This Is One Of The Reasons Biden Is An 'Illegitimate' President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Psaki Says Biden Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry’s

Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag (VIDEO)

I understand Democrats - like our enemies - love to pull for Americans who hate, who disrespect their own country, but to do so on this stage is unacceptable and inexcusable. Our enemies like to flout Americans who hate their own country - like Viet Nam and Hanoi Jane. You can count President Biden and Democrats n the same level as America-hating enemies of the United States for hating this country, teaching our kids and military to hate each other and this nation and to 'respect' those who publicly display their own hatred for the US.

To be a member of the United States Olympic Team is an amazing honor. To even be given an opportunity to compete and be a member of the US Olympic team - any Olympic team is an opportunity not everyone gets.

This is not pro sports. Gwen Berry is not Colin Kaepernick attempting to get a Nike endorsement. When she puts on her uniform it is not one that represents 1 team that represents 1 geographical area, 1 city, in the US. When she competes wearing a United States uniform she is representing the United States, the very best of the US, the best we can aspire to be. When she is a member of the United States Olympic Team she is NOT an 'Activist Athlete', as her t-shirt stated. She is representing the entire country.

If an athlete hates their country, hates their flag, hates their National Anthem so much they have no place on the team. If they want to stand on the podium and burn the American flag or turn their back on the National anthem playing as their nation's flag is raised they should have no place on the team.

For a President to despise his own country so much that he would not call out an athlete who is driven by so much hate that their biggest reason for wanting to win is to burn the flag on the Olympic world stage or call out an athlete who wants to win and be able to disrespect their own nation on the world stage is completely insulting to every hard-working, American patriot / citizen.

Any athlete who hates their own country has no place representing it, should not receive funding, training, and the support required to compete from the nation they hate and seek to disrespect in front of the world.

Screw Gwen Barry. Screw Joe Biden and every other politician who are supposed to represent their constituents - Americans - and yet hate them, hate this country, and do their best to benefit themselves while hurting / disrespecting this country.

Thank goodness for the fact that Americans will not have to worry about Berry winning a medal and then disrespecting this country. She came in 3rd in the trials and have little to no chance of winning in the Olympics.

View attachment 506555

Psaki Says Biden Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry’s

Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag (VIDEO)

I understand Democrats - like our enemies - love to pull for Americans who hate, who disrespect their own country, but to do so on this stage is unacceptable and inexcusable. Our enemies like to flout Americans who hate their own country - like Viet Nam and Hanoi Jane. You can count President Biden and Democrats n the same level as America-hating enemies of the United States for hating this country, teaching our kids and military to hate each other and this nation and to 'respect' those who publicly display their own hatred for the US.

To be a member of the United States Olympic Team is an amazing honor. To even be given an opportunity to compete and be a member of the US Olympic team - any Olympic team is an opportunity not everyone gets.

This is not pro sports. Gwen Berry is not Colin Kaepernick attempting to get a Nike endorsement. When she puts on her uniform it is not one that represents 1 team that represents 1 geographical area, 1 city, in the US. When she competes wearing a United States uniform she is representing the United States, the very best of the US, the best we can aspire to be. When she is a member of the United States Olympic Team she is NOT an 'Activist Athlete', as her t-shirt stated. She is representing the entire country.

If an athlete hates their country, hates their flag, hates their National Anthem so much they have no place on the team. If they want to stand on the podium and burn the American flag or turn their back on the National anthem playing as their nation's flag is raised they should have no place on the team.

For a President to despise his own country so much that he would not call out an athlete who is driven by so much hate that their biggest reason for wanting to win is to burn the flag on the Olympic world stage or call out an athlete who wants to win and be able to disrespect their own nation on the world stage is completely insulting to every hard-working, American patriot / citizen.

Any athlete who hates their own country has no place representing it, should not receive funding, training, and the support required to compete from the nation they hate and seek to disrespect in front of the world.

Screw Gwen Barry. Screw Joe Biden and every other politician who are supposed to represent their constituents - Americans - and yet hate them, hate this country, and do their best to benefit themselves while hurting / disrespecting this country.

Thank goodness for the fact that Americans will not have to worry about Berry winning a medal and then disrespecting this country. She came in 3rd in the trials and have little to no chance of winning in the Olympics.

Protesting an injustice doesn't mean you hate your country. That's really stupid.

Americans have protested all sorts of things. Look at child labor, workplace safety, Jim Crow, voting rights just for starters.
View attachment 506555

Psaki Says Biden Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry’s

Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag (VIDEO)

I understand Democrats - like our enemies - love to pull for Americans who hate, who disrespect their own country, but to do so on this stage is unacceptable and inexcusable. Our enemies like to flout Americans who hate their own country - like Viet Nam and Hanoi Jane. You can count President Biden and Democrats n the same level as America-hating enemies of the United States for hating this country, teaching our kids and military to hate each other and this nation and to 'respect' those who publicly display their own hatred for the US.

To be a member of the United States Olympic Team is an amazing honor. To even be given an opportunity to compete and be a member of the US Olympic team - any Olympic team is an opportunity not everyone gets.

This is not pro sports. Gwen Berry is not Colin Kaepernick attempting to get a Nike endorsement. When she puts on her uniform it is not one that represents 1 team that represents 1 geographical area, 1 city, in the US. When she competes wearing a United States uniform she is representing the United States, the very best of the US, the best we can aspire to be. When she is a member of the United States Olympic Team she is NOT an 'Activist Athlete', as her t-shirt stated. She is representing the entire country.

If an athlete hates their country, hates their flag, hates their National Anthem so much they have no place on the team. If they want to stand on the podium and burn the American flag or turn their back on the National anthem playing as their nation's flag is raised they should have no place on the team.

For a President to despise his own country so much that he would not call out an athlete who is driven by so much hate that their biggest reason for wanting to win is to burn the flag on the Olympic world stage or call out an athlete who wants to win and be able to disrespect their own nation on the world stage is completely insulting to every hard-working, American patriot / citizen.

Any athlete who hates their own country has no place representing it, should not receive funding, training, and the support required to compete from the nation they hate and seek to disrespect in front of the world.

Screw Gwen Barry. Screw Joe Biden and every other politician who are supposed to represent their constituents - Americans - and yet hate them, hate this country, and do their best to benefit themselves while hurting / disrespecting this country.

Thank goodness for the fact that Americans will not have to worry about Berry winning a medal and then disrespecting this country. She came in 3rd in the trials and have little to no chance of winning in the Olympics.

Protesting an injustice doesn't mean you hate your country. That's really stupid.

Americans have protested all sorts of things. Look at child labor, workplace safety, Jim Crow, voting rights just for starters.
1. there's no injustice--we've been over this in many threads
2. yes, she hates America--it's UNDENIABLE that blacks hate America
View attachment 506555

Psaki Says Biden Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry’s

Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag (VIDEO)

I understand Democrats - like our enemies - love to pull for Americans who hate, who disrespect their own country, but to do so on this stage is unacceptable and inexcusable. Our enemies like to flout Americans who hate their own country - like Viet Nam and Hanoi Jane. You can count President Biden and Democrats n the same level as America-hating enemies of the United States for hating this country, teaching our kids and military to hate each other and this nation and to 'respect' those who publicly display their own hatred for the US.

To be a member of the United States Olympic Team is an amazing honor. To even be given an opportunity to compete and be a member of the US Olympic team - any Olympic team is an opportunity not everyone gets.

This is not pro sports. Gwen Berry is not Colin Kaepernick attempting to get a Nike endorsement. When she puts on her uniform it is not one that represents 1 team that represents 1 geographical area, 1 city, in the US. When she competes wearing a United States uniform she is representing the United States, the very best of the US, the best we can aspire to be. When she is a member of the United States Olympic Team she is NOT an 'Activist Athlete', as her t-shirt stated. She is representing the entire country.

If an athlete hates their country, hates their flag, hates their National Anthem so much they have no place on the team. If they want to stand on the podium and burn the American flag or turn their back on the National anthem playing as their nation's flag is raised they should have no place on the team.

For a President to despise his own country so much that he would not call out an athlete who is driven by so much hate that their biggest reason for wanting to win is to burn the flag on the Olympic world stage or call out an athlete who wants to win and be able to disrespect their own nation on the world stage is completely insulting to every hard-working, American patriot / citizen.

Any athlete who hates their own country has no place representing it, should not receive funding, training, and the support required to compete from the nation they hate and seek to disrespect in front of the world.

Screw Gwen Barry. Screw Joe Biden and every other politician who are supposed to represent their constituents - Americans - and yet hate them, hate this country, and do their best to benefit themselves while hurting / disrespecting this country.

Thank goodness for the fact that Americans will not have to worry about Berry winning a medal and then disrespecting this country. She came in 3rd in the trials and have little to no chance of winning in the Olympics.

It’s called the First Amendment

Protesting an injustice doesn't mean you hate your country. That's really stupid.

Americans have protested all sorts of things. Look at child labor, workplace safety, Jim Crow, voting rights just for starters.

'Protesting' WHAT?

BLM? It's a Marxist-based project created by a self-professed who admitted she started it to get rich, and after she bough 4 mansions and millions in real estate - and racially splitting the nation apart and setting it ablaze - she left the dupes holding the bag and fighting to rationalize / justify their belief that they weren't / aren't really duped conned into looting, rioting, destroying, burning etc..... A Marxist movement taking a page from Hitler's Germany con in which he convinced Germans they were a 'master race' and no other lives except theirs mattered?

'Slavery'? Something that has not been around literally (if you don't count the Democrats policies of economic slavery and use of social programs to addict people to) for hundreds of years - except in places like China (that Democrats support and sell out to), something today's blacks have never experienced, whose parents have never experienced, and whose grandparents have never experienced?

'Woke' / ' Cancel Culture' where easily offended indoctrinated snowflakes attack and seek to destroy anything that offends them, allowing them to call those responsible 'racists' and 'white supremacists'? The idiots behind this and conned into supporting this ridiculous BS have torn down statues of the 1st Black slave owner, the 1st emancipated black slave, and have proven they do exactly what theyare told to do because they are too stupid to think for themselves...and the selective outrage is both alarming and hilarious. Many of the people who have given themselves the power to attack people and name them racists, who call for others to be 'canceled' are the same dumbasses (Black Caucus, Democrats, & the 1st Black President) who passed legislation to have a statue carved of MLK Jr....then paid the CCP $129 Million for a CCP stone cutter to create a WHITE Asian-looking MLK, put together by CCP slaves and shipped back to the US. Where is the outrage that the Democrats had the CCP create a WHITE MLK Jr statue?


Americans have protested all sort of things but, with rare exception, American athletes have understood the importance of where they are, what it took to get them to the Olympics (EVERYONE supporting them), and have had the class not to air their own personal prejudices and butt-hurt on the world stage by disrespecting the nation and people who got them to the Olympics.

The Olympics have always supposed to be about competition and sports, not about politics....or Democrat / snowflake butt hurt.

Again, at least she doesn't have the talent to make it onto the Podium, so we won't have to worry about it.
If she wants to represent herself and piss on the US:

Deny her use of the Olympic training facilities.
Let her design / wear her own uniform.
Let her pay for transportation to get to Tokyo, lodging, per diem, & the events.

If she wants to be part of a team that respectfully represents the US, give her back the access to everything the US can /would provide.

Protesting an injustice doesn't mean you hate your country. That's really stupid.

Americans have protested all sorts of things. Look at child labor, workplace safety, Jim Crow, voting rights just for starters.

'Protesting' WHAT?

BLM? It's a Marxist-based project created by a self-professed who admitted she started it to get rich, and after she bough 4 mansions and millions in real estate - and racially splitting the nation apart and setting it ablaze - she left the dupes holding the bag and fighting to rationalize / justify their belief that they weren't / aren't really duped conned into looting, rioting, destroying, burning etc..... A Marxist movement taking a page from Hitler's Germany con in which he convinced Germans they were a 'master race' and no other lives except theirs mattered?

'Slavery'? Something that has not been around literally (if you don't count the Democrats policies of economic slavery and use of social programs to addict people to) for hundreds of years - except in places like China (that Democrats support and sell out to), something today's blacks have never experienced, whose parents have never experienced, and whose grandparents have never experienced?

'Woke' / ' Cancel Culture' where easily offended indoctrinated snowflakes attack and seek to destroy anything that offends them, allowing them to call those responsible 'racists' and 'white supremacists'? The idiots behind this and conned into supporting this ridiculous BS have torn down statues of the 1st Black slave owner, the 1st emancipated black slave, and have proven they do exactly what theyare told to do because they are too stupid to think for themselves...and the selective outrage is both alarming and hilarious. Many of the people who have given themselves the power to attack people and name them racists, who call for others to be 'canceled' are the same dumbasses (Black Caucus, Democrats, & the 1st Black President) who passed legislation to have a statue carved of MLK Jr....then paid the CCP $129 Million for a CCP stone cutter to create a WHITE Asian-looking MLK, put together by CCP slaves and shipped back to the US. Where is the outrage that the Democrats had the CCP create a WHITE MLK Jr statue?


Americans have protested all sort of things but, with rare exception, American athletes have understood the importance of where they are, what it took to get them to the Olympics (EVERYONE supporting them), and have had the class not to air their own personal prejudices and butt-hurt on the world stage by disrespecting the nation and people who got them to the Olympics.

The Olympics have always supposed to be about competition and sports, not about politics....or Democrat / snowflake butt hurt.

Again, at least she doesn't have the talent to make it onto the Podium, so we won't have to worry about it.

BLM was protesting police brutality..

Remember when the ball players respectfully took a knee in protest and how Trump wanted them all fired?

BULLSHIT! You just proved you don't even know the origin of BLM or anything about its founder...or you are just lying so don't feel like such a dupe for being conned into supporting it!

The founder of BLM is a self-professed Marxist that called BLM, in a live interview, that BLM was a 'project' she started. She admitted that after making enough money (from suckers) to buy 4 mansions and millions in real estate she was walking away to go in search of other lucrative projects.

Protesting police brutality against people of your color and your frace is not something you suddenly get ignore or get tired of and say, Ok, I'm out'.

She made her money off suckers like you and other snowflakes - when she started getting heat of being exposed as having bought 4 mansions and millions in real estate she decided that was a good time to haul ass - mission accomplished.

:itsok: s' got played. You got conned. Dupes committed BILLIONS in damage all over the US, destroyed black neighborhoods / black businesses, spun off the massively failed Marxist ideology of undermining authority through the 'Defund The police' movement that caused violent crime / homicides to explode in major Democrat-run cities where Black on Black crime murder is ignored in the media and by Democrats / activist blacks.
Agreeing with a right to Free Speech does not make you an illegitimate President

Attacking Congress does
To his list of accomplishments (racist, pedophile, inveterate liar, grifter, foe of female athletes,
pal of Vlad Putin, Chinese brown noser, friend of Iran, father to drug addicted racist, freeloading son,
plagiarizer, mentally incapacitated, placed in White House as a Potemkin President, go look it up)
we now add someone who gives a green light to our US athletes and Olympic team members
that want to discredit and dishonor this nation with their own selfish twisted hate filled agenda using the
Olympic games as their own personal platform.

Never have we had a more selfish, self centered, transparently incompetent shell of a human being
as president, even if he is Obama's obedient monkey.
View attachment 506555

Psaki Says Biden Respects Olympic Hammer Thrower Gwen Berry’s

Decision to Turn Her Back on American Flag (VIDEO)

I understand Democrats - like our enemies - love to pull for Americans who hate, who disrespect their own country, but to do so on this stage is unacceptable and inexcusable. Our enemies like to flout Americans who hate their own country - like Viet Nam and Hanoi Jane. You can count President Biden and Democrats n the same level as America-hating enemies of the United States for hating this country, teaching our kids and military to hate each other and this nation and to 'respect' those who publicly display their own hatred for the US.

To be a member of the United States Olympic Team is an amazing honor. To even be given an opportunity to compete and be a member of the US Olympic team - any Olympic team is an opportunity not everyone gets.

This is not pro sports. Gwen Berry is not Colin Kaepernick attempting to get a Nike endorsement. When she puts on her uniform it is not one that represents 1 team that represents 1 geographical area, 1 city, in the US. When she competes wearing a United States uniform she is representing the United States, the very best of the US, the best we can aspire to be. When she is a member of the United States Olympic Team she is NOT an 'Activist Athlete', as her t-shirt stated. She is representing the entire country.

If an athlete hates their country, hates their flag, hates their National Anthem so much they have no place on the team. If they want to stand on the podium and burn the American flag or turn their back on the National anthem playing as their nation's flag is raised they should have no place on the team.

For a President to despise his own country so much that he would not call out an athlete who is driven by so much hate that their biggest reason for wanting to win is to burn the flag on the Olympic world stage or call out an athlete who wants to win and be able to disrespect their own nation on the world stage is completely insulting to every hard-working, American patriot / citizen.

Any athlete who hates their own country has no place representing it, should not receive funding, training, and the support required to compete from the nation they hate and seek to disrespect in front of the world.

Screw Gwen Barry. Screw Joe Biden and every other politician who are supposed to represent their constituents - Americans - and yet hate them, hate this country, and do their best to benefit themselves while hurting / disrespecting this country.

Thank goodness for the fact that Americans will not have to worry about Berry winning a medal and then disrespecting this country. She came in 3rd in the trials and have little to no chance of winning in the Olympics.

Blacks and democrats are the enemy of white people, too bad there are many white democrats. Actually more of the white democrats. I don't and I refuse to read the trash of Gateway Pundit.
It is amazing to see a supposedly former racist like Joe Biden pandering to blacks to insure they don’t leave the Democratic Plantation.

Is there any level the Democratic Party will not sink to in order to insure its survival?

BULLSHIT! You just proved you don't even know the origin of BLM or anything about its founder...or you are just lying so don't feel like such a dupe for being conned into supporting it!

The founder of BLM is a self-professed Marxist that called BLM, in a live interview, that BLM was a 'project' she started. She admitted that after making enough money (from suckers) to buy 4 mansions and millions in real estate she was walking away to go in search of other lucrative projects.

Protesting police brutality against people of your color and your frace is not something you suddenly get ignore or get tired of and say, Ok, I'm out'.

She made her money off suckers like you and other snowflakes - when she started getting heat of being exposed as having bought 4 mansions and millions in real estate she decided that was a good time to haul ass - mission accomplished.

:itsok: s' got played. You got conned. Dupes committed BILLIONS in damage all over the US, destroyed black neighborhoods / black businesses, spun off the massively failed Marxist ideology of undermining authority through the 'Defund The police' movement that caused violent crime / homicides to explode in major Democrat-run cities where Black on Black crime murder is ignored in the media and by Democrats / activist blacks.

So maybe the woman is a creep. Does that diminish the reality of the issue?
We used to force these traitors into exile, now they occupy the White House.

LOLOL..That's been said before with regard to safety issues, child labor, coal miners etc. Anyone who points out a problem is a "traitor".

You never forced any US citizen into exile, jackass.
Agreeing with a right to Free Speech does not make you an illegitimate President

Attacking Congress does
"I have a phone and a pen."
Which recent POTUS said this in defiance(attack) towards Congress?
You don’t think a President has the power of Executive Orders?

They have been done since Washington
Agreeing with a right to Free Speech does not make you an illegitimate President

Attacking Congress does
"I have a phone and a pen."
Which recent POTUS said this in defiance(attack) towards Congress?
You don’t think a President has the power of Executive Orders?

They have been done since Washington
When it's done to thwart or circumvent Congress, it seems to rile one side or the other. Right when Barry did it, Left when Donald did it. Often with charges of how it's 'an attack upon Congress'.

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