The Moslem Kaepernick hates America

You don't like America very much either...Seeing that you'd have all of our roads be filled with pot holes and have everyone drinking crap water.

I owned a '77 Olds Cutlass Salon Colonnade for 25 years. It drove like a tank even on dirt roads. When you drive a car like that, potholes seem to disappear from your mind.

I transferred ownership of the '77 small block a few years ago to my friend, Ernie, who lives in my house in Gilroy, Ca. Well, it was my house, until I sold it to him 3 weeks ago.
You don't like America very much either...Seeing that you'd have all of our roads be filled with pot holes and have everyone drinking crap water.
In Texas, son, we don't have pot holes, we have "barrel holes." And we don't drink water, we drink forty rod whiskey, Yankee.
Got any proof other than a bullshit web site? Colin Kaepernick Converts to Islam?
He's been outspoken about his conversion. What's your problem?
Got some cites? I find no indication that he's made any statement on the matter.
“About six weeks ago,” Kaepernick began to the hosts of CBS 13 Good Morning San Francisco, “I converted to Islam. I have become increasingly disenchanted with America and Christianity. There is so much hate and inequality in the world, and Mohammed teaches us that it is all because of the blue eyed infidels. This is why I have made the choice to fight against America and it’s Christian values, and fight for peace and love with Islam.”

Colin Kaepernick Converts To Islam
You'be been hosed!!! :laugh2:

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Sounds like you got snowed. Kaepernick's conversion is real, his brainwashing in black liberation theology obvious. You're the one bucking against reality.
Believe what you want, but the truth is you cited a fake news website.
No surprise there. Islam hates America.

Multi-millionaire NFL star who refused to stand for the national anthem didn’t hate America until he converted to Islam

In July 2016, Kaepernick converted to Islam during the offseason AND he is engaged to Nessa Diab, a Black Lives Matter activist who promotes what she calls “authentic Islam.” The Kaepernick’s will also have a traditional Muslim wedding. It will be enlightening to see what Ms. Diab does when Colin starts to treat her as a third class citizen because Islam encourages men to treat their women like slaves.
Colin likely chose this course of unpatriotic action as an end run against being canned. He just wasn't making the grade.

He learned from Michael Sam. When signs of slipping show, get controversial. That will force the organization to hang on to a smelly fish.
No surprise there. Islam hates America.

Multi-millionaire NFL star who refused to stand for the national anthem didn’t hate America until he converted to Islam

In July 2016, Kaepernick converted to Islam during the offseason AND he is engaged to Nessa Diab, a Black Lives Matter activist who promotes what she calls “authentic Islam.” The Kaepernick’s will also have a traditional Muslim wedding. It will be enlightening to see what Ms. Diab does when Colin starts to treat her as a third class citizen because Islam encourages men to treat their women like slaves.

And where does he say he 'hates America'?

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