The Hero Of The Capitol Attack


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
by CNN as Eugene Goodman, at first tried to block an open door before realizing he was alone and being pursued.

Goodman, armed with a baton, pushes the leader of the pack, a man wearing a black QAnon shirt later identified as Doug Jensen from Des Moines. Jensen was focused on Goodman and appeared not to notice the open hallway leading to the Senate chambers.

Jensen chased Goodman, who led him and the mob away from the Senate floor. The group, all white men, followed the Black officer into a group of police in a back corridor outside the Senate.

"His name is USCP Officer Eugene Goodman. Remember his name. He almost certainly saved lives on Wednesday," tweeted CNN reporter Kristin Wilson. "My thanks, Officer Goodman. THANK YOU."

This brave loe cop likely saved dozens of lives

The creep menacing him has since been arrested and is "asking to be forgiven"


by CNN as Eugene Goodman, at first tried to block an open door before realizing he was alone and being pursued.

Goodman, armed with a baton, pushes the leader of the pack, a man wearing a black QAnon shirt later identified as Doug Jensen from Des Moines. Jensen was focused on Goodman and appeared not to notice the open hallway leading to the Senate chambers.

Jensen chased Goodman, who led him and the mob away from the Senate floor. The group, all white men, followed the Black officer into a group of police in a back corridor outside the Senate.

"His name is USCP Officer Eugene Goodman. Remember his name. He almost certainly saved lives on Wednesday," tweeted CNN reporter Kristin Wilson. "My thanks, Officer Goodman. THANK YOU."

This brave loe cop likely saved dozens of lives

The creep menacing him has since been arrested and is "asking to be forgiven"


You are truly a moron...........they followed the cop---at no time did they touch or attack the cop. To claim he saved lives and to pretend he was attacked is beyond stupid and dishonest.
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Goodman...outnumbered by dozens if not hundreds..offered himself up as bait.

Seeing that the Senate entrance was unguarded he thumped the guy in the chest to get his attention and then retreated in a different direction.

Thankfully the cretin responded and followed him

The guy is a friggin hero
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
If you don’t know then you’d better change the channel.
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
If you don’t know then you’d better change the channel.
Ohhh i get're just a piece of shit troll.

My mistake
If those people got into the Senate chambers, it could have been so much worse.

And to think that Trump was delighted as this was all happening and Trump supporters support what happened here. Disgusting people.
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
If you don’t know then you’d better change the channel.
Ohhh i get're just a piece of shit troll.

My mistake
No, trolls do drive-by pejoratives. I made a post with facts and points and you can’t understand it.
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
If you don’t know then you’d better change the channel.
Ohhh i get're just a piece of shit troll.

My mistake
No, trolls do drive-by pejoratives. I made a post with facts and points and you can’t understand it.
YOU made a post even YOU admit was bullshit.'
That's trolling douche
If those people got into the Senate chambers, it could have been so much worse.

And to think that Trump was delighted as this was all happening and Trump supporters support what happened here. Disgusting people.
It likely would have lead to a hosage situation or worse
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
If you don’t know then you’d better change the channel.
Ohhh i get're just a piece of shit troll.

My mistake
No, trolls do drive-by pejoratives. I made a post with facts and points and you can’t understand it.
YOU made a post even YOU admit was bullshit.'
That's trolling douche
Don’t lay your intellectual deficiency on me.
Once he realized they were BLM and antifa he said “go on in...” That's not at all what happened.

Why lie so blatantly?
I was being facetious, moron.
You’re the liar. Trying to trump up a situation to fit your hypocritical narrative. The narrative that omits and/or excuses BLM klan rally riots. Go clean up that cross- burning they have going on down near the White House if you’re so righteous, bigot.
The fuck are you talking about
Lotta heavy drinking here tonight, I'm noticing. Can't make heads nor tails of some of them.
by CNN as Eugene Goodman, at first tried to block an open door before realizing he was alone and being pursued.

Goodman, armed with a baton, pushes the leader of the pack, a man wearing a black QAnon shirt later identified as Doug Jensen from Des Moines. Jensen was focused on Goodman and appeared not to notice the open hallway leading to the Senate chambers.

Jensen chased Goodman, who led him and the mob away from the Senate floor. The group, all white men, followed the Black officer into a group of police in a back corridor outside the Senate.

"His name is USCP Officer Eugene Goodman. Remember his name. He almost certainly saved lives on Wednesday," tweeted CNN reporter Kristin Wilson. "My thanks, Officer Goodman. THANK YOU."

This brave loe cop likely saved dozens of lives

The creep menacing him has since been arrested and is "asking to be forgiven"


The brave insurrectionists sent by the impeached president trump are turning out to be real pu$$ies. That's obviously why the impeached president trump gabbed them to be his proud boys.

I think it was a pretty cool thing for him to do. One of the few positive stories to come out of this. He's a hero in my book.
"His name is USCP Officer Eugene Goodman. Remember his name. He almost certainly saved lives on Wednesday," tweeted CNN reporter Kristin Wilson. "My thanks, Officer Goodman. THANK YOU."
Goodman won praise for confronting a mob of Donald Trump supporters that broke into the Capitol on 6 January in an effort to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory.
It's a Democrat Mafia goodfellow. He's on a personal vendetta, apparently part of the same group of corrupt military police who have been attempting to murder me since 20 years ago out some Air Force base in the middle of nowhere, since they don't have the proper jurisdiction for court-martial...
Elsewhere in the Capitol that day, insurrectionists beat another officer to death, and dozens of officers were injured. In the weeks since the incursion, evidence has emerged that some insurrectionists had come with a serious intention to harm or kidnap lawmakers.
Apparently at least some officers in the military have a little higher rank than Biden's M.I.C. gang. These damned lawmakers, they're trying to make red flag laws and pre-emptive strike laws to put us away in prison for years and years at the slightest excuse without any due process whatsoever, is it any wonder they are scared we would be trying to harm them? It's not as if they are not harming us with the bad laws they pass and the funding they appropriate for arbitrary enforcement without due process.
Members of Congress from both parties have called for Goodman to receive a congressional gold medal. The decoration has traditionally been used to recognize members of the military for distinguished service.
Of course. He's a fucking bipartisan D.C. paperboy, bootlicker, and shoeshiner, the whole kit and kaboodle.

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