The Green Witch Hunt


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Money the thing that makes the 1% clintons tick...
The Green Witch Hunt
A crusading attorney general aims to hurt ExxonMobil after it stopped funneling money to the Clintons.
April 4, 2016
Matthew Vadum

Led by agenda-setting New York State and radical left-winger Al Gore the progressive persecution of climate change skeptics by the states is underway.

Top law enforcement officers in several states are joining with the Chicken Littles of green activism to weaponize the scientifically dubious argument that human activity is not only changing the earth's climate but that unprecedented world catastrophe awaits unless draconian, economy-killing carbon emission controls are imposed more or less immediately.

The litigation offensive has nothing to do with justice. It is aimed at forcing those few remaining holdouts in the business community who stubbornly cling to science to confess their thought crimes and submit to the know-nothing Left's climate superstitions. It is part of modern-day environmentalism's ongoing assault on knowledge, human progress, markets, and the rule of law.

Repent and embrace the true green faith or else you'll be investigated and denounced as a climate criminal, is the message of “Inspector Gotcha,” New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman.

“It’s too early to say what we’re going to find,” he said of the five-month-old witch hunt aimed at his current target, the gigantic ExxonMobil, at a press conference this week in Lower Manhattan. “We intend to work as aggressively as possible, but also as carefully as possible.”

The New York Times previously reported that Schneiderman is looking into “whether the company lied to the public about the risks of climate change or to investors about how such risks might hurt the oil business. ... For several years, advocacy groups with expertise in financial analysis have been warning that fossil fuel companies might be overvalued in the stock market, since the need to limit climate change might require that much of their coal, oil and natural gas be left in the ground.”

But “The First Amendment, ladies and gentlemen, does not give you the right to commit fraud," Schneiderman said this week.

Of course that assertion is true on its face but that doesn't necessarily mean whatever he's calling fraud is actually fraud. How can rejecting a theory -- a wild, unproven, apocalyptic theory based on creative computer modeling and little else -- about future climate conditions constitute fraud?

The New York Times now reports that the attorneys general of Massachusetts and the Virgin Islands said this week they would join Schneiderman's politically motivated so-called investigation into whether ExxonMobil lied to investors and the public for years about the alleged threat posed by climate change. California opened its own investigation into the company last year.

The interest in ExxonMobil was sparked last year when "Inside Climate News and The Los Angeles Times published articles from Exxon Mobil archives describing the company’s research into the risks of climate change," the Old Gray Lady reports.

"An activist uproar ensued, complete with a popular Twitter hashtag: #ExxonKnew."

ExxonMobil spokeswoman Suzanne McCarron said the claims made about the company “are politically motivated and based on discredited reporting by activist organizations.” The allegations rest on the “preposterous” claim that the company “reached definitive conclusions about anthropogenic climate change before the world’s experts” and kept those findings secret.

Trying to appease Schneiderman, McCarron said her company “recognizes the risks posed by climate change,” adding “the investigations targeting our company threaten to have a chilling effect on private sector research.”


Was Schneiderman's newfound interest in ExxonMobil piqued by green idealism?

The question answers itself.

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