The Insanity of Closing down our Public Schools


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
From the most recent Ben Shapiro Op-Ed:

“As of late April, of the 37,308 deaths recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 1,036 [2.8%] were people under the age of 45, and just 51 [one tenth of one percent] were below the age of 25. Even among younger populations, the vast majority of deaths were people with underlying conditions.”

So what do you suppose the percentage would be of healthy children ages 5-18? Approximately ZERO?

Where is the perspective here? Is there no public official in America who can balance the harm of shutting down the schools for EVERYBODY against the microscopic possibility of a few deaths (children who are "compromised" will be kept home regardless) in the COUNTRY?

I realize, the death of that one kid in the entire country, will be FRONT PAGE NEWS in the New York Fucking Times, but really...

We elect people to executive positions with the expectation that they will make the difficult decisions rationally, promoting the best possible outcome for all Americans. They have FAILED US SPECTACULARLY in this instance.
How do you define a few deaths and how many dead students are acceptable to you? 10? 100? 10,000?
If America is going to be closing up its economy for this pandemic, there is really little point in having an educated populace- especially in the lower classes that rely on the government schools.

Why educate someone if they are just going to sit in their boxers in front of the tube drinking PBR's? We have massive unemployment. Educated, but idle, people can be a problem to a society.
The moron dumb ass OP, like so many tea bagger trumpoholics, has no concept of science and how children can carry the viruses without showing symptoms and spread it to each other and when they go home.
Flu happens in schools every year. This year they closed them. Is it because Covid 19 is worse than all other flu viruses?
Flu happens in schools every year. This year they closed them. Is it because Covid 19 is worse than all other flu viruses?
It's because Covid 19 ISN'T the flu. The flu does cause deaths every year, but not to this extent. Also, we have no vaccine to slow its spread.
From the most recent Ben Shapiro Op-Ed:

“As of late April, of the 37,308 deaths recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 1,036 [2.8%] were people under the age of 45, and just 51 [one tenth of one percent] were below the age of 25. Even among younger populations, the vast majority of deaths were people with underlying conditions.”

So what do you suppose the percentage would be of healthy children ages 5-18? Approximately ZERO?

Where is the perspective here? Is there no public official in America who can balance the harm of shutting down the schools for EVERYBODY against the microscopic possibility of a few deaths (children who are "compromised" will be kept home regardless) in the COUNTRY?

I realize, the death of that one kid in the entire country, will be FRONT PAGE NEWS in the New York Fucking Times, but really...

We elect people to executive positions with the expectation that they will make the difficult decisions rationally, promoting the best possible outcome for all Americans. They have FAILED US SPECTACULARLY in this instance.
monday morning qb. Probem is we do not have that kind of data at the begining of this sort of thing. In your typical virus that makes it to pandemic level would have spanked the age group of elementary. Guess what the reason we had no tests for this strain is it did not exist before now. We jusst got our first fda approved anti body tesst. The virus can mutate and that tesst can become useless and worse it could start attacking different age groups differently. Unfortunately the only play book we have when this shit starts is the playbook for the last one. this is just the way it is. Meanwhile your leaders mouth tells you one thing while his webssite tells you another. That my friend is stupidity. If you will note this is fro mthe white house web site in other words your fearless leaders web site. One in which he is in control of and if he iss not then he i the mot uneffective opreident in the hitory of human kind.. Please note to follow these guidelines schools can not be open.
Flu happens in schools every year. This year they closed them. Is it because Covid 19 is worse than all other flu viruses?
It's because Covid 19 ISN'T the flu. The flu does cause deaths every year, but not to this extent. Also, we have no vaccine to slow its spread.
First, the flu vaccine doesn’t work and secondly, it’s not usually given to school age children.

Covid-19 is a virus very similar to the flu. If viruses are so dangerous, how could we have survived as a species? Most healthy people have immune systems that beat it entirely or overcome it quickly after getting sick. The human immune system is amazing.
How do you define a few deaths and how many dead students are acceptable to you? 10? 100? 10,000?
Students died of drug use by the thousands. Not only did we not close down the schools but the left refused to have the drug dealers removed from schools. The overprotective concern is not within the realm of reality.
From the most recent Ben Shapiro Op-Ed:

“As of late April, of the 37,308 deaths recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 1,036 [2.8%] were people under the age of 45, and just 51 [one tenth of one percent] were below the age of 25. Even among younger populations, the vast majority of deaths were people with underlying conditions.”

So what do you suppose the percentage would be of healthy children ages 5-18? Approximately ZERO?

Where is the perspective here? Is there no public official in America who can balance the harm of shutting down the schools for EVERYBODY against the microscopic possibility of a few deaths (children who are "compromised" will be kept home regardless) in the COUNTRY?

I realize, the death of that one kid in the entire country, will be FRONT PAGE NEWS in the New York Fucking Times, but really...

We elect people to executive positions with the expectation that they will make the difficult decisions rationally, promoting the best possible outcome for all Americans. They have FAILED US SPECTACULARLY in this instance.

Closing schools is the only part of all this over-reaction I actually do support. They are petri dishes in winter.
Wise move to shut them down. We don't know if there are long term affects on kids. That is a fact. What's the rush to pile them in schools?
How do you define a few deaths and how many dead students are acceptable to you? 10? 100? 10,000?
Yeah it's gotta be much better for everyone to stay at home, pull the covers over their heads and hide out from life. Maybe they should just plan on doing that and hide out from life altogether forever. At least they won't be in school being dumbed down and socially programmed as they have been for the last two or three decades so that's a definate plus.
Wise move to shut them down. We don't know if there are long term affects on kids. That is a fact. What's the rush to pile them in schools?

The point isn't protecting the children, who have a low rate of serious complications from the coronavirus, but because children are what epidemiologists call "super spreaders". They touch everything, put their hands in their mouth constantly.

Infections in school children are common. Schools are ideal places for the spread of infectious diseases because of the large numbers of young people of different ages in close contact with each other some of whom may not have developed good personal habits or immunity to various diseases

Children have parents, grandparents, and relatives that they can infect.
The longer this goes on the more apropos the Speed Limit Metaphor seems to make sense.

Assume the national speed limit is 80mph and we have 50,000 highway deaths a year. The governors get together and propose a 15mph speed limit, knowing that it will save tens of thousands of lives a year. But the 15mph limit is INTOLERABLE. So what about 25? SOME PEOPLE WOULD DIE UNNECESSARILY.

But somewhere between the 80mph limit and 15 there is a speed limit that would be tolerable to the driving public, and save as many lives as is feasible.

With the Corona Virus, the medical profession (and the not-gainfully-employed Political Left) is desirous of locking everyone into their homes for the duration, thus absolutely minimizing the CV-related deaths. Let's call that, "Plan A."

The President and the Right Wing are desirous of releasing all restrictions and allowing people to live the same way they were living in January, before the CV schidt hit the fan. Let's call that "Plan B."

Somewhere between Plan A and Plan B there is a level of restriction that will result in the lowest number of deaths under tolerable constraints.

GIVEN THE DATA WE HAVE, there was no need to close down America's public schools. "We" have WASTED FOREVER literally hundreds of thousands of school years, collectively, in order, potentially, to save a couple of lives. Absolutely insane. Absolutely contrary to the Science and the Data.

We will reach a time in the foreseeable future when the Powers that Be will conclude that the "cure" has been worse than the "disease," and we will collectively elect to live with the tolerable consequences of spreading the disease knowingly, a little bit, in order to prevent a worldwide depression and all of its ramifications (and deaths).

Just as a few states have raised their speed limits over FIFTY-FIVE in recent decades, where it was fixed during the oil crisis.
Putting every one in hazmat suits, wrapping them in cotton batting in case they fall, and prohibiting all human contact would save some lives, and cost more.
How do you define a few deaths and how many dead students are acceptable to you? 10? 100? 10,000?

Every policy decision made has a human cost to it. Millions of parents around the country who still have jobs were suddenly told overnight they had to start homeschooling their kids. How do you expect them to continue doing that? Some parents still have to work on site and can't stay home. Other parents have to work from home and can't necessarily deal with the distraction. Have you stopped to consider any of that?
Putting every one in hazmat suits, wrapping them in cotton batting in case they fall, and prohibiting all human contact would save some lives, and cost more.
In Biden's case it might have prevented a few crimes.
A generation will get an 11th grade education and call it a complete "High School" education. Short a full year - promoted by America's indoctrination industry (public schools) to prevent having to teach all they missed and all they forgotten. That really will result in a crop of know-little Democrat voters. You can see why Nancy is soiling her Depends in delight! Problem is all the little mush-brains will think they've had a complete education. Gonna be hell finding work in the shrunken economy that will persist for years. But maybe when they slash their little wrists in despair they'll be counted as "late" Covid deaths. Or....maybe just extremely late term self-abortions.

Advantage: The home schooled.
my dad has an expression: "any country that will outeducate us will outcompete us"


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