The lie about the Trump Voter Commission can't even last a week...

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.

it allowed him to get Gorsuch in. and it will let him get all those lower court picks in, and hopefully another two SC picks.
Still, not to the credit of Trump. And Trump only gets to appoint another Supreme Court justice as long as Republicans control the Senate. If Democrats take over in 2019, he fills no more seats.

He appointed him, he will get credit. And your chances of Senate control in 2019 is probably a long shot
So you credit Trump even though Republicans are the ones to get that seat filled with a conservative?


As far as Democrats in 2018, Senate seats of the president's party are typically lost in a mid-term election. Especially with an unpopular president. So we'll see. Between Democrats having more seats up for grabs and Trump being unpopular, that election is a toss up. And Democrats will not confirm any conservative Trump names if they win the Senate.

Trump made the selection, and he made the right one. Senate Republicans kept the seat open, kept control of the Senate, and finished off the Filibuster changes made under Harry Reid.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.
While true, that is not the real reason for the fake commission. One of the things asked for is PARTY AFFILIATION!!!!!!! The voter lists will be used to purge as many DEMOCRATS as possible and make as many DEMOCRATS as possible reregister in the hope that it will reduce their number enough for the GOP to steal an election. That is why the Russians tried to hack and alter state voter lists in collusion with the RNC.

Under the Privacy Act of 1974, the federal government is not allowed to have records of party affiliation. So Republicans want something that it is illegal for them to have.

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