same thing two days running.

Balancing the budget cannot even be talked about until we get some real job creation
As far as where it goes from there all I can say is BHO way will never work
We went from the last GOP budget in 07 of 2.7 to the first all Dem budget of 3.7 in 2010 (trillions)

Romney has to be given a chance with Reid out of the way
If not it will not matter, were done
It amazes me that the you cannot trust 2 days in a row is the best some can do

BHO and his budget got 0 votes in the house

Still not the point.

Nobody knows who Romney is and what he stands for. Not even Romney.

The Romney Budget Proposals
During his campaign, Governor Romney has made four proposals that would significantly affect the overall level of federal spending, taxes, and the deficit:
Cap total spending: "Reduce federal spending to 20 percent of GDP by the end of my first term" and "cap it at that level." [1]
Increase defense spending: "Set a core defense spending floor of 4 percent of GDP."[2]
Cut taxes: Permanently extend the 2001-2003 tax cuts, eliminate taxation of the investment income of most individuals, reduce the corporate income tax, eliminate the estate tax, and repeal the taxes enacted in the 2010 health reform legislation.[3]
Balance the budget: Put the federal government "on a path to a balanced budget."[4]
This paper examines the combined effect of these proposals, since they interact, to determine the amount of spending that would be available for mandatory and discretionary nondefense programs.
Taking only the first three proposals into consideration, the amount available for nondefense programs would equal 20 percent of GDP minus the 4 percent of GDP allocated to national defense minus the amount required to pay interest on the debt.
If the budget also had to be balanced, as the fourth proposal states, there would be even less room for nondefense programs, since total spending could not exceed total revenue, and the amount of tax revenue under the Romney proposals would be well below 20 percent of GDP. In that case, nondefense spending would be limited to the amount of tax revenues (about 17 percent of GDP under the Romney plan, based on estimates prepared by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center), minus 4 percent of GDP for defense, minus interest costs.
Romney Budget Proposals Would Require Massive Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Nondefense Spending — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

That is a start
Balancing the budget cannot even be talked about until we get some real job creation
As far as where it goes from there all I can say is BHO way will never work
We went from the last GOP budget in 07 of 2.7 to the first all Dem budget of 3.7 in 2010 (trillions)

Romney has to be given a chance with Reid out of the way
If not it will not matter, were done
It amazes me that the you cannot trust 2 days in a row is the best some can do

BHO and his budget got 0 votes in the house

Still not the point.

Nobody knows who Romney is and what he stands for. Not even Romney.

The Romney Budget Proposals
During his campaign, Governor Romney has made four proposals that would significantly affect the overall level of federal spending, taxes, and the deficit:
Cap total spending: "Reduce federal spending to 20 percent of GDP by the end of my first term" and "cap it at that level." [1]
Increase defense spending: "Set a core defense spending floor of 4 percent of GDP."[2]
Cut taxes: Permanently extend the 2001-2003 tax cuts, eliminate taxation of the investment income of most individuals, reduce the corporate income tax, eliminate the estate tax, and repeal the taxes enacted in the 2010 health reform legislation.[3]
Balance the budget: Put the federal government "on a path to a balanced budget."[4]
This paper examines the combined effect of these proposals, since they interact, to determine the amount of spending that would be available for mandatory and discretionary nondefense programs.
Taking only the first three proposals into consideration, the amount available for nondefense programs would equal 20 percent of GDP minus the 4 percent of GDP allocated to national defense minus the amount required to pay interest on the debt.
If the budget also had to be balanced, as the fourth proposal states, there would be even less room for nondefense programs, since total spending could not exceed total revenue, and the amount of tax revenue under the Romney proposals would be well below 20 percent of GDP. In that case, nondefense spending would be limited to the amount of tax revenues (about 17 percent of GDP under the Romney plan, based on estimates prepared by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center), minus 4 percent of GDP for defense, minus interest costs.
Romney Budget Proposals Would Require Massive Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Nondefense Spending — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

That is a start

Are you skipping the whole etch-a-sketch bit? I'm surprised he doesn't have whiplash from all the flip-flopping. Whatever you just posted has likely already been shaken out.
Of course congress would have to agree
the one thing that amazed me when GWB was president was the deficit year to year before 07 and after 07 as though it was all his
BHO added with the DEM controlled congress 1 trillion dollars in spending in 2010 from 2007
If that would have occurred when GWB was in office OMG
Still not the point.

Nobody knows who Romney is and what he stands for. Not even Romney.

The Romney Budget Proposals
During his campaign, Governor Romney has made four proposals that would significantly affect the overall level of federal spending, taxes, and the deficit:
Cap total spending: "Reduce federal spending to 20 percent of GDP by the end of my first term" and "cap it at that level." [1]
Increase defense spending: "Set a core defense spending floor of 4 percent of GDP."[2]
Cut taxes: Permanently extend the 2001-2003 tax cuts, eliminate taxation of the investment income of most individuals, reduce the corporate income tax, eliminate the estate tax, and repeal the taxes enacted in the 2010 health reform legislation.[3]
Balance the budget: Put the federal government "on a path to a balanced budget."[4]
This paper examines the combined effect of these proposals, since they interact, to determine the amount of spending that would be available for mandatory and discretionary nondefense programs.
Taking only the first three proposals into consideration, the amount available for nondefense programs would equal 20 percent of GDP minus the 4 percent of GDP allocated to national defense minus the amount required to pay interest on the debt.
If the budget also had to be balanced, as the fourth proposal states, there would be even less room for nondefense programs, since total spending could not exceed total revenue, and the amount of tax revenue under the Romney proposals would be well below 20 percent of GDP. In that case, nondefense spending would be limited to the amount of tax revenues (about 17 percent of GDP under the Romney plan, based on estimates prepared by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center), minus 4 percent of GDP for defense, minus interest costs.
Romney Budget Proposals Would Require Massive Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Nondefense Spending — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

That is a start

Are you skipping the whole etch-a-sketch bit? I'm surprised he doesn't have whiplash from all the flip-flopping. Whatever you just posted has likely already been shaken out.

That was almost as classless as BHO lying about GM
Job creation
Inheriting 1.7 trillion in deficit in 09
seriously, there all classless
The Romney Budget Proposals
During his campaign, Governor Romney has made four proposals that would significantly affect the overall level of federal spending, taxes, and the deficit:
Cap total spending: "Reduce federal spending to 20 percent of GDP by the end of my first term" and "cap it at that level." [1]
Increase defense spending: "Set a core defense spending floor of 4 percent of GDP."[2]
Cut taxes: Permanently extend the 2001-2003 tax cuts, eliminate taxation of the investment income of most individuals, reduce the corporate income tax, eliminate the estate tax, and repeal the taxes enacted in the 2010 health reform legislation.[3]
Balance the budget: Put the federal government "on a path to a balanced budget."[4]
This paper examines the combined effect of these proposals, since they interact, to determine the amount of spending that would be available for mandatory and discretionary nondefense programs.
Taking only the first three proposals into consideration, the amount available for nondefense programs would equal 20 percent of GDP minus the 4 percent of GDP allocated to national defense minus the amount required to pay interest on the debt.
If the budget also had to be balanced, as the fourth proposal states, there would be even less room for nondefense programs, since total spending could not exceed total revenue, and the amount of tax revenue under the Romney proposals would be well below 20 percent of GDP. In that case, nondefense spending would be limited to the amount of tax revenues (about 17 percent of GDP under the Romney plan, based on estimates prepared by the Urban Institute-Brookings Tax Policy Center), minus 4 percent of GDP for defense, minus interest costs.
Romney Budget Proposals Would Require Massive Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Nondefense Spending — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

That is a start

Are you skipping the whole etch-a-sketch bit? I'm surprised he doesn't have whiplash from all the flip-flopping. Whatever you just posted has likely already been shaken out.

That was almost as classless as BHO lying about GM
Job creation
Inheriting 1.7 trillion in deficit in 09
seriously, there all classless

You're allegedly a businessman, and you don't know the difference between 'there' and 'they're'?

It's funny, this is the second post in a row where somebody has responded to my point with a completely different subject. It's almost like Romney isn't defensible.

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