The intellectual snobbery of Progressivism


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Perhaps the one thing that separates conservatism from progressivism/liberalism more than anything else is the way they view their philosophical dissenters. A mark of the true modernist liberal is the unwavering belief that he is correct 100% of the time and that category of activity whatsoever including lying, deceit, aggression, violence, thievery, thuggery, vandalism just to name a few are all washed clean and in the venue of righteousness as long as it is for the Progressive cause. No more virulent example of this exists in the way the left views the past two presidents. Trump was always violating something and offending somebody even when he was doing nothing more than sitting down to eat with his family. Biden, despite his obvious flaws and deeply rooted corruption that is so flagrantly on display simply can do no wrong and is always revered as being within his rights despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

The effect on the middle politic of this nation is the revelation of the left's unapologetic double standard mantra. To the extent that voting prowess rests with the middle it will either bode well or bode badly for those who incur their seems quite obvious that the Progressive movement in this country has finally reached some Political flesh that has not yet been desensitized and is now desperately trying to do the full Mulligan in the short period of time that remains before the November Mid-Terms..... not gonna work....they did too much for too long with far too much openly vile hatred. This is not going away in a few months....or even a few fact I absolutely believe that this past four to five years has changed our national politics permanently. It takes a lot to do that but the left is a veritable factory of vileness and vituperation when it comes to deviant methodology that includes totally immoral and unethical behavior in pursuit of their beliefs.

History is replete with correction after correction of long held beliefs and academic snobbery that falls on its face with the passage of time and the introduction of cold, hard fact. While some may argue that we as a race have progressed to the point where our methods of scientific discovery are self policing. I disagree.. I foresee another round of massive correction coming that will encompass all sides of the issue left, right, middle and otherwise. One can only hope that we as a race can find a way through to the ultimate goal of being just that....One United race.....but....don't hold your breath.


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Perhaps the one thing that separates conservatism from progressivism/liberalism more than anything else is the way they view their philosophical dissenters. A mark of the true modernist liberal is the unwavering belief that he is correct 100% of the time and that category of activity whatsoever including lying, deceit, aggression, violence, thievery, thuggery, vandalism just to name a few are all washed clean and in the venue of righteousness as long as it is for the Progressive cause. No more virulent example of this exists in the way the left views the past two presidents. Trump was always violating something and offending somebody even when he was doing nothing more than sitting down to eat with his family. Biden, despite his obvious flaws and deeply rooted corruption that is so obviously on display simply can do no wrong and is always revered as being within his rights despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

The effect on the middle politic of this nation is the revelation of the left's unapologetic double standard mantra. To the extent that voting prowess rests with the middle it will either bode well or bode badly for those who incur their seems quite obvious that the Progressive movement in this country has finally reached some Political flesh that has not yet been desensitized and is now desperately trying to do the full Mulligan in the short period of time that remains before the November Mid-Terms..... not gonna work....they did too much for too long with far too much openly vile hatred. This is not going away in a few months....or even a few fact I absolutely believe that this past four to five years has changed our national politics permanently. It takes a lot to do that but the left is a veritable factory of vileness and vituperation when it comes to deviant methodology that includes totally immoral and unethical behavior in pursuit of their beliefs.

History is replete with correction after correction of long held beliefs and academic snobbery that falls on its face with the passage of time and the introduction of hard, cold fact. While some may argue that we as a race have progressed to the point where our methods of scientific discovery are self policing. I disagree.. I foresee another round of massive correction coming that will encompass all sides of the issue left, right, middle and otherwise. Once can only hope that we as a race can find a way through to the ultimate goal of being just that....One United race.....but....don't hold your breath.


So go back to school and learn some critical thinking skills.
Perhaps the one thing that separates conservatism from progressivism/liberalism more than anything else is the way they view their philosophical dissenters. A mark of the true modernist liberal is the unwavering belief that he is correct 100% of the time and that category of activity whatsoever including lying, deceit, aggression, violence, thievery, thuggery, vandalism just to name a few are all washed clean and in the venue of righteousness as long as it is for the Progressive cause. No more virulent example of this exists in the way the left views the past two presidents. Trump was always violating something and offending somebody even when he was doing nothing more than sitting down to eat with his family. Biden, despite his obvious flaws and deeply rooted corruption that is so obviously on display simply can do no wrong and is always revered as being within his rights despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

The effect on the middle politic of this nation is the revelation of the left's unapologetic double standard mantra. To the extent that voting prowess rests with the middle it will either bode well or bode badly for those who incur their seems quite obvious that the Progressive movement in this country has finally reached some Political flesh that has not yet been desensitized and is now desperately trying to do the full Mulligan in the short period of time that remains before the November Mid-Terms..... not gonna work....they did too much for too long with far too much openly vile hatred. This is not going away in a few months....or even a few fact I absolutely believe that this past four to five years has changed our national politics permanently. It takes a lot to do that but the left is a veritable factory of vileness and vituperation when it comes to deviant methodology that includes totally immoral and unethical behavior in pursuit of their beliefs.

History is replete with correction after correction of long held beliefs and academic snobbery that falls on its face with the passage of time and the introduction of hard, cold fact. While some may argue that we as a race have progressed to the point where our methods of scientific discovery are self policing. I disagree.. I foresee another round of massive correction coming that will encompass all sides of the issue left, right, middle and otherwise. Once can only hope that we as a race can find a way through to the ultimate goal of being just that....One United race.....but....don't hold your breath.



If you wrote that, Bravo.

If not, please attribute to the author.
It all stems from Ivy league educations.....Those people are smart, rich, and know how to manipulate their useful idiot armies (on both sides) to their advantage.

They move from one self-perpetuating misery after the other, that they themselves created, all the while building on their elitist status within their own circles and also their wealth.....The pecking order at a DC party is more important to them than you or I.

15% real inflation does not mean shit to them, they just go about their elitist lives and continue to spend us into oblivion to sate their donor's desires. They are also masters at playing us off against each other and we are fools enough to let them do it.

All one as to do is to see what "good school" most of the congress critters, SCOTUS, State Dept, etc hail from to prove my point.....It's truly is a big club that you and I are being excluded from and it's getting worse instead of better with every ivy league elitist slag that gets elected or appointed.

Just look at the few exceptions, they are not welcome by the ivy league elitists. Indeed, they see them as a threat and work at cross purposes against them.

Its no accident that 60-odd percent of congress is made-up of ivy league lawyers and are pushed to the front when it comes to party support.
That isn't something that's being taught in liberal academia. If you want that, you'll have to be home-schooled. Critical thinking implies not only questioning authority and commonly held views, but your own views as well.
Beat me to it....isn't it amazing? They never include themselves in that process because they always assume that have reached the unreproachable pinnacle of correctness and have nothing left to learn. just cannot make this shit up.

Interesting thread topic, given how Republicans on this board call anyone who disagrees with them some form of "stupid" so many times each and every day.


Great rebuttal!

Up there with the standards we expect for DailyKOS and you!

Just a suggestion; occasionally offer something other than "Orange Man Bad" and perhaps your reputation as vacuous will improve...
Credibility? With Trumpster rubes?


You've joined the chorus of Nazi sheep.


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