The Legacy of Liberalism

Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
So you believe it is wrong to remove criminals from law-abiding American society? How thoroughly LEFTARDED of you. As any informed poster knows, LBJ's War on Poverty has dome perhaps irreparable damage to the African-American family structure. Meanwhile in our cities the carnage continues:

In North Philly standoff, alleged cop shooter Maurice Hill has a long criminal history
Police sources identified the gunman in a standoff at a Tioga apartment building that left six police officers injured as Maurice Hill, 36, a Philadelphia man with a lengthy history of gun convictions and of resisting attempts to bring him to justice.

And of course there is the issue of Democrat Socialist Party destruction of our once fine cities:

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance
what gun law would have kept this criminal from getting guns he had with current gun laws. Why doesn't anyone ever ask these leftist twats? come on where are all the smart americans, let's start demanding they answer these questions!! fk the MSM protectors of evil.
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
So you believe it is wrong to remove criminals from law-abiding American society? How thoroughly LEFTARDED of you. As any informed poster knowt s, LBJ's War on Poverty has dome perhaps irreparable damage to the African-American family structure. Meanwhile in our cities the carnage continues:

In North Philly standoff, alleged cop shooter Maurice Hill has a long criminal history
Police sources identified the gunman in a standoff at a Tioga apartment building that left six police officers injured as Maurice Hill, 36, a Philadelphia man with a lengthy history of gun convictions and of resisting attempts to bring him to justice.

And of course there is the issue of Democrat Socialist Party destruction of our once fine cities:

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance

And, these nuts insist that felons get to vote, too.
well they hate police and the rule of law!!
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
So you believe it is wrong to remove criminals from law-abiding American society? How thoroughly LEFTARDED of you. As any informed poster knowt s, LBJ's War on Poverty has dome perhaps irreparable damage to the African-American family structure. Meanwhile in our cities the carnage continues:

In North Philly standoff, alleged cop shooter Maurice Hill has a long criminal history
Police sources identified the gunman in a standoff at a Tioga apartment building that left six police officers injured as Maurice Hill, 36, a Philadelphia man with a lengthy history of gun convictions and of resisting attempts to bring him to justice.

And of course there is the issue of Democrat Socialist Party destruction of our once fine cities:

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance

And, these nuts insist that felons get to vote, too.
well they hate police and the rule of law!!

Right from the 32nd President on....

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, President FDR manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation.

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
So you believe it is wrong to remove criminals from law-abiding American society? How thoroughly LEFTARDED of you. As any informed poster knowt s, LBJ's War on Poverty has dome perhaps irreparable damage to the African-American family structure. Meanwhile in our cities the carnage continues:

In North Philly standoff, alleged cop shooter Maurice Hill has a long criminal history
Police sources identified the gunman in a standoff at a Tioga apartment building that left six police officers injured as Maurice Hill, 36, a Philadelphia man with a lengthy history of gun convictions and of resisting attempts to bring him to justice.

And of course there is the issue of Democrat Socialist Party destruction of our once fine cities:

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance

And, these nuts insist that felons get to vote, too.
Once they have paid their debt to society, I have no problem

Don’t want to see politicians campaigning for the prison vote
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
The Prison-building unions tell me you're lying. I am dedicating this here song to you, lyin' rightwinger person:

How did you know I hate Doris Day?

RW: "How did you know I hate Doris Day?"​
I didn't. She died May 13 this year of pneumonia, though, so you can stop hating her and start hating me if you need a replacement. See if I care.
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons

let's not forget that her whole accusation against DEMOCRATS (so therefore "liberals") is based on her willingness to perpetuate the BIG LIE.

Southern Conservative Christian pro-slavers were democrats in the 1800's but the ideologies switched in the 1950's and 60's.

and note how she refers to them ONLY as "democrats" (equating them to liberals) while NEVER MENTIONING that these democrats were SOUTHERN, CONSERVATIVE and CHRISTIAN.

she lies by omission.
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons

let's not forget that her whole accusation against DEMOCRATS (so therefore "liberals") is based on her willingness to perpetuate the BIG LIE.

Southern Conservative Christian pro-slavers were democrats in the 1800's but the ideologies switched in the 1950's and 60's.

and note how she refers to them ONLY as "democrats" (equating them to liberals) while NEVER MENTIONING that these democrats were SOUTHERN, CONSERVATIVE and CHRISTIAN.

she lies by omission.

It seems you need a refresher.....

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

What sort of imbecile supports that party???

Raise your paw.
9. The Democrat strategy today…actually a brilliant strategy….is to attach the actions of the Democrat KKK to any critic who reveals who is guilty (Democrats) and re-define the term ‘racist’ to those who fought slavery. The plan is to to produce the image of those (Democrat) night-riders and claim that critics are what the Democrats actually are.

Dare to have thoughts about the guilty and…Heaven forbid!....mention it in connection to the Democrats….and you are …A RACIST!!!!

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

Don’t be intimidated into giving up your birthright….having your own views, not dictated by government!
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
The Prison-building unions tell me you're lying. I am dedicating this here song to you, lyin' rightwinger person:

How did you know I hate Doris Day?

RW: "How did you know I hate Doris Day?"​
I didn't. She died May 13 this year of pneumonia, though, so you can stop hating her and start hating me if you need a replacement. See if I care.

As long as you don’t sing.....Que Serra, Serra
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons

let's not forget that her whole accusation against DEMOCRATS (so therefore "liberals") is based on her willingness to perpetuate the BIG LIE.

Southern Conservative Christian pro-slavers were democrats in the 1800's but the ideologies switched in the 1950's and 60's.

and note how she refers to them ONLY as "democrats" (equating them to liberals) while NEVER MENTIONING that these democrats were SOUTHERN, CONSERVATIVE and CHRISTIAN.

she lies by omission.
She also ignores the millions of Northern Democrats who supported Civil Rights
Republicans do nothing for blacks except build prisons
The Prison-building unions tell me you're lying. I am dedicating this here song to you, lyin' rightwinger person:

How did you know I hate Doris Day?

RW: "How did you know I hate Doris Day?"​
I didn't. She died May 13 this year of pneumonia, though, so you can stop hating her and start hating me if you need a replacement. See if I care.

As long as you don’t sing.....Que Serra, Serra

RW sea: As long as you don’t sing.....Que Serra, Serra​
Que <sic>Serra <sic>Serra? Fine. I'm singing Que Sera, Sera, though. But you don't have to listen, because I'm singing it to myself. ;)
10. “Let's ask a couple of questions about crime and education and racial discrimination. It turns out that each year more than 7,000 blacks are victims of homicide. That's slightly over 50% of U.S. homicide victims.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black person
. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes such as assault and robbery.

At many predominantly black schools, chaos is the order of the day. There is a high rate of assaults on students and teachers. Youngsters who are hostile to the educational process are permitted to make education impossible for those who are prepared to learn. As a result, overall black educational achievement is a disaster.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

Who is responsible for this deadly, chaotic environment....

Well....blacks folks, are, directly.

But who made this instability possible???
White, Liberals, Democrats.
They did it by making special rules for this one group, convincing them that their padrones, those Liberal Democrats, would cosset them from cradle to grave, force them into schools and jobs, .....and when it didn't work out, blame it on those horrid white racists.....the ones who elected Barack Obama.
10. “Let's ask a couple of questions about crime and education and racial discrimination. It turns out that each year more than 7,000 blacks are victims of homicide. That's slightly over 50% of U.S. homicide victims.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black person
. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes such as assault and robbery.

At many predominantly black schools, chaos is the order of the day. There is a high rate of assaults on students and teachers. Youngsters who are hostile to the educational process are permitted to make education impossible for those who are prepared to learn. As a result, overall black educational achievement is a disaster.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

Who is responsible for this deadly, chaotic environment....

Well....blacks folks, are, directly.

But who made this instability possible???
White, Liberals, Democrats.
They did it by making special rules for this one group, convincing them that their padrones, those Liberal Democrats, would cosset them from cradle to grave, force them into schools and jobs, .....and when it didn't work out, blame it on those horrid white racists.....the ones who elected Barack Obama.
There will never be an end to "racial discrimination," as long as the first consideration is either "How can I marry someone who is black and still get blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic-looking child like my great-great grandmother?" or "How can we have children that have blacker skin than our mulatto brown color, to be REAL African blacks?" or even, "How can we be sure that my 1%DNA saying that I have a white-skinned ancestor 30 generations ago does not result in a white baby, and will my man think I cheated on him if that happens?" (or vice-versa).

I mean, how specific can one get about controlling the future of posterity's appearances without being the subject of a Talk Show's inane inquiry into racial issues in this country? DNA unique outcomes have destroyed marriages in the past, because people are totally ignorant that two people who seem one race can have a 1-in-a-million chance of a surprise race at birth. In a country of 350,000,000 people, one in a million means that 350 people born to a couple in any given year could mean a hundred children could have a completely different racial appearance than either parent, or other traits such as ears that stick out, eye color that neither parent has, or a red-haired child when no one in the last 5 generations on either side had. DNA is true, but sometimes, a DNA trait crops up from who knows how many generations ago and was thought extinct. And the trait can be passed on to the next generatoin as if it always had. With children, you don't know what you're getting. And gene-crossing can also result in a child like no other.

Racial anomalies are not all... Human vestigiality - Wikipedia
10. “Let's ask a couple of questions about crime and education and racial discrimination. It turns out that each year more than 7,000 blacks are victims of homicide. That's slightly over 50% of U.S. homicide victims.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black person
. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes such as assault and robbery.

At many predominantly black schools, chaos is the order of the day. There is a high rate of assaults on students and teachers. Youngsters who are hostile to the educational process are permitted to make education impossible for those who are prepared to learn. As a result, overall black educational achievement is a disaster.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

Who is responsible for this deadly, chaotic environment....

Well....blacks folks, are, directly.

But who made this instability possible???
White, Liberals, Democrats.
They did it by making special rules for this one group, convincing them that their padrones, those Liberal Democrats, would cosset them from cradle to grave, force them into schools and jobs, .....and when it didn't work out, blame it on those horrid white racists.....the ones who elected Barack Obama.
There will never be an end to "racial discrimination," as long as the first consideration is either "How can I marry someone who is black and still get blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic-looking child like my great-great grandmother?" or "How can we have children that have blacker skin than our mulatto brown color, to be REAL African blacks?" or even, "How can we be sure that my 1%DNA saying that I have a white-skinned ancestor 30 generations ago does not result in a white baby, and will my man think I cheated on him if that happens?" (or vice-versa).

I mean, how specific can one get about controlling the future of posterity's appearances without being the subject of a Talk Show's inane inquiry into racial issues in this country? DNA unique outcomes have destroyed marriages in the past, because people are totally ignorant that two people who seem one race can have a 1-in-a-million chance of a surprise race at birth. In a country of 350,000,000 people, one in a million means that 350 people born to a couple in any given year could mean a hundred children could have a completely different racial appearance than either parent, or other traits such as ears that stick out, eye color that neither parent has, or a red-haired child when no one in the last 5 generations on either side had. DNA is true, but sometimes, a DNA trait crops up from who knows how many generations ago and was thought extinct. And the trait can be passed on to the next generatoin as if it always had. With children, you don't know what you're getting. And gene-crossing can also result in a child like no other.

I don't believe that there is 'racial discrimination,' at least in the negative sense.

There certainly is in the sense of set-asides, affirmative action, quotas, special points given in the SATs, and the anti-white racism that permeates the Democrat Party.

And the claims of 'RACISM!!!' will continue until the Democrats no longer need the black vote.
Perhaps then, they'll allow blacks to succeed.
And when they do, and no longer vote Democrat, the black Americans will be thrown under the bus with the whites.

Not sure how DNA becomes part of the picture.
11. “Here are my questions to those who blame racial discrimination for the problems of black people: Is it necessary for us to await some kind of moral rejuvenation among white people before measures can be taken to end or at least reduce the kind of behavior that spells socio-economic disaster in so many black communities?

Is it a requirement that we await moral rejuvenation among white people before we stop permitting some black youngsters from making education impossible for other black youngsters? Blacks were not the only people discriminated against in America. While Jews and Asians were not enslaved, they encountered gross discrimination. Nonetheless, neither Jews nor Asians felt that they had to await the end of discrimination before they took measures to gain upward mobility.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

That’s the legacy Liberals have bequeathed black Americans: waiting for that help from Democrats. Blacks would have advanced in a way that other groups did…..if Liberals/Democrats would have allowed them to.
It's time for black folks to shake off that yoke of Liberal ‘help.’

And that is just what is about to happen, because the Democrats are making a bet on a larger constituency, and throwing blacks under the bus”

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found
Liberals founded this country

That is our legacy

Last edited:
10. “Let's ask a couple of questions about crime and education and racial discrimination. It turns out that each year more than 7,000 blacks are victims of homicide. That's slightly over 50% of U.S. homicide victims.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black person
. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes such as assault and robbery.

At many predominantly black schools, chaos is the order of the day. There is a high rate of assaults on students and teachers. Youngsters who are hostile to the educational process are permitted to make education impossible for those who are prepared to learn. As a result, overall black educational achievement is a disaster.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

Who is responsible for this deadly, chaotic environment....

Well....blacks folks, are, directly.

But who made this instability possible???
White, Liberals, Democrats.
They did it by making special rules for this one group, convincing them that their padrones, those Liberal Democrats, would cosset them from cradle to grave, force them into schools and jobs, .....and when it didn't work out, blame it on those horrid white racists.....the ones who elected Barack Obama.
There will never be an end to "racial discrimination," as long as the first consideration is either "How can I marry someone who is black and still get blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic-looking child like my great-great grandmother?" or "How can we have children that have blacker skin than our mulatto brown color, to be REAL African blacks?" or even, "How can we be sure that my 1%DNA saying that I have a white-skinned ancestor 30 generations ago does not result in a white baby, and will my man think I cheated on him if that happens?" (or vice-versa).

I mean, how specific can one get about controlling the future of posterity's appearances without being the subject of a Talk Show's inane inquiry into racial issues in this country? DNA unique outcomes have destroyed marriages in the past, because people are totally ignorant that two people who seem one race can have a 1-in-a-million chance of a surprise race at birth. In a country of 350,000,000 people, one in a million means that 350 people born to a couple in any given year could mean a hundred children could have a completely different racial appearance than either parent, or other traits such as ears that stick out, eye color that neither parent has, or a red-haired child when no one in the last 5 generations on either side had. DNA is true, but sometimes, a DNA trait crops up from who knows how many generations ago and was thought extinct. And the trait can be passed on to the next generatoin as if it always had. With children, you don't know what you're getting. And gene-crossing can also result in a child like no other.
I don't believe that there is 'racial discrimination,' at least in the negative sense.

There certainly is in the sense of set-asides, affirmative action, quotas, special points given in the SATs, and the anti-white racism that permeates the Democrat Party.

And the claims of 'RACISM!!!' will continue until the Democrats no longer need the black vote.
Perhaps then, they'll allow blacks to succeed.
And when they do, and no longer vote Democrat, the black Americans will be thrown under the bus with the whites.

Not sure how DNA becomes part of the picture.
Not sure how DNA becomes part of the picture.

DNA governs birth outcome--eye, hair, skin, freckles, nose shape, parts doubled, parts missing, anomalies that do not show up until teeth are cut, at puberty, and hair in some people turns white by age 35 due to genetic gifting. (or not) lol

My youngest baby sister cut teeth with three front teeth, and I wasn't told until I had children of my own. Mother didn't spill any beans about a loved one's flaws that would bring them embarrassment in school if anyone of their peers found out. There were no known ancestors who had 3 front teeth, but not to rule out how generations fade out with only their loved ones knowing their deepest secrets. The youngest sister, even with her slight flaw, was the prettiest woman you ever saw, but we didn't think like that when we were children. I'm glad she made it to adulthood, her secret not known. And it wasn't until she was about 17 that I realized that she was absolutely stunning she was so pretty, and she is to this day, in her 50s.
10. “Let's ask a couple of questions about crime and education and racial discrimination. It turns out that each year more than 7,000 blacks are victims of homicide. That's slightly over 50% of U.S. homicide victims.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the perpetrator is another black person
. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes such as assault and robbery.

At many predominantly black schools, chaos is the order of the day. There is a high rate of assaults on students and teachers. Youngsters who are hostile to the educational process are permitted to make education impossible for those who are prepared to learn. As a result, overall black educational achievement is a disaster.”
How Important Is Today's Racial Discrimination?

Who is responsible for this deadly, chaotic environment....

Well....blacks folks, are, directly.

But who made this instability possible???
White, Liberals, Democrats.
They did it by making special rules for this one group, convincing them that their padrones, those Liberal Democrats, would cosset them from cradle to grave, force them into schools and jobs, .....and when it didn't work out, blame it on those horrid white racists.....the ones who elected Barack Obama.
There will never be an end to "racial discrimination," as long as the first consideration is either "How can I marry someone who is black and still get blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic-looking child like my great-great grandmother?" or "How can we have children that have blacker skin than our mulatto brown color, to be REAL African blacks?" or even, "How can we be sure that my 1%DNA saying that I have a white-skinned ancestor 30 generations ago does not result in a white baby, and will my man think I cheated on him if that happens?" (or vice-versa).

I mean, how specific can one get about controlling the future of posterity's appearances without being the subject of a Talk Show's inane inquiry into racial issues in this country? DNA unique outcomes have destroyed marriages in the past, because people are totally ignorant that two people who seem one race can have a 1-in-a-million chance of a surprise race at birth. In a country of 350,000,000 people, one in a million means that 350 people born to a couple in any given year could mean a hundred children could have a completely different racial appearance than either parent, or other traits such as ears that stick out, eye color that neither parent has, or a red-haired child when no one in the last 5 generations on either side had. DNA is true, but sometimes, a DNA trait crops up from who knows how many generations ago and was thought extinct. And the trait can be passed on to the next generatoin as if it always had. With children, you don't know what you're getting. And gene-crossing can also result in a child like no other.
I don't believe that there is 'racial discrimination,' at least in the negative sense.

There certainly is in the sense of set-asides, affirmative action, quotas, special points given in the SATs, and the anti-white racism that permeates the Democrat Party.

And the claims of 'RACISM!!!' will continue until the Democrats no longer need the black vote.
Perhaps then, they'll allow blacks to succeed.
And when they do, and no longer vote Democrat, the black Americans will be thrown under the bus with the whites.

Not sure how DNA becomes part of the picture.
Not sure how DNA becomes part of the picture.

DNA governs birth outcome--eye, hair, skin, freckles, nose shape, parts doubled, parts missing, anomalies that do not show up until teeth are cut, at puberty, and hair in some people turns white by age 35 due to genetic gifting. (or not) lol

My youngest baby sister cut teeth with three front teeth, and I wasn't told until I had children of my own. Mother didn't spill any beans about a loved one's flaws that would bring them embarrassment in school if anyone of their peers found out. There were no known ancestors who had 3 front teeth, but not to rule out how generations fade out with only their loved ones knowing their deepest secrets. The youngest sister, even with her slight flaw, was the prettiest woman you ever saw, but we didn't think like that when we were children. I'm glad she made it to adulthood, her secret not known. And it wasn't until she was about 17 that I realized that she was absolutely stunning she was so pretty, and she is to this day, in her 50s.

And how is that related to the damage Democrats have done to black Americans?

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