The lie about the Trump Voter Commission can't even last a week...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....the lie about the Trump Administrations investigation into voter fraud can't last a week before it is exposed as a lie....

Media Talking Points on State Voter Data Request Don't Hold Water

Let's see what the letter actually says. In this copy, sent to North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, Kobach states that the commission will be:

"...ubmitting a report to the President of the United States that identifies laws, rules, policies, activities, strategies, and practices that enhance or undermine the American people’s confidence in the integrity of federal elections processes."
If the above quote referenced a desire to investigate possible Russian interference in the election and talked about the people's confidence in the integrity of the process, I doubt any Democrats would be refusing to take part.

Kobach then asks for input from the state officials, asking seven specific questions. The request for data comes after that.

"In addition, in order for the Commission to fully analyze vulnerabilities and issues related to voter registration and voting, I am requesting that you provide to the Commission the publicly-available voter roll data for North Carolina, including, if publicly available under the laws of your state..."
... and then lists the data Politico referenced. He asks for the data by July 14, but doesn't state it as a deadline, and offers both an FTP transfer site for file upload and an email address for replies to be sent to. Presumably the data files would be sent by FTP since they'd be too large to attach to an email. (Some publications have characterized the commission as technically inept, claiming they asked for such sensitive data to be transmitted via email, which is ridiculous based on file size alone.)

As for that "vow" to make the data public? Here is the verbiage:

"Please be aware that any documents that are submitted to the full Commission will also be made available to the public."
Hmmm, sounds like a boilerplate "public records" warning to me, and is probably more of a caution for state officials to keep in mind when drafting documents responding to the request for input - especially since the only voter data requested is already available to the public.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.
One is reminded of Nero fiddling while Rome burns, what purpose can this serve except to open personal information to hackers everywhere. The republicans lost their targets and now must take aim at everything so as to distract the fools who follow them like puppies. The comedy continues and 2aguy marches in step.

"This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it." Joseph Goebbels
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

& why in the hell is he still doing 'rallies'????????????? i thought he 'won'. it's 'cause he needs to keep his base good & ignorant.......

A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
Still your pres.jpg
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
You assholes do know you have gotten a USSC justice similar to Gorsucks if you elected Rubio, Bush, Kasich , etc- you know one of the Republicans running that was not a total dick like Trump.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
You assholes do know you have gotten a USSC justice similar to Gorsucks if you elected Rubio, Bush, Kasich , etc- you know one of the Republicans running that was not a total dick like Trump.

I was a Walker then Jindal then Cruz guy in the Primaries. Once Trump got the Nod my only goal was to not see Hillary in office, mostly for the SC nomination(s).
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.

it allowed him to get Gorsuch in. and it will let him get all those lower court picks in, and hopefully another two SC picks.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
So you agree that Republicans cheated. Buy hey, you got your judge so fuck the law, fuck honresty, fuck justice. Fuck America. Right?
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
So you agree that Republicans cheated. Buy hey, you got your judge so fuck the law, fuck honresty, fuck justice. Fuck America. Right?

No cheating at all. No rules of the Senate were broken.

And The Democrats opened up the can of worms 90% of the way, you can't blame Republicans for opening up the other 10%.

And your diatribe at the end makes me say this. Go fuck yourself you progressive fucktard.
Any attempt to combat voter fraud is met with resistance by the RaTz.
Voter fraud is not a significant problem. Hell, more votes were likely affected in the last election by Russian meddling. Where's the outrage from the right to do something about that from occurring again?
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.
While true, that is not the real reason for the fake commission. One of the things asked for is PARTY AFFILIATION!!!!!!! The voter lists will be used to purge as many DEMOCRATS as possible and make as many DEMOCRATS as possible reregister in the hope that it will reduce their number enough for the GOP to steal an election. That is why the Russians tried to hack and alter state voter lists in collusion with the RNC.
That fat old bastard in the White House still cannot accept the reality of the fact that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So he is doing what he does best, lying like hell, and trying some legal shenanigan to prove that he is not the loser that he is. Nearly 6 months in office, not one thing of note accomplished, other than giving companies permission to poison our air and water. What a fucking loser.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.

it allowed him to get Gorsuch in. and it will let him get all those lower court picks in, and hopefully another two SC picks.
Still, not to the credit of Trump. And Trump only gets to appoint another Supreme Court justice as long as Republicans control the Senate. If Democrats take over in 2019, he fills no more seats.
Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch.

/mike drop.
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.

it allowed him to get Gorsuch in. and it will let him get all those lower court picks in, and hopefully another two SC picks.
Still, not to the credit of Trump. And Trump only gets to appoint another Supreme Court justice as long as Republicans control the Senate. If Democrats take over in 2019, he fills no more seats.

He appointed him, he will get credit. And your chances of Senate control in 2019 is probably a long shot
That was thanks to Republicans who stalled the nomination for a year and then did away with the minority party's ability to filibuster. Republicans get credit for Gorsuch, not Trump.

Being the majority in the chamber that gives advice and consent has its privileges.

Actually the filibuster was removed by democrats for all appointments EXCEPT SC justices, Republicans just extended the concept for one more position.
None of which has anything to do with Trump.

it allowed him to get Gorsuch in. and it will let him get all those lower court picks in, and hopefully another two SC picks.
Still, not to the credit of Trump. And Trump only gets to appoint another Supreme Court justice as long as Republicans control the Senate. If Democrats take over in 2019, he fills no more seats.

He appointed him, he will get credit. And your chances of Senate control in 2019 is probably a long shot
So you credit Trump even though Republicans are the ones to get that seat filled with a conservative?


As far as Democrats in 2018, Senate seats of the president's party are typically lost in a mid-term election. Especially with an unpopular president. So we'll see. Between Democrats having more seats up for grabs and Trump being unpopular, that election is a toss up. And Democrats will not confirm any conservative Trump names if they win the Senate.
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