Colin Kaepernick Is STILL Whining, Crying, And Complaining


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is STILL whining, crying, and complaining despite the entire NFL surrendering to his 'I Hate America Because It Is Evil' BS that was / is based on the fact that he was / is a mediocre QB without 'HoF' or even 'NFL STARTING QB' talent, that his stats when he was released were barely middle-of-the-road average, and no team pursued him / offered him the Starting opportunity he believed he deserved / deserves after not playing the QB position for YEARS.

Kaepernick may be an mediocre 'Back-Up' talent QB, but his Public Relations talent and ability to play the 'Victim Card' while demonizing the United States is nearly 2nd to NONE!

He managed to turn a ROUTINE annual event, his being one of hundreds - thousands - of NFL players being released from teams and not being re-signed, into a story of his victimization of an unjust, cruel, racist nation, a racist NFL, and their racist cultural Social Injustice targeting HIM and denying him the opportunity to make millions as a starting NFL player.

He suckered other NFL players into defending his right to kneel at the work-place, to conduct a personal demonstration during the National anthem, an act he damn-well KNEW would detract attention from not only his team, the 49ers, but from the entire NFL. He KNEW he was going to command media attention 'for his cause'...however, as we have seen and continue to see, the only cause Kaepernick EVER intended to promote was HIS OWN.

Aside from painting himself a victim and the US and NFL to be racist and socially unjust, aside from KNEELING, what has he done to change any of that? As pointed out, he attracted media attention....and made HIMSELF the focus of attention. What did he do to change things in the US or in the NFL? Did he march, protest, spend his own money to start up charities or organizations?

He bitched. He bitched no one would offer him a job as a STARTING QB. His stats and lack of playing time since he left the 49s did not merit an offer to START. To him, that did not matter. He then changed his complaint to say no team would give him an opportunity, would give him a try-out, or sign him. This was a LIE. Jim Harbaugh came out publicly in the media and told how he offered Kaepernick an OPPORTUNITY to try out and after that how they offered him a position on the team as a BACK-UP from where he could challenge for a stating job. KAEPERNICK TURNED IT DOWN...yet continued to LIE by saying no NFL team would sign him.

Then he conned his fellow players into defending him, even though at 1st no 2 players could agree on what his 'kneeling' protest was about - no one really knew. Then he conned many into joining him in kneeling during the national Anthem in protest 'of his country'. NFL Linebacker JJ Watts probably gave the best verbal defense, if there was one, of Kaepernick by saying whatever he was protesting he had the 'right' to kneel' though he made it clear he did not agree with doing so.
- I disagree with Watts. When any individual does anything in his workplace that puts the company / job in a negative light, especially if it costs the company MILLLIONS of dollars, the company has the right to prevent the employee from continuing to do so on the job. Kaepernick's dragging his political / personal 'kneeling' protest / circus into the NFL, an escape for many from politics and the troubles of the outside world, cost the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of fans who now refuse to watch the NFL, who I now count myself one of.

Goodell bagged / threatened teams to give Kaepernick a tryout...they did. His limited talent and time away from football showed.
-- Kaepernick did not get offered a starting NFL Quarterback position. He did, however, get a coveted Free Agency position in the 2020 Madden NFL Football game.

-- He is being given consideration for a position in the National Football Hall of Fame in which the greatest players in NFL history are enshrined...despite the fact that his own career football statistics pale by comparison and do NOT warrant even a DISCUSSION of entering let alone an actual induction into the NFL H0F.

-- The NFL has embraced his kneeling 'circus' that drove fans away previously, going much further now by painting Black Lives matter' in end zones, allowing 'BLM' patches and stickers while refusing to allow 'Blue Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter' signs / patches / stickers. They are allowing the 'kneeling' to continue and presenting 'tributes' to 'BLM' while the foreign-funded terrorists who have hijacked the movement and claim to BE the movement now engages in looting, mugging, burning, destroying, assault, rape, and even murder. This weekend the NFL had painted in an end zone the words, 'It Takes All Of Us' - Not it doesn't! It just takes a violent minority funded by our foreign enemies and supported / facilitated leftist extremist Democrats and Democrat politicians to so violently spread racial hatred, division, and violence - JUSTLIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID IN 2016 during another election year!

Kaepernick has gotten / received ALL of this, has had all of this done to pacify him and sate his own personal insatiable hunger for attention, for initially s starting NFL job, and now for more attention and fame, and STILL after all of this during this weekend, he is still not satisfied, still whining, crying, and complaining.

He is a bigger pariah and distraction to both his team and NFL than Terrell Owens ever was!

Former San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is STILL whining, crying, and complaining despite the entire NFL surrendering to his 'I Hate America Because It Is Evil' BS that was / is based on the fact that he was / is a mediocre QB without 'HoF' or even 'NFL STARTING QB' talent, that his stats when he was released were barely middle-of-the-road average, and no team pursued him / offered him the Starting opportunity he believed he deserved / deserves after not playing the QB position for YEARS.

Kaepernick may be an mediocre 'Back-Up' talent QB, but his Public Relations talent and ability to play the 'Victim Card' while demonizing the United States is nearly 2nd to NONE!

He managed to turn a ROUTINE annual event, his being one of hundreds - thousands - of NFL players being released from teams and not being re-signed, into a story of his victimization of an unjust, cruel, racist nation, a racist NFL, and their racist cultural Social Injustice targeting HIM and denying him the opportunity to make millions as a starting NFL player.

He suckered other NFL players into defending his right to kneel at the work-place, to conduct a personal demonstration during the National anthem, an act he damn-well KNEW would detract attention from not only his team, the 49ers, but from the entire NFL. He KNEW he was going to command media attention 'for his cause'...however, as we have seen and continue to see, the only cause Kaepernick EVER intended to promote was HIS OWN.

Aside from painting himself a victim and the US and NFL to be racist and socially unjust, aside from KNEELING, what has he done to change any of that? As pointed out, he attracted media attention....and made HIMSELF the focus of attention. What did he do to change things in the US or in the NFL? Did he march, protest, spend his own money to start up charities or organizations?

He bitched. He bitched no one would offer him a job as a STARTING QB. His stats and lack of playing time since he left the 49s did not merit an offer to START. To him, that did not matter. He then changed his complaint to say no team would give him an opportunity, would give him a try-out, or sign him. This was a LIE. Jim Harbaugh came out publicly in the media and told how he offered Kaepernick an OPPORTUNITY to try out and after that how they offered him a position on the team as a BACK-UP from where he could challenge for a stating job. KAEPERNICK TURNED IT DOWN...yet continued to LIE by saying no NFL team would sign him.

Then he conned his fellow players into defending him, even though at 1st no 2 players could agree on what his 'kneeling' protest was about - no one really knew. Then he conned many into joining him in kneeling during the national Anthem in protest 'of his country'. NFL Linebacker JJ Watts probably gave the best verbal defense, if there was one, of Kaepernick by saying whatever he was protesting he had the 'right' to kneel' though he made it clear he did not agree with doing so.
- I disagree with Watts. When any individual does anything in his workplace that puts the company / job in a negative light, especially if it costs the company MILLLIONS of dollars, the company has the right to prevent the employee from continuing to do so on the job. Kaepernick's dragging his political / personal 'kneeling' protest / circus into the NFL, an escape for many from politics and the troubles of the outside world, cost the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of fans who now refuse to watch the NFL, who I now count myself one of.

Goodell bagged / threatened teams to give Kaepernick a tryout...they did. His limited talent and time away from football showed.
-- Kaepernick did not get offered a starting NFL Quarterback position. He did, however, get a coveted Free Agency position in the 2020 Madden NFL Football game.

-- He is being given consideration for a position in the National Football Hall of Fame in which the greatest players in NFL history are enshrined...despite the fact that his own career football statistics pale by comparison and do NOT warrant even a DISCUSSION of entering let alone an actual induction into the NFL H0F.

-- The NFL has embraced his kneeling 'circus' that drove fans away previously, going much further now by painting Black Lives matter' in end zones, allowing 'BLM' patches and stickers while refusing to allow 'Blue Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter' signs / patches / stickers. They are allowing the 'kneeling' to continue and presenting 'tributes' to 'BLM' while the foreign-funded terrorists who have hijacked the movement and claim to BE the movement now engages in looting, mugging, burning, destroying, assault, rape, and even murder. This weekend the NFL had painted in an end zone the words, 'It Takes All Of Us' - Not it doesn't! It just takes a violent minority funded by our foreign enemies and supported / facilitated leftist extremist Democrats and Democrat politicians to so violently spread racial hatred, division, and violence - JUSTLIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID IN 2016 during another election year!

Kaepernick has gotten / received ALL of this, has had all of this done to pacify him and sate his own personal insatiable hunger for attention, for initially s starting NFL job, and now for more attention and fame, and STILL after all of this during this weekend, he is still not satisfied, still whining, crying, and complaining.

He is a bigger pariah and distraction to both his team and NFL than Terrell Owens ever was!

How dare he peacefully protest!!!
Former San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is STILL whining, crying, and complaining despite the entire NFL surrendering to his 'I Hate America Because It Is Evil' BS that was / is based on the fact that he was / is a mediocre QB without 'HoF' or even 'NFL STARTING QB' talent, that his stats when he was released were barely middle-of-the-road average, and no team pursued him / offered him the Starting opportunity he believed he deserved / deserves after not playing the QB position for YEARS.

Kaepernick may be an mediocre 'Back-Up' talent QB, but his Public Relations talent and ability to play the 'Victim Card' while demonizing the United States is nearly 2nd to NONE!

He managed to turn a ROUTINE annual event, his being one of hundreds - thousands - of NFL players being released from teams and not being re-signed, into a story of his victimization of an unjust, cruel, racist nation, a racist NFL, and their racist cultural Social Injustice targeting HIM and denying him the opportunity to make millions as a starting NFL player.

He suckered other NFL players into defending his right to kneel at the work-place, to conduct a personal demonstration during the National anthem, an act he damn-well KNEW would detract attention from not only his team, the 49ers, but from the entire NFL. He KNEW he was going to command media attention 'for his cause'...however, as we have seen and continue to see, the only cause Kaepernick EVER intended to promote was HIS OWN.

Aside from painting himself a victim and the US and NFL to be racist and socially unjust, aside from KNEELING, what has he done to change any of that? As pointed out, he attracted media attention....and made HIMSELF the focus of attention. What did he do to change things in the US or in the NFL? Did he march, protest, spend his own money to start up charities or organizations?

He bitched. He bitched no one would offer him a job as a STARTING QB. His stats and lack of playing time since he left the 49s did not merit an offer to START. To him, that did not matter. He then changed his complaint to say no team would give him an opportunity, would give him a try-out, or sign him. This was a LIE. Jim Harbaugh came out publicly in the media and told how he offered Kaepernick an OPPORTUNITY to try out and after that how they offered him a position on the team as a BACK-UP from where he could challenge for a stating job. KAEPERNICK TURNED IT DOWN...yet continued to LIE by saying no NFL team would sign him.

Then he conned his fellow players into defending him, even though at 1st no 2 players could agree on what his 'kneeling' protest was about - no one really knew. Then he conned many into joining him in kneeling during the national Anthem in protest 'of his country'. NFL Linebacker JJ Watts probably gave the best verbal defense, if there was one, of Kaepernick by saying whatever he was protesting he had the 'right' to kneel' though he made it clear he did not agree with doing so.
- I disagree with Watts. When any individual does anything in his workplace that puts the company / job in a negative light, especially if it costs the company MILLLIONS of dollars, the company has the right to prevent the employee from continuing to do so on the job. Kaepernick's dragging his political / personal 'kneeling' protest / circus into the NFL, an escape for many from politics and the troubles of the outside world, cost the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of fans who now refuse to watch the NFL, who I now count myself one of.

Goodell bagged / threatened teams to give Kaepernick a tryout...they did. His limited talent and time away from football showed.
-- Kaepernick did not get offered a starting NFL Quarterback position. He did, however, get a coveted Free Agency position in the 2020 Madden NFL Football game.

-- He is being given consideration for a position in the National Football Hall of Fame in which the greatest players in NFL history are enshrined...despite the fact that his own career football statistics pale by comparison and do NOT warrant even a DISCUSSION of entering let alone an actual induction into the NFL H0F.

-- The NFL has embraced his kneeling 'circus' that drove fans away previously, going much further now by painting Black Lives matter' in end zones, allowing 'BLM' patches and stickers while refusing to allow 'Blue Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter' signs / patches / stickers. They are allowing the 'kneeling' to continue and presenting 'tributes' to 'BLM' while the foreign-funded terrorists who have hijacked the movement and claim to BE the movement now engages in looting, mugging, burning, destroying, assault, rape, and even murder. This weekend the NFL had painted in an end zone the words, 'It Takes All Of Us' - Not it doesn't! It just takes a violent minority funded by our foreign enemies and supported / facilitated leftist extremist Democrats and Democrat politicians to so violently spread racial hatred, division, and violence - JUSTLIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID IN 2016 during another election year!

Kaepernick has gotten / received ALL of this, has had all of this done to pacify him and sate his own personal insatiable hunger for attention, for initially s starting NFL job, and now for more attention and fame, and STILL after all of this during this weekend, he is still not satisfied, still whining, crying, and complaining.

He is a bigger pariah and distraction to both his team and NFL than Terrell Owens ever was!

???..oh.. you mean he's still protesting social it
i cant recall any players resorting to this through out the years. if there is a problem, in your mind, in the workplace you are supposed to follow the chain of command. that didnt happen so his ass needed to be fired. the nfl can enshrine him, but not sure they are going to have all the $$$ coming in to do it. as far as i can see, the nfl is dead in my area now...thanx colin, hope you got what you wanted whine ass
Former San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is STILL whining, crying, and complaining despite the entire NFL surrendering to his 'I Hate America Because It Is Evil' BS that was / is based on the fact that he was / is a mediocre QB without 'HoF' or even 'NFL STARTING QB' talent, that his stats when he was released were barely middle-of-the-road average, and no team pursued him / offered him the Starting opportunity he believed he deserved / deserves after not playing the QB position for YEARS.

Kaepernick may be an mediocre 'Back-Up' talent QB, but his Public Relations talent and ability to play the 'Victim Card' while demonizing the United States is nearly 2nd to NONE!

He managed to turn a ROUTINE annual event, his being one of hundreds - thousands - of NFL players being released from teams and not being re-signed, into a story of his victimization of an unjust, cruel, racist nation, a racist NFL, and their racist cultural Social Injustice targeting HIM and denying him the opportunity to make millions as a starting NFL player.

He suckered other NFL players into defending his right to kneel at the work-place, to conduct a personal demonstration during the National anthem, an act he damn-well KNEW would detract attention from not only his team, the 49ers, but from the entire NFL. He KNEW he was going to command media attention 'for his cause'...however, as we have seen and continue to see, the only cause Kaepernick EVER intended to promote was HIS OWN.

Aside from painting himself a victim and the US and NFL to be racist and socially unjust, aside from KNEELING, what has he done to change any of that? As pointed out, he attracted media attention....and made HIMSELF the focus of attention. What did he do to change things in the US or in the NFL? Did he march, protest, spend his own money to start up charities or organizations?

He bitched. He bitched no one would offer him a job as a STARTING QB. His stats and lack of playing time since he left the 49s did not merit an offer to START. To him, that did not matter. He then changed his complaint to say no team would give him an opportunity, would give him a try-out, or sign him. This was a LIE. Jim Harbaugh came out publicly in the media and told how he offered Kaepernick an OPPORTUNITY to try out and after that how they offered him a position on the team as a BACK-UP from where he could challenge for a stating job. KAEPERNICK TURNED IT DOWN...yet continued to LIE by saying no NFL team would sign him.

Then he conned his fellow players into defending him, even though at 1st no 2 players could agree on what his 'kneeling' protest was about - no one really knew. Then he conned many into joining him in kneeling during the national Anthem in protest 'of his country'. NFL Linebacker JJ Watts probably gave the best verbal defense, if there was one, of Kaepernick by saying whatever he was protesting he had the 'right' to kneel' though he made it clear he did not agree with doing so.
- I disagree with Watts. When any individual does anything in his workplace that puts the company / job in a negative light, especially if it costs the company MILLLIONS of dollars, the company has the right to prevent the employee from continuing to do so on the job. Kaepernick's dragging his political / personal 'kneeling' protest / circus into the NFL, an escape for many from politics and the troubles of the outside world, cost the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of fans who now refuse to watch the NFL, who I now count myself one of.

Goodell bagged / threatened teams to give Kaepernick a tryout...they did. His limited talent and time away from football showed.
-- Kaepernick did not get offered a starting NFL Quarterback position. He did, however, get a coveted Free Agency position in the 2020 Madden NFL Football game.

-- He is being given consideration for a position in the National Football Hall of Fame in which the greatest players in NFL history are enshrined...despite the fact that his own career football statistics pale by comparison and do NOT warrant even a DISCUSSION of entering let alone an actual induction into the NFL H0F.

-- The NFL has embraced his kneeling 'circus' that drove fans away previously, going much further now by painting Black Lives matter' in end zones, allowing 'BLM' patches and stickers while refusing to allow 'Blue Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter' signs / patches / stickers. They are allowing the 'kneeling' to continue and presenting 'tributes' to 'BLM' while the foreign-funded terrorists who have hijacked the movement and claim to BE the movement now engages in looting, mugging, burning, destroying, assault, rape, and even murder. This weekend the NFL had painted in an end zone the words, 'It Takes All Of Us' - Not it doesn't! It just takes a violent minority funded by our foreign enemies and supported / facilitated leftist extremist Democrats and Democrat politicians to so violently spread racial hatred, division, and violence - JUSTLIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID IN 2016 during another election year!

Kaepernick has gotten / received ALL of this, has had all of this done to pacify him and sate his own personal insatiable hunger for attention, for initially s starting NFL job, and now for more attention and fame, and STILL after all of this during this weekend, he is still not satisfied, still whining, crying, and complaining.

He is a bigger pariah and distraction to both his team and NFL than Terrell Owens ever was!

Cam Newton looked pretty good for the Pats!!! Love it. Who needs Kaep? Where would he even play?
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
The passing efficiency thing is moot because pressure on the LOS with the option forces the defense to simplify coverage. They instead got away from the option because it doesn’t sell well to the low-IQ clientele.
Former San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is STILL whining, crying, and complaining despite the entire NFL surrendering to his 'I Hate America Because It Is Evil' BS that was / is based on the fact that he was / is a mediocre QB without 'HoF' or even 'NFL STARTING QB' talent, that his stats when he was released were barely middle-of-the-road average, and no team pursued him / offered him the Starting opportunity he believed he deserved / deserves after not playing the QB position for YEARS.

Kaepernick may be an mediocre 'Back-Up' talent QB, but his Public Relations talent and ability to play the 'Victim Card' while demonizing the United States is nearly 2nd to NONE!

He managed to turn a ROUTINE annual event, his being one of hundreds - thousands - of NFL players being released from teams and not being re-signed, into a story of his victimization of an unjust, cruel, racist nation, a racist NFL, and their racist cultural Social Injustice targeting HIM and denying him the opportunity to make millions as a starting NFL player.

He suckered other NFL players into defending his right to kneel at the work-place, to conduct a personal demonstration during the National anthem, an act he damn-well KNEW would detract attention from not only his team, the 49ers, but from the entire NFL. He KNEW he was going to command media attention 'for his cause'...however, as we have seen and continue to see, the only cause Kaepernick EVER intended to promote was HIS OWN.

Aside from painting himself a victim and the US and NFL to be racist and socially unjust, aside from KNEELING, what has he done to change any of that? As pointed out, he attracted media attention....and made HIMSELF the focus of attention. What did he do to change things in the US or in the NFL? Did he march, protest, spend his own money to start up charities or organizations?

He bitched. He bitched no one would offer him a job as a STARTING QB. His stats and lack of playing time since he left the 49s did not merit an offer to START. To him, that did not matter. He then changed his complaint to say no team would give him an opportunity, would give him a try-out, or sign him. This was a LIE. Jim Harbaugh came out publicly in the media and told how he offered Kaepernick an OPPORTUNITY to try out and after that how they offered him a position on the team as a BACK-UP from where he could challenge for a stating job. KAEPERNICK TURNED IT DOWN...yet continued to LIE by saying no NFL team would sign him.

Then he conned his fellow players into defending him, even though at 1st no 2 players could agree on what his 'kneeling' protest was about - no one really knew. Then he conned many into joining him in kneeling during the national Anthem in protest 'of his country'. NFL Linebacker JJ Watts probably gave the best verbal defense, if there was one, of Kaepernick by saying whatever he was protesting he had the 'right' to kneel' though he made it clear he did not agree with doing so.
- I disagree with Watts. When any individual does anything in his workplace that puts the company / job in a negative light, especially if it costs the company MILLLIONS of dollars, the company has the right to prevent the employee from continuing to do so on the job. Kaepernick's dragging his political / personal 'kneeling' protest / circus into the NFL, an escape for many from politics and the troubles of the outside world, cost the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of fans who now refuse to watch the NFL, who I now count myself one of.

Goodell bagged / threatened teams to give Kaepernick a tryout...they did. His limited talent and time away from football showed.
-- Kaepernick did not get offered a starting NFL Quarterback position. He did, however, get a coveted Free Agency position in the 2020 Madden NFL Football game.

-- He is being given consideration for a position in the National Football Hall of Fame in which the greatest players in NFL history are enshrined...despite the fact that his own career football statistics pale by comparison and do NOT warrant even a DISCUSSION of entering let alone an actual induction into the NFL H0F.

-- The NFL has embraced his kneeling 'circus' that drove fans away previously, going much further now by painting Black Lives matter' in end zones, allowing 'BLM' patches and stickers while refusing to allow 'Blue Lives Matter' or 'All Lives Matter' signs / patches / stickers. They are allowing the 'kneeling' to continue and presenting 'tributes' to 'BLM' while the foreign-funded terrorists who have hijacked the movement and claim to BE the movement now engages in looting, mugging, burning, destroying, assault, rape, and even murder. This weekend the NFL had painted in an end zone the words, 'It Takes All Of Us' - Not it doesn't! It just takes a violent minority funded by our foreign enemies and supported / facilitated leftist extremist Democrats and Democrat politicians to so violently spread racial hatred, division, and violence - JUSTLIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID IN 2016 during another election year!

Kaepernick has gotten / received ALL of this, has had all of this done to pacify him and sate his own personal insatiable hunger for attention, for initially s starting NFL job, and now for more attention and fame, and STILL after all of this during this weekend, he is still not satisfied, still whining, crying, and complaining.

He is a bigger pariah and distraction to both his team and NFL than Terrell Owens ever was!

How dare he peacefully protest!!!
He's not protesting--he's throwing a temper tantrum.
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
The passing efficiency thing is moot because pressure on the LOS with the option forces the defense to simplify coverage. They instead got away from the option because it doesn’t sell well to the low-IQ clientele.
They quit doing it because the defenses adjusted, like they always do when some smarty-panys OC tries to revive the option play in the pros.
Sometimes I wonder if the hatred within themselves involves something they can not control. Maybe they just hate themselves for being black, and hate whites because they are white like they wish to be.
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
The passing efficiency thing is moot because pressure on the LOS with the option forces the defense to simplify coverage. They instead got away from the option because it doesn’t sell well to the low-IQ clientele.
They quit doing it because the defenses adjusted, like they always do when some smarty-panys OC tries to revive the option play in the pros.
The option was never allowed to develop in the NFL. Because of TV, they changed their rules to encourage passing. The Bengals ran it with Virgil Carter at QB and Bill Walsh as OC back in 1968. That was it.
Ironically, since the pros have added the zone read aspect, two NFL teams have enlisted the aid of Paul Johnson, triple option coach at various programs during his college coaching career, to help with teaching QB’s the ride mesh technique. Fifty years after high school and college teams began using it.
It can be done as colon climber demonstrated but the NFL doesn’t want it. Marketing.
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
Here’s a link to an explanation of what could be...
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
Here’s a link to an explanation of what could be...
Defenses adjust, and QBs take a beating.....Even a freight train like Cam Newton couldn't take the beating forever.
Colon Climber did an excellent job of running a form of triple-option out of the pistol formation at Nevada. So much so that the 49ers changed their offense to fit his talents. They took that strategy all the way to the super bowl and almost won.
But the NFL doesn’t like that kind of option football art so teams steered away from that and that hurt the bigot’s hiring potential.
NFL accommodates a low-IQ clientele. An ADHD mentality.
It’s a lose/lose for all parties.
Not to mention that he couldn't make the conversion to a dropback passer, because he couldn't make a secondary read.

The chump was a one-trick pony....Must suck to lose your job to a washed-up 2nd stringer (Blaine Gabbert).
Here’s a link to an explanation of what could be...
Defenses adjust, and QBs take a beating.....Even a freight train like Cam Newton couldn't take the beating forever.
For every defensive adjustment an offensive counter exists.
I don’t see why teams don’t approach eligible receivers as dual threats. Every good baseball player has to throw — not just pitchers. Single wing used to pressure defenses this way so there’s no reason that can’t be reprised and expanded.
BTW, most QBs are injured in the pocket.
The NFL doesn't deserve such caliber of a man.

They should be grateful they were blessed w/his presence the years they were able to.

He's not suffering, nor will he suffer.

The great whiteballing campaign failed.

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