The Liberal Assault on Merit

3. [Ting bought] prep books for its eighth-grade entrance exam....prepared for the test over the next two years, working through the prep books and taking classes at one of the city’s free tutoring programs. His acceptance into Stuyvesant prompted a day of celebration at the Laundromat—an immigrant family’s dream beginning to come true. Ting, now a 17-year-old senior starting at NYU in the fall, says of his parents, who never went to college: “They came here for the next generation.”

In the Army, final test of one's occupational job training is done with open books or manuals.It is required...

Thats the Army for ya, they will take any idiot that can breathe.
How much worse can it get really? I mean they already promoted a person to president without merit. What is left?

People with college degrees allowing the US real estate market to bubble and burst at our expense and their gain.. What college degree do you get to allow the merit the GOP thinks it contains?
An observation on merit: Those who excel can overcome many disadvantages, including attending slightly inferior schools. Those without merit often squander the opportunity, as they do not fully appreciate or understand what they have been given.

" Those who excel can overcome many disadvantages, including attending slightly inferior schools."

....unless they've been convinced that they are victims, and cannot excel sans big government....

I term that modern liberal slavery.
It ties in with the democrat plantation mentality. Any Black person who strays off the government plantation and engages in independent thought is immediately attacked. Likewise American kids are taught social gibberish in place of American history and all they learn is how to put a condom on a banana. They are kept ignorant (and often doped) for a couple of reasons, to make it easier for poorly educated union teachers to work and an ignorant population is easier to control than a well informed one.
How much worse can it get really? I mean they already promoted a person to president without merit. What is left?

People with college degrees allowing the US real estate market to bubble and burst at our expense and their gain.. What college degree do you get to allow the merit the GOP thinks it contains?

The real estate bubble grew out of Barney Franks(D). We digress, what lowering of standards allowed you to attend college?
PC, will you ever put forth an original thought of your own on this forum? This copy and paste crap may fly with the simpletons of this forum, but everyone else is just annoyed.

Why, BillyZeroIQ.....every single thing I post is based on my thoughts.

That is the content.

What you call "copy and paste crap" is method of presentation, and is based on supporting documentation and quotes from experts.

You may understand the difference when and if you ever get out of junior high.

"...everyone else is just annoyed..."

Really? Did you interview everyone?
Or is this "reporting" on the level of elementary-school gossip: "Everyone hates you"?

Trust me on this...I will give it all the consideration it, and you, deserve.

Well your pure binary thinking about liberals is really just a nuisance to anyone with basic critical thinking skills. I don't even think you can define that term.

Your "presentation" involves stitching together random information together forming painfully obvious logical fallacy.

C'mon, BillyZeroIQ.....we both know that you have not even a passing acquaintance with anyone with " basic critical thinking skills."

I'm not saying that you are a moron, but maybe you should pursue something that doesn't require a lot of intelligence. Like coloring.
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He watched too much Long Dong Silver...

So, you remain a devotee of high tech lynching...... probably don't know how brilliant Thomas is.

1. Writes Jeffrey Toobin:

"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication.

This is one of the most startling reappraisals to appear in The New Yorker for many years. means that liberal America has spent a generation mocking a Black man as an ignorant fool, even as constitutional scholars stand in growing amazement at the intellectual audacity, philosophical coherence and historical reflection embedded in his judicial work."

New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom - The American Interest


Partners - The New Yorker

I don't care what color you are or which porn star is your fav, if you want to accomplish something just be good and have an inside parlay to get into positions of power and wealth.

"...have an inside parlay to get into positions of power and wealth."

You mean like this:

"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas comes from a humble background. He knew what it was like to be cold and to be hungry. He grew up in the small African-American community of Pin Point, Georgia, with his older sister Emma Mae and younger brother Myers Lee. His father disappeared early on in his life, and the family divided even further when he was nine years old. Struggling financially, his mother sent him and his brother to live with her father and stepmother in nearby Savannah."
It ties in with the democrat plantation mentality. Any Black person who strays off the government plantation and engages in independent thought is immediately attacked. Likewise American kids are taught social gibberish in place of American history and all they learn is how to put a condom on a banana. They are kept ignorant (and often doped) for a couple of reasons, to make it easier for poorly educated union teachers to work and an ignorant population is easier to control than a well informed one.

1. In her book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation," Star Parker recounts her journey from life as a hustler and welfare addict to freedom. The following gives one version of the path to success.

2. 'My first post-welfare job was hardly a dream job. Assigned to a sterile basement room in a huge office building, I had to hand-write the orders called in by salesmen, and send it to the shipping department. Since, the more orders they called in, the more money they made, the salesman talked fast and were rushed. The shippers, union laborers, on the other hand, received the same wage no matter how much work they did, so they talked slowly and made no effort to be efficient.

a. I acted as if it was my own customer, and the order that I was receiving was worth a million dollars to my business. My view was that hard work would open up opportunities to leave welfare behind, and poverty forever.

3. The only other black in the department was a 32-year-old female who had been there 15 years. On my first day at work she was eager to give me the scoop, including how to get away with the least amount of work for the maximum financial benefit- by paying $260 to join the labor union. Every day she would say I was "uppity" because I worked fast and actually enjoyed it! The more I fulfilled my tasks with vigor, the more dislike I engendered from the union workers.

a. I didn't now about unions, but as an ex-street hustler and con artist, it sounded a lot like paying for protection. Actually, I had no plans to remain for long, and intended to start my own business as soon as I finished writhing a business plan.

4. One particularly busy day, calls were coming in furiously! But I responded by making each feel that they were the most important call I had received that day. My supervisor asked me "Have you ever considered sales and marketing?" He went on to tell me about a full-time position in the marketing department that paid much more than my current wage. And, provided benefits without having to join a union!

a. I declined, as I had my sights set on finishing college, and owning my own business. When the union went on strike, I saw it as the right time to try my hand as an entrepreneur.

5. I began publishing a monthly magazine with a calendar of events from churches around Los Angeles. I added editorials that addressed inner city needs. The spotlight was on wholesome entertainment for single Christians. What began as 16 black-and-white pages, eventually became 64 full color pages of professional layout and some 80 advertisements 8 years later. Exciting, yes, but it was hard work to sell enough ads to cover costs, my personal overhead, and the needs of my daughter.

a. A major pitfall occurred the first time I received the ubiquitous "congratulations, you have qualified" letter from a credit card company. Wow...a symbol of accomplishment and prestige! Before long I had 10 credit cards. Six years after starting my business, I went into bankruptcy. A year later, California went into severe recession. Two years later, the L.A. riots wiped out what was left, as many of my advertisers were burned to the ground. In the middle of all that...I was divorced.

6. But my determination never wavered. I refused to go back on welfare or listen to the leftist lies that sought to discourage me from even trying! I used my talkng/selling experience to cohosting a talk show on a small Christian radio station in Long Beach. It didn't quite pay minimum wage, and had no I made money based on commissions from advertisers of the show. So, no guarantees.....but hard work and a positive attitude paid off: soon, I was offered the opportunity to host my own three-hour daily radio talk show with and ABC affiliate in San Francisco. Not only a good salary, but they put a studio in my home!

An inspiring book.
Nothing new here.....the same works and worked for everyone.
Need proof?
PC, will you ever put forth an original thought of your own on this forum? This copy and paste crap may fly with the simpletons of this forum, but everyone else is just annoyed.

The "original thought" is in the framing of the issue. The "copy and paste" are the facts of the issue. The former flies over the heads of simpletons, and the latter flies in the face of their pretensions.
Libs engage in the fallacy of personal experience. So someone up fpr Supreme Court justice ought to have started off poor and black because otherwise they can't have empathy for poor black plaintiffs..

Conversely, if they don't have the 'proper' backstory and/or can make one up, they are delegitimized by the irrational left when it's convenient. :cuckoo:
Libs engage in the fallacy of personal experience. So someone up fpr Supreme Court justice ought to have started off poor and black because otherwise they can't have empathy for poor black plaintiffs..

Conversely, if they don't have the 'proper' backstory and/or can make one up, they are delegitimized by the irrational left when it's convenient. :cuckoo:

As long as they support abortion on demand......
How much worse can it get really? I mean they already promoted a person to president without merit. What is left?

People with college degrees allowing the US real estate market to bubble and burst at our expense and their gain.. What college degree do you get to allow the merit the GOP thinks it contains?

The real estate bubble grew out of Barney Franks(D). We digress, what lowering of standards allowed you to attend college?

The same standards that kept you out of college..the GOP had plenty of time to change what was wrong when they were in power..
And here is what fills the Left with fear.....the advance of a group that they don't identify as 'an authentic' minority, because “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm

8. "There is no dispute that black and Latino enrollment at the specialized schools, while always low, has steadily declined since the 1970s.... declining minority numbers have not been matched by a corresponding increase in whites, however. In fact, white enrollment at Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech has plummeted as well,... it is New York City’s fastest-growing racial minority group, Asian-Americans, who have come to dominate these schools.

[Since 1965] their proportion of the city’s population has increased from less than 1 percent to about 13 percent, and their share of the specialized school population has skyrocketed.

9. Asians now make up 60 percent of enrollment throughout the specialized schools, though they constitute only 15 percent of New York’s public school population. Blacks and Latinos, by contrast, make up 13 percent of the specialized school population but 70 percent of the overall public school enrollment, while whites account for 24 percent of specialized school enrollment and 14 percent of the overall public school population ...some three-quarters of the students at Stuyvesant are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

10. They’re hardly affluent, notwithstanding de Blasio’s implication that families who get their kids into the specialized schools are “rich.” True, Asians nationally have the highest median income of any racial group, including whites—and in New York City, their median household income ranks second to that of whites and well ahead of blacks and Hispanics.

But Asians also have the highest poverty rate of any racial group in New York, with 29 percent living below the poverty level, compared with 26 percent of Hispanics, 23 percent of blacks, and 14 percent of whites.

11. .... Stuyvesant and Bronx Science (as well as four of the other six specialized schools) are eligible for federal Title I funding, given to schools with large numbers of low-income students. Think about that: two public high schools that, along with half their students, are officially classified as poor by the federal government rival the most exclusive prep schools in the world."
The Plot Against Merit by Dennis Saffran, City Journal Summer 2014
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Libs engage in the fallacy of personal experience. So someone up fpr Supreme Court justice ought to have started off poor and black because otherwise they can't have empathy for poor black plaintiffs..

Conversely, if they don't have the 'proper' backstory and/or can make one up, they are delegitimized by the irrational left when it's convenient. :cuckoo:

As long as they support abortion on demand......

Like the Romneys when they donated to abortion advocacy groups?
PC, will you ever put forth an original thought of your own on this forum? This copy and paste crap may fly with the simpletons of this forum, but everyone else is just annoyed.

Why, BillyZeroIQ.....every single thing I post is based on my thoughts.

That is the content.

What you call "copy and paste crap" is method of presentation, and is based on supporting documentation and quotes from experts.

You may understand the difference when and if you ever get out of junior high.

"...everyone else is just annoyed..."

Really? Did you interview everyone?
Or is this "reporting" on the level of elementary-school gossip: "Everyone hates you"?

Trust me on this...I will give it all the consideration it, and you, deserve.

Well your pure binary thinking about liberals is really just a nuisance to anyone with basic critical thinking skills. I don't even think you can define that term.

Your "presentation" involves stitching together random information together forming painfully obvious logical fallacy.

That's a statement, not an argument, laced with ad hominem, Mr. Logician.

If you were to begin with an accurate summary of the OP's assertion, i.e., demonstrate that you understand the thrust of it first, and then critique that: we'd have reason to take you seriously.
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