The Left Starts to Dump Obama

July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


The explanation for this is quite simple: Obama has failed, but the ideology must go on. Obama's biggest achievement was kicking off the Tea Parties, possibly the most serious threat to left-liberalism of the past thirty years. Movement conservatism has always been limited by its connection with Northeastern elitists, while the Neocons, though much more effective, appealed to an urban university-oriented following. But here we have an actual middle-class, middle-American movement, enlightened, informed, and outraged -- the darkest nightmare of any thinking leftist. And who created it? Obama and none other. It would take a lot of accomplishments to outweigh that single error, and Obama can't show any. His gimcrack auto company scheme worked only with aid of bogus paperwork. His "health-care reform" will not outlast judicial testing. His attempt to revive the New Deal as a solution to 21st-century problems is a sour joke to millions of unemployed. He is racing for the exits in Afghanistan, the leftist "good war," like a scalded rat. And now his deeply corrupt Justice Department is blowing up in his face. I've said all along that he would spend his last two years overwhelmed by the problems he created in his first two, and it is coming to pass in detail.​


Brilliant analysis. A must read.

...........says the moran who thinks Rick Perry would make a good POTUS? Have you seen the religious fanatics who he will be paling around with at his upcoming "prayer conference"?????
So, using your 'logic', if Rawlings said that 2+2=4, it wouldn't be true.

So basically you like this "piece" because he buzzed allover your face with his partisan man juice.

Trajan is actually correct. Its.the indies that you have to watch.

No....we like the piece becuase it exudes truth and coincides with what we are seeing and hearing.

Oh good! Someone with the answers.......... Explain this...............

But here we have an actual middle-class, middle-American movement, enlightened, informed, and outraged -- the darkest nightmare of any thinking leftist. And who created it? Obama and none other. It would take a lot of accomplishments to outweigh that single error, and Obama can't show any.
July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


The explanation for this is quite simple: Obama has failed, but the ideology must go on. Obama's biggest achievement was kicking off the Tea Parties, possibly the most serious threat to left-liberalism of the past thirty years. Movement conservatism has always been limited by its connection with Northeastern elitists, while the Neocons, though much more effective, appealed to an urban university-oriented following. But here we have an actual middle-class, middle-American movement, enlightened, informed, and outraged -- the darkest nightmare of any thinking leftist. And who created it? Obama and none other. It would take a lot of accomplishments to outweigh that single error, and Obama can't show any. His gimcrack auto company scheme worked only with aid of bogus paperwork. His "health-care reform" will not outlast judicial testing. His attempt to revive the New Deal as a solution to 21st-century problems is a sour joke to millions of unemployed. He is racing for the exits in Afghanistan, the leftist "good war," like a scalded rat. And now his deeply corrupt Justice Department is blowing up in his face. I've said all along that he would spend his last two years overwhelmed by the problems he created in his first two, and it is coming to pass in detail.​


Brilliant analysis. A must read.

You have bad taste in candidates, butt the article was good. specially the part about obama creating the Tea Party. I do fear though the Tea Party has been co opted by the republicans.
MADDOW: Oprah. Oprah Winfrey, harbinger of the antichrist, but she seems so nice. Aha, that‘s the point.

Advertise | AdChoicesThat was one of the endorsing pastors of the stadium prayer event in Texas to which potential Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has invited all 49 of the rest of the nation‘s governors.

The research group Right Wing Watch has been putting together sort of the collected works of the people who Rick Perry is doing this prayer event with, I think with a sense of urgency Perry is being taken seriously as a presidential contender.

One of the men who Perry is doing this event with is John Hagee, who had a brief scandal cameo in the last presidential election, you might remember, after he endorsed John McCain for president. John McCain was delighted to get that endorsement from John Hagee until the clips of Hagee calling the Catholic Church the great whore started turning up and his sermons about God sending Hitler to hunt Jews so they‘d all go to Israel.


JOHN HAGEE, CORNERSTONE CHURCH: God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen.

Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.


MADDOW: When he was running for president in 2008, John McCain had to retroactively reject John Hagee‘s endorsement to avoid the smell of the God-sent Hitler sermons.

But Rick Perry is doing a prayer event with that same pastor in three weeks. And based on what we know of the other pastors and endorsers with Rick Perry, that God-sent Hitler guy will probably feel right at home.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hitler discovered that he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders, but that homosexual soldiers basically had no limits in the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict.

Advertise | AdChoicesCounterfeit religions, alternative religions to Christianity have no First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.

Permits, in my exercise, should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, not one.

President Barack Obama nurtures this hatred for the United States of America.

President Obama is half white and half black. Herman Cain is all black. He‘s authentically black. He is the real black man in the race.

LOU ENGEL, EVANGELIST: The days are coming when we have to risk our lives to stand for truth in this society. Six hundred thousand men died on the battlefields of America, and if God required it for slavery, what will it mean if God requires it for America, for the bloodshed of 50 million people?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As the blackbirds fell to the ground in Beebee, Arkansas, the governor‘s name is Beebee, and also, there was something put out of Arkansas called “don‘t ask, don‘t tell” by a former governor. This was proposed Bill Clinton. And so, could there be a connection now that we had the repeal of the “don‘t ask, don‘t tell”?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The statue of New York harbor called the Statue of Liberty. You know where we got it from? French Freemasons. Listen, folks, that is an idol, a demonic idol right there in the middle of New York harbor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Illuminati, which is above Freemasonry, has stated it as their goal to limit the world population to no more than 500 million. Do you realize that means getting rid of all of us? To get down to 6 billion to 7 billion down to 500 million, you‘re going to have to kill a lot of people off. What do you think the health care bill is?


MADDOW: I know, and, of course, don‘t forget, Oprah Winfrey, harbinger of the antichrist.


Advertise | AdChoicesUNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is winsome. She is kind. She is reasonable.

She is utterly deceived.


MADDOW: So, this is who Rick Perry is doing his prayer event with at Reliant Stadium in Houston. Rick Perry also being taken seriously as a potential save your candidate—no pun intended—for the Republican presidential field. reporting that he has been reaching out to Iowa Republican caucus-goers and activists by phone, also that a top fundraising bundler for George W. Bush is convening potential big dollar Republican fundraisers for Perry in Austin later this month.

But the reason Perry is being taken seriously by more than just the God-sent Hitler people is because he can supposedly court them while also preaching good sense about the economy. That was the news out of Rick Perry‘s camp today as he met with the former president of Pakistan. The line from Rick Perry‘s people was that Pervez Musharraf sought out and wanted to talk to Rick Perry about economic policy.

And that‘s I think is the single most interesting thing about the Rick Perry stadium prayer thing, with all the God-sent Hitler and “don‘t ask, don‘t tell,” kill the birds in Arkansas pastors—the most interesting thing, I think, is the reason Rick Perry says he‘s convening this thing in Texas.

He says he‘s convening it because it is supposed to help with policy and I quote, “Fellow Americans, America is in crisis: we have been besieged by financial debt. Some problems are beyond our power to solve. We‘ll gather to pray for a historic breakthrough for our country. There‘s hope for America. We will find it on our knees.”

Tuesday, July 12 - msnbc tv - Rachel Maddow show -
The pseudo-cons, like the boy who cried "Wolfe" simply have no credibility after 8 years of being yes men to President Bush and nearly 3 years of "Obama's a Failure" rhetoric.

Moveing on......
July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


The explanation for this is quite simple: Obama has failed, but the ideology must go on. Obama's biggest achievement was kicking off the Tea Parties, possibly the most serious threat to left-liberalism of the past thirty years. Movement conservatism has always been limited by its connection with Northeastern elitists, while the Neocons, though much more effective, appealed to an urban university-oriented following. But here we have an actual middle-class, middle-American movement, enlightened, informed, and outraged -- the darkest nightmare of any thinking leftist. And who created it? Obama and none other. It would take a lot of accomplishments to outweigh that single error, and Obama can't show any. His gimcrack auto company scheme worked only with aid of bogus paperwork. His "health-care reform" will not outlast judicial testing. His attempt to revive the New Deal as a solution to 21st-century problems is a sour joke to millions of unemployed. He is racing for the exits in Afghanistan, the leftist "good war," like a scalded rat. And now his deeply corrupt Justice Department is blowing up in his face. I've said all along that he would spend his last two years overwhelmed by the problems he created in his first two, and it is coming to pass in detail.​


Brilliant analysis. A must read.

...........says the moran who thinks Rick Perry would make a good POTUS? Have you seen the religious fanatics who he will be paling around with at his upcoming "prayer conference"?????
So, using your 'logic', if Rawlings said that 2+2=4, it wouldn't be true.


At least SOME of us use logic....:eusa_eh:
Just the same, he's finished.

Sorry, I am afraid he isn't, because Obama has no one on the right who can beat him

Keep living in your little fantasy world. If the election were held today he'd be gone.:cuckoo:

LMAO! You must have just fell off the tunip wagon. Every poll for months shows Obama carrying 46% of the voters, more than enough to win the next election.

The right is out of substance and is on it's way out, so grab yourself some reality chump.:lol:

To win, the right would have to have the 2nd coming of Christ, because you have no candidates worth a shit,......NONE!! Heheheheehee:eusa_angel:
Who else are the Left numbnuts gonna support? They'll stay loyal to the Hopey Changey One in the end. They're just posturing at this point. The Left is not known for honesty & integrity. They wont be dumping Obama anytime soon.
16 months is a long time in politics. Obama has disappointed many Democrats, not because he has been wrong but because he has been willing - too willing - to acheive consensus. I have no problem with his vision, and reject the vision of the New Right. But to suggest everyone on the left thinks alike is magical 'thinking'.

The left is on a continuum, much as is the right. Mainstream Democrats voted for Obama because the Bush Administration failed to keep our country strong. We were attacked by a foreign invader and our economy tanked all on the watch of the former president. Those are facts offered without blame attached.

Americans, D's and I's, wanted change and wanted it immediately; change is never accomplished without a fight, even in authoritarian governments. Here, where checks and balances rightly limit power change is slow, measured in small gains and small defeats -progress ever in battle with reactionary forces.

Who will win the hearts and minds come Nov. 2012 is anyones guess. The next 16 months will be a series of battles on a number of issues and the party or candidate which guess wrong, bets on a failed policy, will be judged by the voters.

I'm betting the extreme Rhetoric of the far right will be their downfall, and unless the Republican Party begins to open its tent to everyone, it too will fall to into the crowd of lesser parties. If the hopes and expectations of Americans are dashed by extreme actions of overreaching Republicans our next election maybe a reversal of all of their gains.
Just the same, he's finished.

Sorry, I am afraid he isn't, because Obama has no one on the right who can beat him, because the rights view of the World in chains isn't what the voters want. IE. You have nothing to fight with.

Obama didnt win the last election....Failure (or what was marketed as failure) lost the election.
Thus why he campaigned against Bush even though Bush wasnt running.

A Ham sandwich can run against Obamas failure of a first term and win.

That. of course, is my opinion.

Obama has been carrying 46% of the "job ratings" vote in the polls for months, through thick and thin, and regardless of what he does. That is a fact.

I see no way to compare any right candidate at the present time, because once the RNC makes their choice, every righty will fall in line to support the person.

So we have to wait I guess.
July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


more "faith-based" musings, eh?

i have more "faith" in this:

President Obama raised $86 million in the second quarter for his campaign, shattering previous fundraising records and far outpacing his GOP rivals.

The money included $47 million for his reelection campaign and $38 million for the Democratic National Committee, his campaign announced Wednesday in a video emailed to supporters.

Obama raises $86M haul in second quarter - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

see, this is the thing you nutters don't get.... no matter how much some of us may disagree with some of what the president's done or how he's done it, there is nothing the right can offer or is offering that would be acceptable to dems.... at least not until you remember that most of the country isn't rightwingnuts..... or any kind of nuts...
July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


more "faith-based" musings, eh?

i have more "faith" in this:

President Obama raised $86 million in the second quarter for his campaign, shattering previous fundraising records and far outpacing his GOP rivals.

The money included $47 million for his reelection campaign and $38 million for the Democratic National Committee, his campaign announced Wednesday in a video emailed to supporters.

Obama raises $86M haul in second quarter - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

see, this is the thing you nutters don't get.... no matter how much some of us may disagree with some of what the president's done or how he's done it, there is nothing the right can offer or is offering that would be acceptable to dems.... at least not until you remember that most of the country isn't rightwingnuts..... or any kind of nuts...

He can raise funds for his campaign, therefore he is a good president?

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July 12, 2011
By J.R. Dunn
American Thinker


The explanation for this is quite simple: Obama has failed, but the ideology must go on. Obama's biggest achievement was kicking off the Tea Parties, possibly the most serious threat to left-liberalism of the past thirty years. Movement conservatism has always been limited by its connection with Northeastern elitists, while the Neocons, though much more effective, appealed to an urban university-oriented following. But here we have an actual middle-class, middle-American movement, enlightened, informed, and outraged -- the darkest nightmare of any thinking leftist. And who created it? Obama and none other. It would take a lot of accomplishments to outweigh that single error, and Obama can't show any. His gimcrack auto company scheme worked only with aid of bogus paperwork. His "health-care reform" will not outlast judicial testing. His attempt to revive the New Deal as a solution to 21st-century problems is a sour joke to millions of unemployed. He is racing for the exits in Afghanistan, the leftist "good war," like a scalded rat. And now his deeply corrupt Justice Department is blowing up in his face. I've said all along that he would spend his last two years overwhelmed by the problems he created in his first two, and it is coming to pass in detail.​


Brilliant analysis. A must read.

You have bad taste in candidates, butt the article was good. specially the part about obama creating the Tea Party. I do fear though the Tea Party has been co opted by the republicans.

I don't see how Obama "created" the Tea Party. CLARIFY the point!!

Second, If Obama gets credit for creating the Tea Party, how is that a bad thing for the left?? The Tea Party FRAGMENTED the Republican party and is a seperate enity at this point, not followers of the lost in the desert doctrine. They voted for Obama and Hope & Change. They were leaving the Republican party for the last three years of the Bush rein.

So again, how is that a bad thing for the Left? LOL!:lol:
16 months is a long time in politics. Obama has disappointed many Democrats, not because he has been wrong but because he has been willing - too willing - to acheive consensus. I have no problem with his vision, and reject the vision of the New Right. But to suggest everyone on the left thinks alike is magical 'thinking'.

The left is on a continuum, much as is the right. Mainstream Democrats voted for Obama because the Bush Administration failed to keep our country strong. We were attacked by a foreign invader and our economy tanked all on the watch of the former president. Those are facts offered without blame attached.

Americans, D's and I's, wanted change and wanted it immediately; change is never accomplished without a fight, even in authoritarian governments. Here, where checks and balances rightly limit power change is slow, measured in small gains and small defeats -progress ever in battle with reactionary forces.

Who will win the hearts and minds come Nov. 2012 is anyones guess. The next 16 months will be a series of battles on a number of issues and the party or candidate which guess wrong, bets on a failed policy, will be judged by the voters.

I'm betting the extreme Rhetoric of the far right will be their downfall, and unless the Republican Party begins to open its tent to everyone, it too will fall to into the crowd of lesser parties. If the hopes and expectations of Americans are dashed by extreme actions of overreaching Republicans our next election maybe a reversal of all of their gains.

Sadly enough, he provided us with hopelessness. His hollow words in 2012 will not be enough to assuage our anguish.
So basically you like this "piece" because he buzzed allover your face with his partisan man juice.

Trajan is actually correct. Its.the indies that you have to watch.

But the idea is not that the base will not vote for him. Of course it will. What other choice does it have? What the author of this piece is pointing out is that the hard left will salve its lose with the fantasy that if Obama had only gone all the way everything would be hunky dory. "We were still right and Obama betrayed the cause." That's the point, not who votes for whom.

And, by the way, Obama's finished.

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Yep.. poor Barry... too Marxist for Conservatives, not Marxist enough for liberals.... and the so called moderates aren't pissed off at Bush anymore.

All he has left are the hardcore nitwits that would support him even if he nuked the Cayman Islands.


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