The March of Left-Wing Sharia


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

2. candy cigarettes Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA

3. NEW YORK — With supporters chanting "forwards, never backwards!" on the steps of City Hall, the City Council on Wednesday approved a symbolic resolution to ban a racial slur that has a painful history intertwined with slavery. N.Y. city council backs n-word 'ban' - U.S. news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

4. The United Kingdom's National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) claims that junk food is responsible for 40,000 deaths a year. However, the evidence on which this claim is made is highly dubious, says Rob Lyons, deputy editor of Spiked.
For most people there is no evidence that cutting salt is of any benefit at all; indeed, for some people it could be harmful:
The tyranny of the anti-junk food crusade | spiked

5. Whistles, catcalls and lewd come-ons from strangers are all too familiar to New York City women, who say they are harassed multiple times a day as they walk down the street. Now lawmakers are examining whether to do something to discourage it.
NYC Considers a No Catcall Zone | NBC New York

6. More importantly, the supes [supervisors] passed the so-called "Happy Meal Ban" by an 8-3 vote ― meaning it can survive a promised veto from Mayor Gavin Newsom. That's right: San Francisco done banned the Happy Meal. Robble robble.
S.F. Supes Pass Happy Meal Ban with Veto-Proof Majority - San Francisco Restaurants and Dining - SFoodie

7. As many as 14 armed Orange County deputies, including narcotics agents, stormed Strictly Skillz barbershop during business hours on a Saturday in August, handcuffing barbers in front of customers during a busy back-to-school weekend.

It was just one of a series of unprecedented raid-style inspections the Orange County Sheriff's Office recently conducted with a state regulating agency, targeting several predominantly black- and Hispanic-owned barbershops in the Pine Hills area.

In "sweeps" on Aug. 21 and Sept. 17 targeting at least nine shops, deputies arrested 37 people — the majority charged with "barbering without a license," a misdemeanor that state records show only three other people have been jailed in Florida in the past 10 years.
Unlicensed barbering arrests: Did Florida deputies use licensing inspectors to raid barbershops for drugs? -

8. 13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike. He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He's had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday, was told to take it down. Denair Middle School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike - KTXL

9. In December 2007, many of these state efforts became moot when the federal government enacted the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which requires all general-purpose light bulbs that produce 310–2600 lumens of light[7] be 30% more energy efficient (similar to current halogen lamps) than current incandescent bulbs by 2012 to 2014. The efficiency standards will start with 100-watt bulbs in January 2012 and end with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014.
Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

10. SAN FRANCISCO - The City Council of San Francisco voted yesterday to outlaw circumcision.
The new law makes it a misdemeanor to “circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of all minors, and does not make exceptions for religious reasons.

The decision to permanently remove a boy’s foreskin should not be made by parents, says William Barfield, the author of the new law. SAN FRANCISCO BANS CIRCUMCISION|Weekly World News

“For nearly a century now, the friends of liberty, local autonomy, and civic agency have been in retreat, and the administrative state has grown by leaps and bounds.”
1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

2. candy cigarettes Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
3. NEW YORK — With supporters chanting "forwards, never backwards!" on the steps of City Hall, the City Council on Wednesday approved a symbolic resolution to ban a racial slur that has a painful history intertwined with slavery. N.Y. city council backs n-word 'ban' - U.S. news - Life - Race & ethnicity -

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
4. The United Kingdom's National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) claims that junk food is responsible for 40,000 deaths a year. However, the evidence on which this claim is made is highly dubious, says Rob Lyons, deputy editor of Spiked.
For most people there is no evidence that cutting salt is of any benefit at all; indeed, for some people it could be harmful:
The tyranny of the anti-junk food crusade | spiked

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
5. Whistles, catcalls and lewd come-ons from strangers are all too familiar to New York City women, who say they are harassed multiple times a day as they walk down the street. Now lawmakers are examining whether to do something to discourage it.
NYC Considers a No Catcall Zone | NBC New York

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
6. More importantly, the supes [supervisors] passed the so-called "Happy Meal Ban" by an 8-3 vote ― meaning it can survive a promised veto from Mayor Gavin Newsom. That's right: San Francisco done banned the Happy Meal. Robble robble.
S.F. Supes Pass Happy Meal Ban with Veto-Proof Majority - San Francisco Restaurants and Dining - SFoodie
Which is where in the Qu'ran?

7. As many as 14 armed Orange County deputies, including narcotics agents, stormed Strictly Skillz barbershop during business hours on a Saturday in August, handcuffing barbers in front of customers during a busy back-to-school weekend.

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
In "sweeps" on Aug. 21 and Sept. 17 targeting at least nine shops, deputies arrested 37 people — the majority charged with "barbering without a license," a misdemeanor that state records show only three other people have been jailed in Florida in the past 10 years.
Unlicensed barbering arrests: Did Florida deputies use licensing inspectors to raid barbershops for drugs? -

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
8. 13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike. He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He's had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday, was told to take it down. Denair Middle School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike - KTXL

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

(Hint: You think America is a Christian nartion; that would make us 'people of the book')
9. In December 2007, many of these state efforts became moot when the federal government enacted the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which requires all general-purpose light bulbs that produce 310–2600 lumens of light[7] be 30% more energy efficient (similar to current halogen lamps) than current incandescent bulbs by 2012 to 2014. The efficiency standards will start with 100-watt bulbs in January 2012 and end with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014.
Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
10. SAN FRANCISCO - The City Council of San Francisco voted yesterday to outlaw circumcision.
The new law makes it a misdemeanor to “circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of all minors, and does not make exceptions for religious reasons.

The decision to permanently remove a boy’s foreskin should not be made by parents, says William Barfield, the author of the new law. SAN FRANCISCO BANS CIRCUMCISION|Weekly World News

“For nearly a century now, the friends of liberty, local autonomy, and civic agency have been in retreat, and the administrative state has grown by leaps and bounds.”

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Nice to see you're up for the religious genital disfigurement of children, though.

Retarded islamophobic fear mongering and miscellenious political bullshit refuted.

Why do you insist on posting such crap?
Socialists/Progressives. Aren't they great? Just heard they're banning energy drinks that contain alcohol. I guess grown adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to drink energy drinks that contain alcohol. Big Brother must make that decision for them. The Socialists/Progressives are on a rampage. It's up to the People to stop them. Lets hope & pray this happens at some point. Big Brother is on the march for sure.
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1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

2. candy cigarettes Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA Candy Cigarettes Banned By FDA

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

(Hint: You think America is a Christian nartion; that would make us 'people of the book')
9. In December 2007, many of these state efforts became moot when the federal government enacted the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which requires all general-purpose light bulbs that produce 310–2600 lumens of light[7] be 30% more energy efficient (similar to current halogen lamps) than current incandescent bulbs by 2012 to 2014. The efficiency standards will start with 100-watt bulbs in January 2012 and end with 40-watt bulbs in January 2014.
Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
10. SAN FRANCISCO - The City Council of San Francisco voted yesterday to outlaw circumcision.
The new law makes it a misdemeanor to “circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of all minors, and does not make exceptions for religious reasons.

The decision to permanently remove a boy’s foreskin should not be made by parents, says William Barfield, the author of the new law. SAN FRANCISCO BANS CIRCUMCISION|Weekly World News

“For nearly a century now, the friends of liberty, local autonomy, and civic agency have been in retreat, and the administrative state has grown by leaps and bounds.”

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Nice to see you're up for the religious genital disfigurement of children, though.

Retarded islamophobic fear mongering and miscellenious political bullshit refuted.

Why do you insist on posting such crap?

Hey, is that you, Beuk?

Who forgot to bolt down the manhole cover?

Outside of your constant neg reps, haven’t heard from you in a while…but not long enough.

But now that you’re here, maybe you could clear up question I have…

Remember, in William James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience,” – you’ve read that, haven’t you?

Well, anyway, he makes the interesting point that some of the dour religious outlooks, in some denominations, was due to physiological dysfunctions in their progenitors…like ulcers and the like,

So, I was thinking, based on your hostile, accusatory posts, the mean-spirited manner of same, would I be correct in guessing that you are gnome-like in demeanor, with a perpetual scowl, and really, really unhappy with your life?

On the head, my ugly little twerp?

And, maybe you live under a bridge?

How’d I do? Time to open my ‘reader-and-advisor’ kiosk?

BTW, the narrative license here is that 'sharia' refers to religious this case, the religion of liberals.

Does that make it easier for your tiny brain?
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Pressure Mounts on FDA to Ban Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks
Updated: 1 hour 18 minutes ago
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Lisa Flam
(Nov. 16) -- Pressure is mounting against popular caffeine-laced alcoholic drinks like Four Loko that have been implicated in several deaths, with states moving to restrict the beverages and at least one official calling on the Food and Drug Administration to outlaw them altogether.

The drinks popular with college students have been banned in Washington, Michigan, Utah and Oklahoma. New York and Connecticut have recently reached agreements to keep the drinks from being sold there, and Massachusetts is instituting an emergency rule on Monday to prohibit them as they are currently sold.
1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

I think that Groin Tag should be banned as it promotes genital groping...not to mention occasional ruptured testicles.
Socialists/Progressives. Aren't they great? Just heard they're banning energy drinks that contain alcohol. I guess grown adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to drink energy drinks that contain alcohol. Big Brother must make that decision for them. The Socialists/Progressives are on a rampage. It's up to the People to stop them. Lets hope & pray this happens at some point. Big Brother is on the march for sure.

And it's not like we weren't warned...

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

So, for folks who shun responsibility for their own lives, their own actions, liberalism fills the bill.
1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

I think that Groin Tag should be banned as it promotes genital groping...not to mention occasional ruptured testicles.

Is this autobiographical?
1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

(Hint: You think America is a Christian nartion; that would make us 'people of the book')

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
10. SAN FRANCISCO - The City Council of San Francisco voted yesterday to outlaw circumcision.
The new law makes it a misdemeanor to “circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of all minors, and does not make exceptions for religious reasons.

The decision to permanently remove a boy’s foreskin should not be made by parents, says William Barfield, the author of the new law. SAN FRANCISCO BANS CIRCUMCISION|Weekly World News

“For nearly a century now, the friends of liberty, local autonomy, and civic agency have been in retreat, and the administrative state has grown by leaps and bounds.”
Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Nice to see you're up for the religious genital disfigurement of children, though.

Retarded islamophobic fear mongering and miscellenious political bullshit refuted.

Why do you insist on posting such crap?

Hey, is that you, Beuk?

Who forgot to bolt down the manhole cover?

Outside of your constant neg reps, haven’t heard from you in a while…but not long enough.

But now that you’re here, maybe you could clear up question I have…

Remember, in William James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience,” – you’ve read that, haven’t you?

Well, anyway, he makes the interesting point that some of the dour religious outlooks, in some denominations, was due to physiological dysfunctions in their progenitors…like ulcers and the like,

So, I was thinking, based on your hostile, accusatory posts, the mean-spirited manner of same, would I be correct in guessing that you are gnome-like in demeanor, with a perpetual scowl, and really, really unhappy with your life?

On the head, my ugly little twerp?

And, maybe you live under a bridge?

How’d I do? Time to open my ‘reader-and-advisor’ kiosk?

BTW, the narrative licensce here is that 'sharia' refers to religious this case, the religion of liberals.

Does that make it easier for your tiny brain?

lies, quotemining, and ad homs

all you ever post
Pressure Mounts on FDA to Ban Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks
Updated: 1 hour 18 minutes ago
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Lisa Flam
(Nov. 16) -- Pressure is mounting against popular caffeine-laced alcoholic drinks like Four Loko that have been implicated in several deaths, with states moving to restrict the beverages and at least one official calling on the Food and Drug Administration to outlaw them altogether.

The drinks popular with college students have been banned in Washington, Michigan, Utah and Oklahoma. New York and Connecticut have recently reached agreements to keep the drinks from being sold there, and Massachusetts is instituting an emergency rule on Monday to prohibit them as they are currently sold.

Yea i read about this today. Grown Adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to drink energy drinks that contain alcohol? Big Brother must step in and make this decision for us? This stuff is so unbelievable. And the sheep just sit back and allow this. The Socialists/Progressives are out of control. When will the People stop being sheep and begin to fight this Big Brother onslaught? The time is now in my opinion.
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1. “Some traditional childhood games are disappearing from school playgrounds because educators say they're dangerous…prohibited tag at recess because it "progresses easily into slapping and hitting and pushing instead of just touching," Principal Cindy Farwell says….Contact sports were banned…” - 'Not it!' More schools ban games at recess

I think that Groin Tag should be banned as it promotes genital groping...not to mention occasional ruptured testicles.

Is this autobiographical?

No comment.
Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Which is where in the Qu'ran?

(Hint: You think America is a Christian nartion; that would make us 'people of the book')

Which is where in the Qu'ran?
Which is where in the Qu'ran?

Nice to see you're up for the religious genital disfigurement of children, though.

Retarded islamophobic fear mongering and miscellenious political bullshit refuted.

Why do you insist on posting such crap?

Hey, is that you, Beuk?

Who forgot to bolt down the manhole cover?

Outside of your constant neg reps, haven’t heard from you in a while…but not long enough.

But now that you’re here, maybe you could clear up question I have…

Remember, in William James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience,” – you’ve read that, haven’t you?

Well, anyway, he makes the interesting point that some of the dour religious outlooks, in some denominations, was due to physiological dysfunctions in their progenitors…like ulcers and the like,

So, I was thinking, based on your hostile, accusatory posts, the mean-spirited manner of same, would I be correct in guessing that you are gnome-like in demeanor, with a perpetual scowl, and really, really unhappy with your life?

On the head, my ugly little twerp?

And, maybe you live under a bridge?

How’d I do? Time to open my ‘reader-and-advisor’ kiosk?

BTW, the narrative licensce here is that 'sharia' refers to religious this case, the religion of liberals.

Does that make it easier for your tiny brain?

lies, quotemining, and ad homs

all you ever post

C'mon, Beuk...

don't ignore the question...are you as ugly in physiognomy as you are in posts?

I'm dying to know if I have 'the power' ...second sight?

And, even if you are, you’d make a damn fine organ donor…

And you forgot to 're-understand' the OP, now that I had to explain it to you.

What's the dillio?
Pressure Mounts on FDA to Ban Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks
Updated: 1 hour 18 minutes ago
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Lisa Flam
(Nov. 16) -- Pressure is mounting against popular caffeine-laced alcoholic drinks like Four Loko that have been implicated in several deaths, with states moving to restrict the beverages and at least one official calling on the Food and Drug Administration to outlaw them altogether.

The drinks popular with college students have been banned in Washington, Michigan, Utah and Oklahoma. New York and Connecticut have recently reached agreements to keep the drinks from being sold there, and Massachusetts is instituting an emergency rule on Monday to prohibit them as they are currently sold.

Yea i read about this today. Grown Adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to drink energy drinks that contain alcohol? Big Brother must step in and make this decision for us? This stuff is so unbelievable. And the sheep just sit back and allow this. The Socialists/Progressives are out of control. When will the People stop being sheep and begin to fight this Big Brother onslaught? The time is now in my opinion.
Grown Adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to smoke a plant that makes them feel good? Big Brother must step in and make this decision for us? This stuff is so unbelievable. And the sheep just sit back and allow this. The conservatives are out of control. When will the People stop being sheep and begin to fight this Big Brother onslaught? The time is now in my opinion

Can we get some consistency form the right?
Political ditz is more like it

This is the best you can do????

Where is the rebuttal???

The counter????

The refutation???

Inept and...shall we say, 'limited'?
At least tell why you agree with all of the items listed!

What a lazy little wimp you are: put some thought into your response...or at least your weak insults.
Banning Energy Drinks that have alcohol in them? Come on America. Haven't you had enough of Big Brother yet? I think grown adults can decide whether or not they want to drink Energy Drinks that contain alcohol. Big Brother can go to Hell.

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