The Lone Man at Arlington on Veterans Day


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This morning, I visited a quiet, out-of-the-way plot of Arlington National Cemetery known as Section 60. Being Veterans Day, the Cemetery was packed with tourists and volunteers, schoolchildren and general well-wishers. The crowds at Arlington's main gate jostled shoulder-to-shoulder to see the Tomb of the Unknowns, or visit Kennedy's Eternal Flame. Some had arms full of flags to plant, row by row, stone by stone.

These aren't the people you see at Section 60.

Section 60 is a newer plot of Arlington National Cemetery, where most of the recent American casualties of war are laid to rest. I visit this plot because two men I knew were buried here, about eight rows apart. One of those men hardened me into a soldier; the other helped soften me into a leader.

While visiting their graves, I met a lone man walking the stones at Section 60. Far away from cameras and fanfare, Defense Secretary James Mattis spent his Veterans Day with the recent fallen. I watched him listen patiently to stories from surviving friends and family members. An old man visiting his Marine son's grave told Mattis that he was his boy's hero; the Warrior Monk smiled sadly and said that the old man's son was one of his.

James Mattis is one of those living legends who transcends politics and ideology. His job is his life, and that job is the welfare of this country and its servicemembers. This Veterans Day, I send a special thanks to James Mattis, for not taking today off.


David Brown

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