The Left Hates Amy Coney Barrett Because She Disproves All Their Lies About Women


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Newest Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is almost the polar opposite of the “Sex and the City” chimera of female empowerment: a serious Christian who eschews hookup culture and has seven kids. Half of her resume consists of behavior the leftists who control feminism constantly attack as anti-woman: big-time motherhood and big-time religion.

Fertile women who are serious about prayer get derided as brainless sex slaves, with the “Handmaid’s Tale” imagery that gets deployed against any skepticism of abortion. Of course, this is a steaming pile of horse hockey, and Barrett proves it. She is obviously not a browbeaten, barefoot and pregnant caricature of a conservative woman. Those kind of women are not professors at Notre Dame Law School, or Supreme Court clerks, or federal court judges.

BJ's Pull quote

Barrett has done exactly what the left’s anti-woman feminist narrative says is impossible — obtaining a high-octane education while maintaining religious devotion, marrying in her 20s and choosing both a big family and a big career. To really rub salt in that eyeball, her big career has consisted of kicking butt and taking names in a field the left believes is their own and is central to power.
Is that why there is no female vice president for the GOP because the GOP doesn't believe in stereotypical social arrangements?
Fear is a driving factor in support for abortion. Children are disruptive. They ruin your life. A baby is a problem. This sort of anti-human animus drives support for abortion
Fear is a driving factor in support for abortion. Children are disruptive. They ruin your life. A baby is a problem. This sort of anti-human animus drives support for abortion
Abortion is legal because it is a woman's right to have the liberty to do with her body what she wants..
I think the radical feminists who inhabit the Democrat party are jealous of Amy. They know she is everything they try to be but can't. I'm sure her religion might even be a small factor in disarming some of these unstable feminists even though most of them disregard religion completely. The bottom line is Democrats just can't handle Republicans having a 5-4 majority in the court. That's right 5-4. Roberts is a liberal just like his neocon appointer.
I think the radical feminists who inhabit the Democrat party are jealous of Amy. They know she is everything they try to be but can't. I'm sure her religion might even be a small factor in disarming some of these unstable feminists even though most of them disregard religion completely. The bottom line is Democrats just can't handle Republicans having a 5-4 majority in the court. That's right 5-4. Roberts is a liberal just like his neocon appointer.

He definitely will move to the left now, not just jump there occasionally.
Abortion is legal because it is a woman's right to have the liberty to do with her body what she wants..
You are exactly right. A woman can to the HER body what she wants. Tattoo it, pierce it, spread her legs whenever she wants.

But, when she conceives, the new life is no longer HER body; it is just in HER body. It is a new person with only 50% of the DNA that is in every other cell that has DNA in the rest of HER body.

This new, unique life is what should be protected from those who would murder it. Because current US law permits the murder of this new person doesn't mean it is right.
Fear is a driving factor in support for abortion. Children are disruptive. They ruin your life. A baby is a problem. This sort of anti-human animus drives support for abortion
Abortion is legal because it is a woman's right to have the liberty to do with her body what she wants..
Which is balanced against her baby's right to life in Wade.

In confirmation battles going back to the 1980s, abortion rights advocates have predicted that every nominee, including Souter, by a Republican president, if confirmed, would mean the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Yet it has never happened. Republican presidents have filled nine seats since Ronald Reagan was elected president; nine times the nation was warned that Roe was on the chopping block. Somehow, the blade never falls. Roe was reaffirmed this summer, in effect, by June Medical, with a majority opinion written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., an appointee of President George W. Bush. R

There are reasons Roe is so resilient — the ruling is nearly a half-century old and has been reaffirmed multiple times by justices of both parties. Such a decision will not be lightly overruled. And whatever one may think of abortion, the practice is so widespread and ingrained, and the right to it so intensely defended by a significant minority of Americans, that trying to use the force of the state to end it would wrench the nation apart — while almost surely failing.

She sounds like a very well qualified judge to me. I welcome her to the Bench. I think I'll probably disagree with her--like I do all justices--from time to time.

No hate here.

It is unfortunate that she will always be tied to the blob and though of as a lesser appointee because of it however.
wacky liberals like Joe Biden's attacks on Amy are anti-Catholic bile...i wonder why Biden hates Catholics so much?
Abortion is legal because it is a woman's right to have the liberty to do with her body what she wants..
You are exactly right. A woman can to the HER body what she wants. Tattoo it, pierce it, spread her legs whenever she wants.

But, when she conceives, the new life is no longer HER body; it is just in HER body. It is a new person with only 50% of the DNA that is in every other cell that has DNA in the rest of HER body.

This new, unique life is what should be protected from those who would murder it. Because current US law permits the murder of this new person doesn't mean it is right.
In Europe, for the most part, a woman has the first 13 weeks to end a pregnancy for whatever reason, with abortion severely restricted after 13 weeks in order to preserve the unborn's right to life. I suspect we are headed toward a similar arrangement, though I expect the point of demarcation to be 20 weeks, rather than 13.

ANY EXCUSE, HOWEVER IRRELEVANT: Vulture Libs Already Pushing To Delay Barrett Confirmation Due To Trump Coronavirus Positive Test. Constitutionally, Trump’s role in the process was complete when he made the nomination.

In related news, Joe Scarborough is a tool.
Is that why there is no female vice president for the GOP because the GOP doesn't believe in stereotypical social arrangements?
The world is about competition. All of this social justice over a half century and we are falling behind. This will fix itself. But not after many suffer or worse. Whether it is a person from what we have in the current political way or someone like a Mao, Castro, Lenin, will be very possible to galvanize unemployed males for a revolution against the revolutionaries if things get bad enough. Overseas, China is already testing us as we play inward games.
Is that why there is no female vice president for the GOP because the GOP doesn't believe in stereotypical social arrangements?
The world is about competition. All of this social justice over a half century and we are falling behind. This will fix itself. But not after many suffer or worse. Whether it is a person from what we have in the current political way or someone like a Mao, Castro, Lenin, will be very possible to galvanize unemployed males for a revolution against the revolutionaries if things get bad enough. Overseas, China is already testing us as we play inward games.
The Boeing E-6B Mercury is an airborne command post capable of launching nuclear weapons and is sometimes referred to as a “doomsday plane.”

While it’s true that two of these “doomsday planes” were launched around the time that news broke about Trump testing positive for COVID-19, one off each coast, there’s no evidence that these two events are related. In fact, a U.S. Strategic Command spokesman said that this was “purely coincidental” and that these flights were planned before Trump’s diagnosis.
Abortion is legal because it is a woman's right to have the liberty to do with her body what she wants..
You are exactly right. A woman can to the HER body what she wants. Tattoo it, pierce it, spread her legs whenever she wants.

But, when she conceives, the new life is no longer HER body; it is just in HER body. It is a new person with only 50% of the DNA that is in every other cell that has DNA in the rest of HER body.

This new, unique life is what should be protected from those who would murder it. Because current US law permits the murder of this new person doesn't mean it is right.

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