The Hunter Biden Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?
And you think you and your alt-right conspiracy sources should be taken seriously?


The Hunter Biden conspiracy is just


The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?

Care to enlighten us on what office Hunter Biden holds?

Been some time now. We continue to wait. And y'all want to be taken seriously?

I mean shouldn't you be dispensing somebody to wield a tape measure on Jill Biden's skirt? Or plantiing a bug to report how many times the dog growls?

I mean GET a friggin' LIFE, nomsane?

The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?

Care to enlighten us on what office Hunter Biden holds?

Been some time now. We continue to wait.

He's the son of the "President." He has Secret Service protection. He is a national security risk and he needs to be prosecuted for his crimes. As simple as that.

The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?

They actually had Hunter on CBS This Morning just a day or two ago about his computer that turned up in some repair shop. CBS has three linked stories at bottom:

In the preview, Hunter freely admits that the computer COULD be his! The question, like so many other things is: WHY ARE WE STILL GUESSING?

The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?

Care to enlighten us on what office Hunter Biden holds?

Been some time now. We continue to wait.

He's the son of the "President." He has Secret Service protection. He is a national security risk and he needs to be prosecuted for his crimes. As simple as that.

Yuh huh. That reminds me, I need to be prosecuted for my "crimes" too. Only trouble is, I haven't committed any.

None that anyone knows about anyway....

I just called the Linear Time office and they say a crime has to exist first before it can be prosecuted.

The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?

Care to enlighten us on what office Hunter Biden holds?

Been some time now. We continue to wait.

He's the son of the "President." He has Secret Service protection. He is a national security risk and he needs to be prosecuted for his crimes. As simple as that.

Yuh huh. That reminds me, I need to be prosecuted for my "crimes" too. Only trouble is, I haven't committed any.

None that anyone knows about anyway....

I just called the Linear Time office and they say a crime has to exist first before it can be prosecuted.
Unless of course if your last name is Trump, then anything goes. Truth be damned.
This year's "October Surprise" was a dud. When you do nothing but tell lies and falsehoods for four years, the press is rightly suspicious of anything that comes out of the blob's administration.

Additionally, Smerconish (who thought Bullshitinsky was credible) tried to have Bullshitinsky on his show. His producer was referred to Rudy Gulianai who was handling the press inquiries. Tells you all you need to know about the credibility of the entire episode.
The level of corruption in Washington is astounding almost unbelievable until you consider 2 cases that show just how bad it is...the Clintons and the Bidens.

it’s a stunning indictment of the FBI that an American citizen—who alerted them to alleged multiple crimes involving a guy with the last name Biden—knew not to trust them and made other arrangements should they try to cover it up (which, apparently, they did).

We should not forget aout how J. Edgar Hoover ran rough shod over congress....he kept a black book on every congressman....with pictures etc. in case any of them ever tried to get rid of him.

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The stark difference between the treatment of the documented illegal and unethical actions of the Biden family, following so closely after the five odd years of mainly-empty slanders against President Trump, is an indictment of the entire non-Fox Media in this country.

In a recent interview, Hunter Biden was asked whether the computer-in-question was his, and he was allowed to come back with the preposterous answer that it might have been. No follow up. No questions about the PICTURES, EMAILS, and DOCUMENTS coming out of that computer. It was a fucking joke.

And here we are, many, many months after the Biden Family shananigans came to light, and there are still no indictments, no NOTHING. Just lies and coverups from the IRS, the Justice Department, and the President.

And they want to be taken seriously?
Was that his crack pipe?
The level of corruption in Washington is astounding almost unbelievable until you consider 2 cases that show just how bad it is...the Clintons and the Bidens.

it’s a stunning indictment of the FBI that an American citizen—who alerted them to alleged multiple crimes involving a guy with the last name Biden—knew not to trust them and made other arrangements should they try to cover it up (which, apparently, they did).

We should not forget aout how J. Edgar Hoover ran rough shod over congress....he kept a black book on every congressman....with pictures etc. in case any of them ever tried to get rid of him.

Seems pretty obvious that the fbi and Cia have the goods on every candidate. , doesn't matter who wins they control every situation. Who the hell is running this country?

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