The More I See of This Ukrainian Government

I'm not afraid to admit when I am wrong. And I am beginning to think I may have been wrong in speaking out so strongly against the Russians actions in the Ukraine.

The more I see of this Ukrainian Government, the less likely I am to write off Putin's claim that ethnic Russians in Ukraine are under attack. Yesterday I saw footage from the Ukrainian parliament that showed a legislator who spoke out supporting pro-Russian protesters getting his ass kicked by other legislators.

Is the United States backing the wrong horse? Again?

I have not made a judgement here.
The reason is in virtually every instance in the course of human history, whenever there is a small but important ethnic/religious minority living in a country, that minority is often scapegoated for reasons of economy, of establishment of human rights, or even out of the fear that said minority is gaining strength in the political power structure.
However, in the Ukraine case, I believe Putin's motives are economic and territorial.
I think Putin is incensed that Ukraine is not part of Russia and I believe he thinks it should be.
Look, I am resolved to the idea that there is no Ukraine. Putin's government will eventually annex the entire country. And there is not a thing anyone will do about it.
There's no "repairing" peace with Russia. There's not been any piece since Yeltsin was shown the door. It's just that until JR decided to invade Mesopetamia, we had enough conventional weapons of such quality that we deterred the Bear's appetite.

Remember the Reagan commercial.

As for the Ukraine, the Baltics have similar problems with civil rights and Russian speaking people. We'll see. But just because the soviets put a bunch of Russians in these places, doesn't require the folks with generational ties have to hack off some land to satisfy them. If the Russian speakers want to be good citizens, then the former Soviet satellites should let them. If not, they can move to Moscow.

Now how to force Putin to accept that ..... not so easy with the current military debacle.

With all due respect this statement is wrong.

But just because the soviets put a bunch of Russians in these places, doesn't require the folks with generational ties have to hack off some land to satisfy them.

Crimea for example had been Russian since the 1700's until Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to the Ukraine as a gift in 1954.

The Russian government did not "put" Russians in Crimea. And the majority are ethnic Russians. This is a fact.

And if you think about it, the Ukraine as a whole was part of the USSR until 1991. Russian was of course the predominant language.

Great map to show you how the country breaks down linguistically.

The new interim government in Kiev are intent on banning Russian, Greek and other languages that became protected in 2012 but the goons in power voted to repeal this protection as soon as they seized power.

The EU convinced the new President to veto the bill.


This one map helps explain Ukraine?s protests
Now for anyone still wondering why Crimea and other parts of eastern Ukraine are royally pissed off at this coup errrrrrrrrrrrrr revolution by the thugs in Kiev one has to take into consideration a couple of factors.

#1 This is a freaking biggie. The East put this President and this government in power that the militants and the opposition threw out.

#2 Kiev. You know where the revolution took place? Well Kiev voted over 70% against Yanukovych.
So all the coverage and interviews that were conducted of course were freaking biased. How could they not be?

Now here's the electoral map of Yanukovych's win. Now if you voted for Yanukovych and you saw your duly elected government thrown out by the opposition are you going to have a warm and fuzzy for Kiev and the illegal government?

Hell no. Of course the east is pissed off about this coup. And if we think we are polarized, you ain't seen nothing. Hells bells we look like one big happy electoral family compared to the Ukraine.


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