The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party.

Of course he did.

Trump's problem is that he keeps lying about illegal votes to try to convince gullible Americans that he also won the popular vote.

Trump has now created an entire commission to try to find evidence to support his lies about the millions of illegal voters that he claims cost him the election.

Why should we have a commission just to humor the President's fantasies?

Just ignore that the people wanted more precise numbers way before Trump.
Puts your theory out of whack.

It is not a theory, if you knew what he considers fake votes you too might realize his witch hunt is based on digested bull food and his ego.

Example: my wife registered to vote in Wisconsin, she did not remove her name from the roster of voters in the Badger State, nor did CA notify Wisconsin when she registered to vote in CA. There are many such examples of people who moved and are on the roster of voters who do not vote twice. Only fools believe otherwise.

That's on her.
It's the law that any time when you move you report it.
Even in the same city, because you would vote in another precinct.
It's not up to California to do that. It's the voters responsibility

Which law is that?


I moved from California to another state for a year- and voted by mail in California.

Updating Voter Registration After a Move | Moving Information – MovingIdeas

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?
Race Baiting, The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
I love it when the truth pierces the innards of the racist leftist in here. all you racist in here and around the country, that keep the blacks in chicago killing one another, democratic city that only finds killers 29% of the time when the national average is 61% and new york is at 83%. Home of Jesse Jackson, the one keeping the blacks right where they want em. yep those dems, those true racists. every fking one of those elitist dems.
Yes. Everybody freely admits that in the 1800's the Democrats were not supportive of blacks. Please point out any of those democrats from the 1800's that are still members of our government, and I promise not to vote for them.
Oh, apparently you cannot see the people Booker T was talking about today. You also I guess do not want to read the quote from LBJ. You certainly don't know about Bill Clinton's mentor James Fulbright, nor about Al Gore Senior. Both staunch segregationists.

You apparently ignore ALL of that, along with how the civil rights bill was passed. How the King descendants are republicans. You all have no clue. You are all just victims of mass propaganda pushed to keep blacks enslaved in their minds by convincing them they are nothing but victims. Poor little victims of white republicans.

Look at how you losers argue against voter ID laws (photo id). You don't give a rat shit that people cannot accomplish shit without at least having a photo ID. Can't get a job, cant cash a check, cant open an account, nothing. You fucking left wing elitists don't give a shit. You all just tow the company party line. Go to your little elite houses behind WALLS guarded by armed guards and move about your day oblivious. Truly believing you are doing GOOD just because you hate republicans and white Christians well enough.

You are the fucking problem, and you remain in your pathetic hypnotized state.

Malcolm X, democrats are chumps.

Oh, so much silly RWNJ shit.
Yes, the 60's were a different time. Half a century ago, the country's thoughts on race were much different than today. Your pathetic attempt to pretend the things you mentioned somehow justify the racism of the right today is just plain goofy.

Explain the right wing racism of today so that we might understand.

I'll tell you what it is, we want them to have better choices and get educated and become families. How fking dare us.
Just ignore that the people wanted more precise numbers way before Trump.
Puts your theory out of whack.

It is not a theory, if you knew what he considers fake votes you too might realize his witch hunt is based on digested bull food and his ego.

Example: my wife registered to vote in Wisconsin, she did not remove her name from the roster of voters in the Badger State, nor did CA notify Wisconsin when she registered to vote in CA. There are many such examples of people who moved and are on the roster of voters who do not vote twice. Only fools believe otherwise.

That's on her.
It's the law that any time when you move you report it.
Even in the same city, because you would vote in another precinct.
It's not up to California to do that. It's the voters responsibility

Which law is that?


I moved from California to another state for a year- and voted by mail in California.

Updating Voter Registration After a Move | Moving Information – MovingIdeas

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.
It is not a theory, if you knew what he considers fake votes you too might realize his witch hunt is based on digested bull food and his ego.

Example: my wife registered to vote in Wisconsin, she did not remove her name from the roster of voters in the Badger State, nor did CA notify Wisconsin when she registered to vote in CA. There are many such examples of people who moved and are on the roster of voters who do not vote twice. Only fools believe otherwise.

That's on her.
It's the law that any time when you move you report it.
Even in the same city, because you would vote in another precinct.
It's not up to California to do that. It's the voters responsibility

Which law is that?


I moved from California to another state for a year- and voted by mail in California.

Updating Voter Registration After a Move | Moving Information – MovingIdeas

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.

This isn't that hard.

You claim something is the law- I ask you to name the law- you just said it is the law.

I looked at California's voter registration site- no such law referenced.
That's on her.
It's the law that any time when you move you report it.
Even in the same city, because you would vote in another precinct.
It's not up to California to do that. It's the voters responsibility

Which law is that?


I moved from California to another state for a year- and voted by mail in California.

Updating Voter Registration After a Move | Moving Information – MovingIdeas

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.

This isn't that hard.

You claim something is the law- I ask you to name the law- you just said it is the law.

I looked at California's voter registration site- no such law referenced.

Did you miss updated?
Race Baiting, The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
I love it when the truth pierces the innards of the racist leftist in here..

Why do bitter old white dudes like you think that the only racists are African Americans?

Why do you think that all the old white guys in the GOP are smarter than all of the African Americans and Latino Americans and Asian Americans who are in the Democratic Party?

Americans of color clearly identify the Republican Party as being the party that represents racism.
Old white dudes in the GOP say the Democrats are the racists.

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.
Which law is that?


I moved from California to another state for a year- and voted by mail in California.

Updating Voter Registration After a Move | Moving Information – MovingIdeas

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.

This isn't that hard.

You claim something is the law- I ask you to name the law- you just said it is the law.

I looked at California's voter registration site- no such law referenced.

Did you miss updated?

I have missed you actually citing any law- other than because you said so.
Race Baiting, The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
I love it when the truth pierces the innards of the racist leftist in here. all you racist in here and around the country, that keep the blacks in chicago killing one another, democratic city that only finds killers 29% of the time when the national average is 61% and new york is at 83%. Home of Jesse Jackson, the one keeping the blacks right where they want em. yep those dems, those true racists. every fking one of those elitist dems.

I don't believe that blacks would keep voting democrat if they were a party of black hating racists like republicans are always saying.

And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.

This isn't that hard.

You claim something is the law- I ask you to name the law- you just said it is the law.

I looked at California's voter registration site- no such law referenced.

Did you miss updated?

I have missed you actually citing any law- other than because you said so.
It's all bullshit, maybe the oldest troll topic on the internet guaranteed to get liberals all wound up because of the towering absurdity of it all.

The absurdity is that the party of slavery has continued to be the party of slavery to the state.
And again- what 'law' requires a voter to notify anyone of his move?

You have cited an article from a moving company that recommends changing your registration to your new home.

Again- what law is it that you think requires me to notify someone if I move?

That's because it's the law.
Look under each state ,most have you as being responsible to notify when you move.
Calf. Undated theirs so it's automatically done online.

This isn't that hard.

You claim something is the law- I ask you to name the law- you just said it is the law.

I looked at California's voter registration site- no such law referenced.

Did you miss updated?

I have missed you actually citing any law- other than because you said so.

Great- now I know what documents i need in order to register to vote in Wisconsin.

Where is a law that requires me to notify someone when I move- the law you claimed there was?
Race Baiting, The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
I love it when the truth pierces the innards of the racist leftist in here. all you racist in here and around the country, that keep the blacks in chicago killing one another, democratic city that only finds killers 29% of the time when the national average is 61% and new york is at 83%. Home of Jesse Jackson, the one keeping the blacks right where they want em. yep those dems, those true racists. every fking one of those elitist dems.

I don't believe that blacks would keep voting democrat if they were a party of black hating racists like republicans are always saying.

Many blacks and Hispanics voted for Trump.
It's all bullshit, maybe the oldest troll topic on the internet guaranteed to get liberals all wound up because of the towering absurdity of it all.

The absurdity is that the party of slavery has continued to be the party of slavery to the state.

The sad irony is that the party that fought against slavery now provides sympathy and support for the racists

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.
It's all bullshit, maybe the oldest troll topic on the internet guaranteed to get liberals all wound up because of the towering absurdity of it all.

The absurdity is that the party of slavery has continued to be the party of slavery to the state.

The sad irony is that the party that fought against slavery now provides sympathy and support for the racists

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

Race Baiting, The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce.
I love it when the truth pierces the innards of the racist leftist in here. all you racist in here and around the country, that keep the blacks in chicago killing one another, democratic city that only finds killers 29% of the time when the national average is 61% and new york is at 83%. Home of Jesse Jackson, the one keeping the blacks right where they want em. yep those dems, those true racists. every fking one of those elitist dems.

I don't believe that blacks would keep voting democrat if they were a party of black hating racists like republicans are always saying.

Many blacks and Hispanics voted for Trump.

That is like saying that many Republicans voted for Clinton.

True but rather irrelevant.

Roughly 95% of African American voters are registered Democrats.

Those who keep insisting here at USMB that the Democratic Party is the 'party of racism' run into a slight problem with that claim.

a) Most minorities are Democrats.
b) Most Republicans are white- and few minorities are Republican

Do you believe that minorities are as smart as whites? I do.

I believe everyone votes in what they consider to be best for themselves and their community. That doesn't make Trump voters racists- but neither does it make Democrats racists.

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