The Kansas Republicans


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
I'd tell you but it's a waste of time.
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
based on that a vote for democrats would be even worse,,,

and is why I dont vote for either,,

I am glad to see business's getting protection,,
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
You know what? I’m tired of this shit. You dumb democrats unanimously passed Obamacare yet you still whine about Medicaid. Just how fucking much do ewe think working Americans owe ewe?
how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
I'd tell you but it's a waste of time.
I always just pulled the lever marked GOP, Mike.


The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

They deserve what they get. They elected these disgusting politicians. They gave them the majority and power over that state for decades.

Now the state is in shambles.

If they think that they won't be paying for medical costs for people who don't have the money to buy insurance they are so stupid.

Thanks to reagan's "cost shifting" all the cost for the medical help people need in Kansas who don't have any insurance and can't sue their employer for causing them to contract the virus will be paid by the people of Kansas by way of much higher medical and insurance costs.

People complain about high medical costs but don't realize that if there were no unpaid medical bills, if there was no "cost shifting" medical costs would be much, much lower.

Example. Hawaii had socialized medicine for years. Everyone was covered. I was in an accident with waves there in 2009. I ended up in a coma, in an ICU fighting for my life. I first went through ER then was admitted to the ICU. From EOBs I received from the insurance company, just about every kind of doctor attended me. From neurologists, to breathing teams, to cardiologists and so many more.

My ex and I were expecting the bill for all that to be at least 40 thousand dollars. We had good insurance so we knew any medical bills incurred out of our state are paid at 100%. So we didn't worry about it.

When we got the hospital bill we were floored. It was just the hospital. It didn't include all the extra charges from different doctors, labs and tests.

We expected that hospital bill to be at least 40 grand. It was 26 thousand dollars.

The reason why it was so low and all the doctor bills were so low was because all medical bills are always paid. There is no cost shifting. So the cost of medical care is much, much lower.

By not allowing an employee to sue an employer for not having a safe work environment which results in the employee to be saddled with medical bills that the employee won't pay, will cause everyone else, especially in Kansas, to have much higher medical bills.

I guess they like paying 100 dollars for an aspirin.

Red states have been supported by us blue states for decades so red states don't have to completely live with the consequences of their irresponsible economic and social policies. I think we should stop enabling them. They should have to live with the consequences of their very irresponsible choices. If the people of that state want to live that way, let them. I just want to stop supporting their irresponsibility.
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

For one thing we don't celebrate child predators with their own day and ship. Do a little research on the liberal's favorite child predator Harvey Milk

And let's not forget the "amazing desmond" a child who strip teases for grown gay men at a gay bar.

Only a sick individual would vote for a party that endorses this.
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The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

For one thing we don't celebrate child predators with their own day and ship. Do a little research on the liberal's favorite child predator Harvey Milk

And let's not forget the "amazing desmond" a child who strip teases for grown gay men at a gay bar.

Only a sick individual would vote for a party that endorses this.

And here's an example of rightwing stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

For one thing we don't celebrate child predators with their own day and ship. Do a little research on the liberal's favorite child predator Harvey Milk

And let's not forget the "amazing desmond" a child who strip teases for grown gay men at a gay bar.

Only a sick individual would vote for a party that endorses this.

And here's an example of rightwing stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

I see you couldn't debate any of it either.

Apparently if you are against child predators and pedophiles you are hateful.

Perfect example of a liberal.

The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
For one, they’re not democrats which makes them less anti-American.
What’s so bad about preventing gubernatorial tyranny in the US?
how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

How about this...

The Republican Party is far closer to the beliefs and values we hold dear than the Democrats.

There’s something called Personal Responsibility that far more Americans need to learn and take to heart. Health Care is NOT a right.
Who is the"we" in your comment? Who are you to say what constitutes "personal responsibility"? Nobody cares about your opinion.

Healthcare is a rightunder commonly-held standards.

I will never again vote for a republican, based on their party's record, policies, and behavior.
Who is the"we" in your comment? Who are you to say what constitutes "personal responsibility"? Nobody cares about your opinion.

Healthcare is a right under commonly held standards.

“We” are LEGION. We are the quiet majority. The people who are fed up seeing so much of our money WASTED by the Government on crap that they have no business being involved in... from foreign aid/wars to social welfare, and much more.

Standards are immaterial. The US Constitution provides NO specific mandate or power related in ANY way to health, medicine or insurance of ANY type.
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

For one thing we don't celebrate child predators with their own day and ship. Do a little research on the liberal's favorite child predator Harvey Milk

And let's not forget the "amazing desmond" a child who strip teases for grown gay men at a gay bar.

Only a sick individual would vote for a party that endorses this.

And here's an example of rightwing stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

I see you couldn't debate any of it either.

Apparently if you are against child predators and pedophiles you are hateful.

Perfect example of a liberal.

View attachment 340441

Show us anyone who has ever been for "child predators and pedophiles. People of both sexes indulge in this disgusting behavior with children of both sexes. BTW: Harvey Milk was murdered in way back in 1978.

You are awfully skimpy in your condemnation of pedophile males who molest little girls. How about all pedophiles get the same treatment from society, regardless of the sex of the victim?
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

Realistically, each election is the vote for the lesser of who gives a damn? Seriously.

I hoped that Voting for Obama would get out out of Afghanistan, and end the wiretapping and violations of our rights. None of that happened. In fact, it got stepped up, because now he was the one who would get blamed if another 9-11 happened. So fear of the maybe, became more important than our Constitutional Rights.

Instead of getting out of Afghanistan, we got into Libya, and Syria. We ran guns illegally to Jihadist groups, and we violated diplomatic norms by diverting Bolivian Air Force One in our insane hunt for Snowden.

We lost our minds, and frankly, all of that could have, would have happened under a Republican. The only good thing we got, in theory a good thing, was Affordable Care Act. But even there it became a nightmare. Required to buy coverage that nobody wanted, the entire purpose was soured. Long before it started getting shut down with Trump, it was failing anyway especially in rural areas.

What needed to happen, what should have happened, was to treat insurance like a drivers license. My Drivers License from Georgia is valid in all fifty states, and all the territories like Puerto Rico. But my insurance if I go fifty miles from my house is out of network. The same insurance company has Doctors in the network, Hospitals in network, just not my network. Costs went up, coverages went down, and we got more “oversight” on treatment from people who are not my Doctor. We got the bad, and got nearly nothing good.

So we have Trump, and everyone is running around with their assholes on fire claiming that Trump is destroying the Country. Sadly, most of what he is doing, probably would have been done anyway if Hillary had been elected. Oh, she might not have pulled out of Syria, but she might have. It was a bad idea to go in, and it was a worse idea to send weapons to the “freedom fighters” just as it was when the Contras were getting their weapons from us.

Things Trump has done that I really disagree with? Ending the DOJ investigations into police departments on policy and procedures. Granted they didn’t do much to effect real change. The same corrupt cops are on the same streets now with more authority thanks to National Insecurity. But really, nothing is all that different.

As I said, the ACA was failing anyway. Many rural areas had one unaffordable choice. And people who were out of network when bad luck happened were bankrupted just like before.

Nothing changed. Nothing. So what is Trump doing that is so terrible? Well he badmouths the FBI. The same FBI that has been exposed as Corrupt and pathological liars for decades. How awful. He has fired people who disagree with him. And what real change happened because of that? Some dolt who has been getting paid for a long time doing nothing much constructive and has overseen decades of abuses by the system lost their jobs for exposing the image of abuse by a guy they don’t like. Who cares.

Biden used to be the crazy uncle Joe. He would say dumb things, now he’s gone around the bend. So if he is elected, how long before whoever he chooses as VP gets the call that they have to step up because Joe showed up at a Press Conference without his pants?

So in this election, we have a choice between Trump’s megalomania, and whomever Joe chooses as VP, which he’s already said would be a choice to pander to the women’s vote. Really? So anyone with Ovaries is a good choice just because they are female? Seriously?

We should want the best qualified candidate for VP. The best we can find, especially with Joe, and instead we’re getting whatever woman the DNC thinks can rake in the most votes. That gives me a lot of confidence that the left is primed to win and ready to lead on day one, hundred.

So this election is between megalomania, and dementia, and whomever the demented selects as VP. At some point we have to look at this election and just grab the barf bags because it’s going to suck no matter who wins.

And have you thought about this? What does it take to confirm a VP other than in the election? When Joe steps down, into the padded rocking chair, the VP, whichever woman he can con into taking the job, will have to select a VP to be confirmed by Congress. Nixon got Gerald Ford. Imagine what we’ll get through the Senate. If that doesn’t cause some pucker, you haven’t imagined it yet.

Madam President nominates a great person, who is destroyed in the press by the political opponents. Finally Madam President is told who she can have, anyone on a short list of losers. Why? Well the Republicans won’t want a great candidate there for the next election, and the Democrats will not want a strong second to get the free pass to the White House after the Madam. So we’ll end up with at best someone who makes Bob Dole look enigmatic and charming. Someone who makes John Kerry look lively and animated. We’ll look back on the good old days when we had Kerry as a candidate.

So I am not excited about this election. I’ve reached the why bother level and we’re months out yet. Because no matter who wins, we The people are going to lose.
Who is the"we" in your comment? Who are you to say what constitutes "personal responsibility"? Nobody cares about your opinion.

Healthcare is a right under commonly held standards.

“We” are LEGION. We are the quiet majority. The people who are fed up seeing so much of our money WASTED by the Government on crap that they have no business being involved in... from foreign aid/wars to social welfare, and much more.

Standards are immaterial. The US Constitution provides NO specific mandate or power related in ANY way to health, medicine or insurance of ANY type.

I doubt that a majority shares your opinions. In any event, you people are quite loud. Face it. You people want to live along with each other on a desert island somewhere rather than assimilate into American society, so why don't you just do it?
how anyone can vote republican I do not know.

How about this...

The Republican Party is far closer to the beliefs and values we hold dear than the Democrats.

There’s something called Personal Responsibility that far more Americans need to learn and take to heart. Health Care is NOT a right.
Who is the"we" in your comment? Who are you to say what constitutes "personal responsibility"? Nobody cares about your opinion.

Healthcare is a rightunder commonly-held standards.

I will never again vote for a republican, based on their party's record, policies, and behavior.
Everyone has the right to go buy health insurance? Who’s stopping them?
The Republican-controlled Legislature also passed protections for businesses against some lawsuits related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, efforts to expand Medicaid to cover the health care bills of another 130,000 or so people in the state evaporated for another year.

how anyone can vote republican I do not know.
I'd tell you but it's a waste of time.
You don't know why you vote against your own best interests?

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