The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Warren was asked what she would do when someone tells her, “Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” Warren replied. “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman.”

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio
The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Warren was asked what she would do when someone tells her, “Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” Warren replied. “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman.”

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio

Everyone has some level of moral standards, but the left wingers demand that everyone else lower their moral standards to theirs or otherwise they will brand them as "old fashion" or "homophobe"
Even most Liberals have some level of moral standards against underage marriage and incest marriage and polygamy marriage and bigamy, but they do not consider themselves to be bigots.
Warren is a demogague.
She knows that she can get mondo campaign donations from gays if she attacks mainstream society's morals.
In effect Warren is exploiting left wing hate for the $MONEY$.
Same gender marriage was always a ruse to try and force mainstream society to lower their moral standards.
People who want poverty and insecurity will vote Democrat. People who wand freedom, prosperity and the American dream will vote for Trump. Obviously, Trump will win in a landslide. And then, somewhere around the middle of his second term, people will finally realize what a great President he has been and he'll get wide support.
Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Again if Reagan had simply let AIDS run it's true and natural course the lobby for the Homo-type-sexuals would be miniscule and we wouldn't have this non-sense.
The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Warren was asked what she would do when someone tells her, “Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” Warren replied. “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman.”

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio

Old story, and I haven't heard anything about it since then. It's already been assumed that the question and her response were made up before the town hall meeting.

How could anyone be really stupid enough to fall for this kind of dog and pony show?
Gotta admit, i'm really looking forward to fags trapped in bad marriages , in custody /alimony battles

they want to walk the walk.....

The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Warren was asked what she would do when someone tells her, “Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” Warren replied. “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman.”

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio

If this is what floats progressive folks boats you are screwed.
Some rich sicko faggots donate money to Democrats, so scum like Warren pander to them. No big secret there. Sociopaths will spout fake science for dollars, what a shock.

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