The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

I'm sure you've spent 25 years hating on this woman...

All you had to give up was our national dignity to achieve it.

Hillary wasn’t the reason the dems lost. See post #131 for details.

Imagine that. A person obsessed with trannies and gay marriage thinks the real reason Hillary lost was b/c...trannies and gay marriage.
Imagine that. A person obsessed with trannies and gay marriage thinks the real reason Hillary lost was b/c...trannies and gay marriage.

As I've said.. Sil is like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.
Ok, well take your theory to the voting booths then... because "nobody cares about trannies in women's & girls intimate hygiene areas". Only Silhouette does.

Which is why I presume you're here insisting over and over and over that it's not so. You know, showing that old confidence in your position. So far you've added nothing new to the conversation Joe. Just "no! It's not true! Look the other way!!" Why do you suppose Hillary attacked Mook that night? Because she didn't like the necktie he was wearing? Surely if she was "just drunk" she would've been swinging at everyone.

No, she focused on him for a reason. Given his background and connections...and deducing his advice would be pitching from that direction, I created the OP to this thread...
Imagine that. A person obsessed with trannies and gay marriage thinks the real reason Hillary lost was b/c...trannies and gay marriage.

As I've said.. Sil is like the vegetarian who can't stop talking about Steak.
Ok, well take your theory to the voting booths then... because "nobody cares about trannies in women's & girls intimate hygiene areas". Only Silhouette does.

Which is why I presume you're here insisting over and over and over that it's not so. You know, showing that old confidence in your position. So far you've added nothing new to the conversation Joe. Just "no! It's not true! Look the other way!!" Why do you suppose Hillary attacked Mook that night? Because she didn't like the necktie he was wearing? Surely if she was "just drunk" she would've been swinging at everyone.

No, she focused on him for a reason. Given his background and connections...and deducing his advice would be pitching from that direction, I created the OP to this thread...

I am not saying trannies in bathrooms/gay marriage is something only you care about. What I am saying is your insistence that it played a major factor in the demise of Hillary and in the 2016 campaign is moronic bullshit. You’re simply projecting your personal obsessions on the rest of the electorate. We get these issues are the sun in universe, but that isn’t the case for most people and certainly wasn’t in 2016.
I am not saying trannies in bathrooms/gay marriage is something only you care about.
I was talking to Joe. You can Troll your ass out of here. Obviously you're here because you see his weak arguments and you intuit he needs troll-power behind them...
I am not saying trannies in bathrooms/gay marriage is something only you care about.
I was talking to Joe. You can Troll your ass out of here. Obviously you're here because you see his weak arguments and you intuit he needs troll-power behind them...

Hardly. I am here to watch you twist yourself into knots trying to pretend your mentally ill obsessions were major factors in the 2016 election. It must stink knowing most people had larger concerns than your pet issues.
Ok, well take your theory to the voting booths then... because "nobody cares about trannies in women's & girls intimate hygiene areas". Only Silhouette does.

Which is why I presume you're here insisting over and over and over that it's not so. You know, showing that old confidence in your position. So far you've added nothing new to the conversation Joe. Just "no! It's not true! Look the other way!!" Why do you suppose Hillary attacked Mook that night? Because she didn't like the necktie he was wearing? Surely if she was "just drunk" she would've been swinging at everyone.

First, I don't know that Hillary attacked Mook that night. Since she's lost she's blamed just about everyone for her loss, never admitting that people just dislike her on a personal level. Heck, I wouldn't have voted for her if the candidate had been just about anyone else other than Trump. Well, I probably wouldn't have voted for Jeb Bush, because he'd have just fucked things up like his Dad and Brother did.

No, she focused on him for a reason. Given his background and connections...and deducing his advice would be pitching from that direction, I created the OP to this thread...

Well, frankly, I had never had heard of Mook before you brought him up two years later, that's how "influential" he was
Well, frankly, I had never had heard of Mook before you brought him up two years later, that's how "influential" he was

You probably have not heard of the wives of many a King, Tyrant or other despot either. But that doesn't mean they did not exert significant influence throughout history. Some of the most effective influencers are those under the radar.
You probably have not heard of the wives of many a King, Tyrant or other despot either. But that doesn't mean they did not exert significant influence throughout history. Some of the most effective influencers are those under the radar.

Most Kings didn't have a 24 hour news cycle covering them.

Mook is a non-entity, and 2016 had nothing to do with Trannies.

It had to do with the fact the Democrats nominated an unlikable shrew and had to cheat to get her the nomination, and hoped enough of us would hold our noses and vote for her.
Mook is a non-entity, and 2016 had nothing to do with Trannies.

It had to do with the fact the Democrats nominated an unlikable shrew
1. Your claim that the 2016 democrat executive order that little girls must share their intimate hygiene areas with deranged boys at school “had no impact whatsoever” on dems losing up & down ticket that year is preposterous.

2. Calling a powerful woman a shrew is rather misogynistic of you. You consider yourself a gay man, yes?
1. Your claim that the 2016 democrat executive order that little girls must share their intimate hygiene areas with deranged boys at school “had no impact whatsoever” on dems losing up & down ticket that year is preposterous.

No, what'a preposterous is that you think that there was any progressive person who hates gays like you do, and voted for Trump as a result.

Look, we understand YOU have an obsession with this. Most normal people don't care. It's not that big of a deal because there are so few Trannies in they never encounter them.

2. Calling a powerful woman a shrew is rather misogynistic of you. You consider yourself a gay man, yes?

Um, no, dude, I'm straight. I just have no tolerance for Christian and homophobic assholes. I enjoy IMMENSELY that they can now get fired if they spew their homophobic shit out loud.

But Hillary was an awful candidate. She was an awful candidate in 2008 when Democrats rejected her in favor of an unknown. She had a shitload of baggage, and what she should have done was realize, "Hey, people don't like me, I should let someone with some charisma run."

Instead she intimidated everyone else out of the race,except for some old communist, and then she had to cheat to beat the old communist.
what'a preposterous is that you think that there was any progressive person who hates gays like you do, and voted for Trump as a result.

Ahh... I think I'm beginning to understand your confusion of the issue at hand. Jobs, healthcare, the environment are not truly progressive ideas. They've always been a concern in the US so properly they're tiptoeing on the border of conservative or simply pragmatic. PRAGMATISM is the hallmark of the middle voter blue or red. What is clearly NOT pragmatic is the unreined, unchecked and wildly escalating platforms of the deep left that even the most generous of pragmatic middle voter can simply no longer get behind.

That's why the dems lost 2016 up and down ticket. And, it's why Hillary attacked Mook. His advice wasn't appealing to the pragmatic bloc of voters that the far left needed to shove their (not Hillary's) agenda across the finish line by installing their puppets in government in the highest places.

You see, when cult leaders believe their own bullshit lies "every democrat is behind gay marriage" or "every democrat is OK with deranged boys sharing showers at school with their daughters", they misjudge reality itself. And what Mook was doing was selling Hillary on a complete mirage of manufactured polling data that didn't bear fruit behind the voting curtains. It's the same fatal error the LGBT cult made in CA when they declared victory defeating Prop 8 before the election even happened, and of course it won and is standing law in that State today, regardless of the illegal Obergefell decision that will be revisited as soon as Trump's picks are at the USSC.

"Fake it till you make it" doesn't always work. Election 2016 was proof of that. Your cult must court pragmatic voters or die. And, of course, the LGBT cult is SO INSANE that that will never happen. So, the entire democrat party will die because it refuses to scrape these concrete shoes off its feet as it tries to hold its head above water.
Ahh... I think I'm beginning to understand your confusion of the issue at hand. Jobs, healthcare, the environment are not truly progressive ideas. They've always been a concern in the US so properly they're tiptoeing on the border of conservative or simply pragmatic. PRAGMATISM is the hallmark of the middle voter blue or red. What is clearly NOT pragmatic is the unreined, unchecked and wildly escalating platforms of the deep left that even the most generous of pragmatic middle voter can simply no longer get behind.

Oh, I agree entirely...

And given the GOP gets us into recessions and wars every time they get in...

But dumbshit like you are more concerned about your sexual hangups...
You see, when cult leaders believe their own bullshit lies "every democrat is behind gay marriage" or "every democrat is OK with deranged boys sharing showers at school with their daughters", they misjudge reality itself. And what Mook was doing was selling Hillary on a complete mirage of manufactured polling data that didn't bear fruit behind the voting curtains. It's the same fatal error the LGBT cult made in CA when they declared victory defeating Prop 8 before the election even happened, and of course it won and is standing law in that State today, regardless of the illegal Obergefell decision that will be revisited as soon as Trump's picks are at the USSC.

Um, no, buddy, they won't be. You see, the Mormons might have scared people 10 years ago, but this argument is pretty much over now. Nobody wants to revisit it.
Um, no, buddy, they won't be. You see, the Mormons might have scared people 10 years ago, but this argument is pretty much over now. Nobody wants to revisit it.

No, you don't get to shove deranged males into women's intimate hygiene areas and claim "the argument is pretty much over now." It's not. Not by a LONG shot...
No, you don't get to shove deranged males into women's intimate hygiene areas and claim "the argument is pretty much over now." It's not. Not by a LONG shot...

Um yeah , itis. You know how? Go into a Starbucks and you'll notice all the bathrooms are unisex now.

When big corporations have decided this fight is over, it's over. Who do you think runs this country, anyway?
I find it interesting that people both on the right and the left are avoiding this thread. They're reading it. They're even rating the posts with icons. But no replies as yet. Is there perchance an elephant that I just let into the living room? :popcorn:
Well, Actually
That Is Post #8 Of 16pgs I'm Not Going To Read
Just To See If My Opinion Has Already Been Covered

I Won't Usually Participate In Threads
That Are Already Over 4pgs Long

Unless It's An IM2 Thread
That Bigot Is Always Fun To Troll
Um yeah , itis. You know how? Go into a Starbucks and you'll notice all the bathrooms are unisex now.

When big corporations have decided this fight is over, it's over. Who do you think runs this country, anyway?

I don't go to Starbucks, and that's one of the reasons. I stay out of Target too. You'll get the message sooner or later.

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