The Iron Lady’s Argument Against The TPP


Sep 23, 2010
The TPP is a treaty that requires Senate ratification, yet it is repeatedly referred to as an international trade deal:

Simply put, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a major international trade deal between 12 countries that began negotiations in 2010.​

Basically, treaties should be agreed upon by two counties. New START is an example although it was a disaster. Breaking a treaty with only one other signatory is hard enough to do because so many people feed on it. Try to imagine breaking a treaty with 11 “partners.”

More to the point, ratifying a treaty with a bunch of countries smacks of the UN’s ugly hand. I can already smell the UN’s so-called World Court (International Court of Justice) claiming a big chunk of legitimacy from the TPP.

Where trade promotion authority (TPA) comes into play is as a means of helping to get TPP passed. Those opposed to TPP therefore tend to be opposed to TPA.​

A TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) fight in the House is misdirection.


The Senate passed President Barack Obama's trade authority legislation on Friday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY, who helped pass the legislation, speaks to reporters in the U.S. Capitol following the Republican Senate weekly policy lunch on May 19, 2015. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama’s trade agenda legislation passed the Senate, setting up a fight in the House over giving the White House more authority to negotiate new deals. The bill -- called Trade Promotion Authority -- faced staunch opposition from members of the president’s own party, who worked unsuccessfully for weeks to sink the legislation.

TPA: Senate Passes Obama Trade Agenda Authorization
By Ginger Gibson on May 22 2015 9:51 PM

TPA Senate Passes Obama Trade Agenda Authorization

The House has no constitutional authority ratifying treaties. McConnell & Republicans will sell out this country as quickly as they sold out on the TPA when it comes down to ratifying the TPP. If you like sure things bet on this: McConnell will have no trouble finding enough Democrats to reach the magic number of 67 —— less trouble than Taqiyya the Liar had rounding up more than enough Republicans needed to ratify New START.

NOTE: Senator Sessions spoke up against the TPP, while ol’ reliable, Senator Hatch, could not betray the country fast enough:

Senator Sessions’s floor speech against Obamatrade on Friday could go down as one of the most important Senate speeches ever. Already it is getting rave reviews:


Unfortunately, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, floor manager for the bill, prevented Sessions’s amendment from receiving a vote.

May 23, 2015
Sen. Sessions explains Obamatrade in key Senate speech
By Howard Richman

Blog Sen. Sessions explains Obamatrade in key Senate speech

This is the clinker that should stop TPP dead in its tracks if it ever gets a fair hearing:

Some members have objected to fast-track because it doesn’t include provisions to make sure any trade deal, like TPP, passed through it addresses currency manipulation. Currency manipulation has allowed countries to compete unfairly with the U.S. in the global economy. An amendment adding strict and enforceable currency manipulation rules to the bill, offered by Republican Sen. Rob Portman and Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow, was rejected.

This Is The Difference Between TPP And TPA (Hint: They Are Not The Same Thing)
Connor D. Wolf
10:53 PM 05/23/2015

TPP TPA And How They Are Not At All The Same Thing The Daily Caller

Currency manipulation is a clever red herring. The true issue is ratifying TPP as the first step to a universal currency. Foreign countries manipulating their currencies against America offers the perfect sales pitch for a universal currency.

Informed Americans know all of the dangers built into the TPP. So I will turn to Margaret Thatcher defending the Pound and sovereignty. She lays out the best argument anyone could ever make.

Watch Margaret Thatcher Explain Why the Euro Is a Terrible Idea in 1990
Her thoughts on giving up the pound for a single European currency? "No. No. No."
Jordan Weissmann Apr 8, 2013

Watch Margaret Thatcher Explain Why the Euro Is a Terrible Idea in 1990 - The Atlantic

Notice that Thatcher defended her country, while our president wants to abandon sovereignty. A universal currency will not happen before he is gone; nevertheless, it follows that he is laying the foundation for handing the dollar to America’s enemies somewhere down the line.

Finally, withdrawing from the EU is a major political issue in the UK. It is a disgrace that Congress is not debating withdrawing from the United Nations along with all of its destructive treaties sitting on the shelf. In short: There is not a whit of difference between the EU and the UN. It is essential that both abolish national sovereignty for their own survival.
Critical Alert Jeff Sessions Warns America Against Potentially Disastrous Obama Trade Deal

“The ‘living agreement’ provision means that participating nations could both add countries to the TPP without Congress’ approval (like China), and could also change any of the terms of the agreement, including in controversial areas such as the entry of foreign workers and foreign employees. Again: these changes would not be subject to congressional approval.

“This has far-reaching implications: the Congressional Research Service reports that if the United States signs on to an international trade agreement, the implementing legislation of that trade agreement (as a law passed later in time) would supersede conflicting federal, state, and local laws. When this occurs, U.S. workers may be subject to a sudden change in tariffs, regulations, or dispute resolution proceedings in international tribunals outside the U.S.

“Promoters of TPA should explain why the American people ought to trust the Administration and its foreign partners to revise or rewrite international agreements, or add new members to those agreements, without congressional approval. Does this not represent an abdication of congressional authority?”

The fourth major point of the Sessions document notes how TPA and the TPP deal it would expedite do not address currency manipulation at all.

“The biggest open secret in the international market is that other countries are devaluing their currencies to artificially lower the price of their exports while artificially raising the price of our exports to them. The result has been a massive bleeding of domestic manufacturing wealth. In fact, currency manipulation can easily dwarf tariffs in its economic impact,” Sessions wrote.

Sessions cited how the Obama Treasury Department, in a 2014 biannual report, failed to designate China—which manipulates its currency as determined by any objective standard—as a “currency manipulator,” something Sessions notes that like the George W. Bush administration suggests that the Obama administration “will not stand up to improper currency practices.”
The third major point of Sessions’ “critical alert” document lays out how passing TPA, and then TPP, means the United States is effectively “ceding sovereign authority to to international powers.” Sessions cites the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to make his case, laying out how the so-called “living agreement” inside the TPP deal means that the deal could be changed by other countries and the president without congressional approval whatsoever.
Nothing new here but the players involved...................the status quo teaming up with Obama to give more power to the executive to create Free Trade Rules at a later date that need no Congressional Approval...................The Rhino's of the GOP in step and key with the administration...............

Who's pockets will be lined as a result......................which is all it's really about anymore anyway............

Treaties should be done via the Constitution................or NOT AT ALL...........Through the Ratification process of the Senate...............This worked well for over 200 years until the Ass hats of Free Trade said it was broken.

Again, Constitution is being pissed on.
Sessions Announces No Vote On Final Passage Of Fast-Track - News Releases - Senator Jeff Sessions

“Stubbornly, our political elites have treated trade as a matter of religion. To them, there is no such thing as a bad deal. They know American workers lose jobs when we allow trading partners to cheat. But they insist it is all for the greater good… We have allowed state-dominated and mercantilist trading partners to maintain their varied and elaborate non-tariff barriers, exporting their unemployment to our shores… This is why the American worker keeps ending up on the losing end.”

“Under fast-track, Congress transfers its most basic legislative powers to the Executive for six years. Any yet-unseen global pacts, no matter how sweeping, are guaranteed a “fast-track” to congressional adoption. No amendments. No ability to strike any offending provision. And no chance to apply either the 60- or 67-vote thresholds used for important legislation and treaties.

I asked the President how his fast-tracked proposals would impact jobs, wages, and trade deficits. He would not answer. The bill’s promoters also refused to answer when asked whether their proposal would reduce net manufacturing jobs in the United States. That is because they know it will. Like the South Korean trade deal—which doubled our trade deficit after promises of a trade renaissance—this proposal will widen further our trade deficits and eliminate jobs.

Our country has not been engaged in reciprocal free trade but, as the Chairman Emeritus of Nucor Steel explained, “the enablement of foreign mercantilism” and “unilateral trade disarmament.” We have allowed state-dominated and mercantilist trading partners to maintain their varied and elaborate non-tariff barriers, exporting their unemployment to our shores.
................or NOT AT ALL...........

To eagle1462010: NOT AT ALL —— when it means United Nations treaties. Every one the UN’s unratified treaties sounds good until you see the Devil in the details.

Sessions Announces No Vote On Final Passage Of Fast-Track - News Releases - Senator Jeff Sessions

To eagle1462010: Senator Sessions is one of the few good ones.
................or NOT AT ALL...........

To eagle1462010: NOT AT ALL —— when it means United Nations treaties. Every one the UN’s unratified treaties sounds good until you see the Devil in the details.

Sessions Announces No Vote On Final Passage Of Fast-Track - News Releases - Senator Jeff Sessions

To eagle1462010: Senator Sessions is one of the few good ones.
He is my Senator and always stands tall on the issues..................As he has done again.
Senate Passes Trade Promotion Authority

Five Republicans voted no: Susan Collins of Maine, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky,Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Richard C. Shelby of Alabama.

One Republican senator did not vote: Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming.

The 14 Democrats who backed the president included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware,Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon.
Bone Head has already said it's a No Brainer.............and will push for a quick vote in the House....................

More Free Trade.............more lost jobs.....................more kick backs by the Political Whores who run this country.

Hat's off to the Senators from Alabama.............BRAVO ZULU for your effort.............ROLL TIDE!
Senate Passes Trade Promotion Authority

Five Republicans voted no: Susan Collins of Maine, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky,Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Richard C. Shelby of Alabama.

One Republican senator did not vote: Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming.

The 14 Democrats who backed the president included Michael Bennet of Colorado, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware,Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Patty Murray of Washington, Bill Nelson of Florida, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Mark Warner of Virginia and Ron Wyden of Oregon.

To eagle1462010: Like I said:

McConnell will have no trouble finding enough Democrats to reach the magic number of 67 —— less trouble than Taqiyya the Liar had rounding up more than enough Republicans needed to ratify New START.
Taqiyya the Liar was betraying this country in 2011:

So-called “patent reform” proposals continue to plague Capitol Hill. But like health care “reform” and education “reform,” these government cures are worse than any purported disease.

As part of his ongoing bid to “fundamentally transform” America, President Obama signed the Orwellian-titled America Invents Act (AIA) in 2011. If truth-in-advertising laws applied to politicians who front massively complex bills that do the opposite of what they proclaim to do, these hucksters would be jailed for their patently fraudulent “reform” legislation. Co-sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, the law was marketed as a job-creation vehicle that would relieve a backlog of an estimated 700,000 patent applications and crack down on patent “trolls” supposedly abusing the system through frivolous litigation against alleged infringers.

In truth, the AIA and its legislative successors are special interest boondoggles that enrich corporate lawyers, Big Business and federal bureaucrats at the expense of the independent inventors and fledgling innovators the American patent system was created to protect and encourage.

The AIA’s primary agenda? “Harmonizing” our patent laws with the rest of the world to reward paper-pushers who are “first to file” at the patent office, instead of those who are “first to invent.”

How Obama Radically Transformed America’s Patent System
Michelle Malkin | Friday May 22, 2015 12:01 AM

How Obama Radically Transformed America s Patent System Human Events

Last year Aaron Klein tied the AIA to the TPP:

Amnesty International USA warned draft TPP provisions related to patents for pharmaceuticals “risk stifling the development and production of generic medicines, by strengthening and deepening monopoly protections.”

Another leak revealed the TPP would grant more incentives to relocate domestic manufacturing offshore, Wallach and Beachy related.

Obama secretly negotiating away U.S. sovereignty
2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law
Published: 03/26/2014 at 6:27 PM

Obama secretly negotiating away U.S. sovereignty

Yet that nest of traitors in the US Senate, led by Mitch McConnell, are determined to ratify the TPP. God only knows what else is in it.

The Affordable Care Act is on its way to being dumped. I have a strong feeling it will be impossible to get rid of the TPP after it is ratified. The time to dump the TPP is NOW —— when there is some hope that it might be on the average voter’s radar screen.
There are differences in treaties START was a arms reduction treaty (nuclear warheads) between the US and Russia (USSR). The cold war saw both sides stocking piling nukes as a stare off. The end of the cold war meant we did not need those stock piles. The TPP is a trade treaty, one that will hurt the US something awful. Trade treaties are generally between many states (countries). Treaties between just two states, such as war treaties before WWII are not really allowed anymore. States join the UN as an overall treaty--an "if you are attacked, we will all come to your defense or at least scold someone on your behalf" thing.
The TPP will cost US citizens more jobs and more restrictions with the Internet. The only way US manufacturers can compete with states like Japan is to knock full-timers to part-time and cut benefits, as well as jobs. I believe there is a clause in the TPP propaganda (for lack of a better word) that states all those who will lose their jobs because of the TPP will be compensated by the government.
TPP and TTIP, will be a disaster for all the countries involved.

But as with all of these kind of trade deals, the impact won't be felt at first, as it takes a few years for all the conditions to be met by the countries involved.

Firstly, all the countries involved will lose control over their healthcare systems - meaning secret negotiations between corporate lobbyists (from all the countries involved) will determine what healthcare coverage will be available, the cost of drugs, and the cost of healthcare overall. But this won't happen all at once, but through the court process as foreign (and US based) corporations sue governments to force them to comply with the provisions of the TPP and TTIP.

Secondly, agricultural controls will be drastically curtailed, meaning that foods and products currently registered as unsafe for consumption due to local or Federal level laws over environmental protection and bio-security, will be allowed in, and any government that tries to stop x product coming into the country, will be sued by corporate lobbyists (from all the countries involved) - though again, this will be imposed through the courts.

Thirdly, the TPP and TTIP will technically have immunity from any constitutions or laws, meaning if a law or constitution conflicts with the TPP or TTIP, then the TPP or TTIP overrules whatever law or constitution may exist in a country. It will be interesting to see how legal challenges go, between countries, states, and corporate lobbyists, and whether the US Supreme Court will find itself gagged by the TPP and TTIP.

Lastly, consumer laws will be curtailed, though the TPP and TTIP are being negotiated in secret, so we won't know what consumer laws will be invalidated by the passage of the TPP and TTIP. It could mean anything from higher utility prices (and the privatization of state utilities), higher prices for internet, less protection from predatory lenders, to less protection for consumers from retailers - meaning less time to return goods if they are broken.

Though politicians in both parties will push it through - and screw Americans over like they did with NAFTA - but on a massive scale.
Treaties between just two states, such as war treaties before WWII are not really allowed anymore.
To Idadunno: Who prevents it?

States join the UN as an overall treaty--
To Idadunno: The US Senate joined the United Nations, but never ratified the United Nations —— AN ORGANIZATION —— as a treaty.

It would be a helluva lot worse were it not for the Connally Reservation. Without the Connally Reservation the UN would have usurped treaty authority a long time ago. In addition to treaties, everything would have been handed to the UN’s ICJ, (International Court of Justice). Of course, the UN’s judicial system cannot enforce its will on the American people, but Taqiyya the Liar & Company could then use the ICJ to overturn our courts in every decision that challenges United Nations authority. Sad to say, four United Nations-loving justices are already seated on the High Court.

NOTE: Six words inserted in the UN Charter by Texas Democrat, Senator Tom Connally (1877 - 1963), is the only thing standing between Americans and the United Nations:


Do a little research and you will be shocked to learn the names of Americans who have been trying to repeal the Connally Reservation for decades.

an "if you are attacked, we will all come to your defense or at least scold someone on your behalf" thing.
To Idadunno: Not true. The Korean War was only possible because the Soviet Union failed to attend a Security Council meeting. President Truman took the opportunity to stop Communist expansion by manipulating the UN. Had Soviets attended the one and only Security Council meeting they ever missed, they would have vetoed Truman’s military opposition to North Korea’s aggression.

For American Communists to organize mass demonstrations against a UN-approved Police Action meant they would have been demonstrating against a United Nations war. Vietnam was a far different matter. The United Nations opposed the Vietnam War because the UN supported Communist expansion when North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam. In time, the media turned the American people against a just war.

Ultimately, the United Nations will never come to any country’s defense when it is attacked by a Communist regime. Note that Communist China did not become a member of the United Nations until 1973; long after the Vietnam war started. Communist China and the Soviet Union then had two out of five seats on the permanent Security Council. The Soviet Union imploded, but China and Russia are still America’s most formidable enemies sharing Communism’s goals.

I believe there is a clause in the TPP propaganda (for lack of a better word) that states all those who will lose their jobs because of the TPP will be compensated by the government.
To Idadunno: You must mean compensated by taxpayers —— which guarantees an increase in the parasite class.

TPP and TTIP, will be a disaster for all the countries involved.

But as with all of these kind of trade deals, the impact won't be felt at first, as it takes a few years for all the conditions to be met by the countries involved.

Firstly, all the countries involved will lose control over their healthcare systems - meaning secret negotiations between corporate lobbyists (from all the countries involved) will determine what healthcare coverage will be available, the cost of drugs, and the cost of healthcare overall. But this won't happen all at once, but through the court process as foreign (and US based) corporations sue governments to force them to comply with the provisions of the TPP and TTIP.

Secondly, agricultural controls will be drastically curtailed, meaning that foods and products currently registered as unsafe for consumption due to local or Federal level laws over environmental protection and bio-security, will be allowed in, and any government that tries to stop x product coming into the country, will be sued by corporate lobbyists (from all the countries involved) - though again, this will be imposed through the courts.

Thirdly, the TPP and TTIP will technically have immunity from any constitutions or laws, meaning if a law or constitution conflicts with the TPP or TTIP, then the TPP or TTIP overrules whatever law or constitution may exist in a country. It will be interesting to see how legal challenges go, between countries, states, and corporate lobbyists, and whether the US Supreme Court will find itself gagged by the TPP and TTIP.

Lastly, consumer laws will be curtailed, though the TPP and TTIP are being negotiated in secret, so we won't know what consumer laws will be invalidated by the passage of the TPP and TTIP. It could mean anything from higher utility prices (and the privatization of state utilities), higher prices for internet, less protection from predatory lenders, to less protection for consumers from retailers - meaning less time to return goods if they are broken.

Though politicians in both parties will push it through - and screw Americans over like they did with NAFTA - but on a massive scale.
To hipeter924: Absolutely true with one addition. Ratifying the TPP will bring Americans a giant step closer to abandoning their sovereignty to a global government.
Sounds like Clinton is no iron lady...............

news reports as of now say she will support TPA....which is really conceding national authority to international authorities
and abrogating Congressional responsibility.

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