The Great RW myth about the Founders' meaning of 'Republic'.

The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

It's ironic that you point that out. We never cease to hear conservatives complain about the handful of 'unelected tyrannical judges' on the SCOTUS;
appointed by whom you twit..............appointed by executive branch......confirmed by the senate..................THE STATES YOU TWIT.

Why are you arguing with me and agreeing with me at the same time? Is that some sort of pathology I'm not familiar with?
The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

So...the reason we have a Supreme Court is to keep the 51% from doing tyrannical things such as denying gays equal rights, denying women abortion rights, denying racial minorities the right to do business where they choose,

those are the kind of things that make not having a 'pure' demcracy so important to you?

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

Abortion poll finds 81% Americans, 66% pro-choice advocates support restrictions on procedure

As you can see above, we don't always get what we believe to be right. However I still support and respect the form of government, that being a Republic, that the vast majority of Founders had chosen as drafted under the Constitution. Apparently liberals would much rather throw a tantrum in public... burning cars, vandalizing buildings, all because they didn't get what they want.
The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

So...the reason we have a Supreme Court is to keep the 51% from doing tyrannical things such as denying gays equal rights, denying women abortion rights, denying racial minorities the right to do business where they choose,

those are the kind of things that make not having a 'pure' demcracy so important to you?

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

Abortion poll finds 81% Americans, 66% pro-choice advocates support restrictions on procedure

As you can see above, we don't always get what we believe to be right. However I still support and respect the form of government, that being a Republic, that the vast majority of Founders had chosen as drafted under the Constitution. Apparently liberals would much rather throw a tantrum in public... burning cars, vandalizing buildings, all because they didn't get what they want.

Why are you accusing me of burning cars?
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News
Correll can be ignored: he literally has an IQ of less than 80.

However, this type of election defines what the Founders wanted. The states and regions with their unique situations are to have equal or superior quality to that straight popular vote.

If they did not think that, they would have not had an EV but a straight PV majority as the requirement instead.

Be glad that the GOP does not have a 2/3ds majority in the House and Senate, or the GOP would send out an even more restrictive requirement of giving each state one vote and dropping the EV and PV altogether.

AS usual Jake is lying out of his mouth and ass..

The founding fathers made sure that mob rule could not overwhelm the majority of the land. The electoral college is working as designed, keeping libtards and their mob from forcing their agenda on those who do not believe the crap...
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News
Funny how the leftards want individual states rights circumvented by liberal mandate..
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News
Funny how the leftards want individual states rights circumvented by liberal mandate..

Ryan wants abortion rights decided by what you RW'ers call 'tyranny of the majority'.

Ryan thinks the courts, which are there to protect minority rights, are the tyrants.

Jesus, which is it?
The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

So...the reason we have a Supreme Court is to keep the 51% from doing tyrannical things such as denying gays equal rights, denying women abortion rights, denying racial minorities the right to do business where they choose,

those are the kind of things that make not having a 'pure' demcracy so important to you?

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

Abortion poll finds 81% Americans, 66% pro-choice advocates support restrictions on procedure

As you can see above, we don't always get what we believe to be right. However I still support and respect the form of government, that being a Republic, that the vast majority of Founders had chosen as drafted under the Constitution. Apparently liberals would much rather throw a tantrum in public... burning cars, vandalizing buildings, all because they didn't get what they want.

Why are you accusing me of burning cars?

He didn't.
Did he say NYcarbineer? No, he said liberal's.
The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

So...the reason we have a Supreme Court is to keep the 51% from doing tyrannical things such as denying gays equal rights, denying women abortion rights, denying racial minorities the right to do business where they choose,

those are the kind of things that make not having a 'pure' demcracy so important to you?

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

Abortion poll finds 81% Americans, 66% pro-choice advocates support restrictions on procedure

As you can see above, we don't always get what we believe to be right. However I still support and respect the form of government, that being a Republic, that the vast majority of Founders had chosen as drafted under the Constitution. Apparently liberals would much rather throw a tantrum in public... burning cars, vandalizing buildings, all because they didn't get what they want.

Why are you accusing me of burning cars?

He didn't.
Did he say NYcarbineer? No, he said liberal's.

And when did you decide I'm not a liberal?
The Republic is a form of Democracy you twit...............With a System of Checks and Balances voted on by the people.

A pure Democracy is 50% plus 1 can tyrannize the 50% minus 1. Giving the 3 branches prevents this and gives an equal voice to the states with lower populations in the Senate. They made it hard to pass new laws for a reason. To prevent Tyranny as seen by the Romans and Ancient Greece..................

So...the reason we have a Supreme Court is to keep the 51% from doing tyrannical things such as denying gays equal rights, denying women abortion rights, denying racial minorities the right to do business where they choose,

those are the kind of things that make not having a 'pure' demcracy so important to you?

Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years

Abortion poll finds 81% Americans, 66% pro-choice advocates support restrictions on procedure

As you can see above, we don't always get what we believe to be right. However I still support and respect the form of government, that being a Republic, that the vast majority of Founders had chosen as drafted under the Constitution. Apparently liberals would much rather throw a tantrum in public... burning cars, vandalizing buildings, all because they didn't get what they want.

Why are you accusing me of burning cars?

He didn't.
Did he say NYcarbineer? No, he said liberal's.

And when did you decide I'm not a liberal?

Generalizing is not accusing you personally.
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News

No ... Conservatives believe in (and Ryan speaks of) the role given to the three branches of government, the separation of powers. Liberals believe if Congress can't get it done legislatively, through the outline specifically laid out in the Constitution, then allow the executive branch to do it through executive order or the Supreme Court (7 unelected but appointed judges, to speak in place of the people). There is a big difference between what the Constitution allows for, and allowing another branch of government to do what the Constitution doesn't allow for.
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The communists liked the name Republic so much they used it all over their domain.
The communists liked the name Republic so much they used it all over their domain.
The word "soviet" also isn't particularly related to Communism; it's just the Russian word for "council".
Correll can be ignored: he literally has an IQ of less than 80.

However, this type of election defines what the Founders wanted. The states and regions with their unique situations are to have equal or superior quality to that straight popular vote.

If they did not think that, they would have not had an EV but a straight PV majority as the requirement instead.

Be glad that the GOP does not have a 2/3ds majority in the House and Senate, or the GOP would send out an even more restrictive requirement of giving each state one vote and dropping the EV and PV altogether.
AS usual Jake is lying out of his mouth and ass. The founding fathers made sure that mob rule could not overwhelm the majority of the land. The electoral college is working as designed, keeping libtards and their mob from forcing their agenda on those who do not believe the crap...
My post, billy_boob, talks about geography and regional needs are not to be outweighed by a straight democracy, which is what you meant, you boob. :lol: So, instead, think about what I wrote; you attacked me, which is the stupidest thing you can do, because I will make you look stupid every time you do it.
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News
Funny how the leftards want individual states rights circumvented by liberal mandate..
The far right fooks want popular democracy on civil rights, like abortion or gay marraige, but the EVs on the presidency. :lol:. They are fooks because they cannot think straightly. Billy_boob is but one example. Shakles is another.
Conservatives hate majority rule. Conservatives hate the judiciary overruling the majority.

Conservatives hate it either way.

Paul Ryan on abortion rights:

“We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision,” he said. “We think that people through their elected representatives should make this determination.”

IOW, 'mob rule' is bad unless we like the outcome. That is how the Right thinks.

Ryan: Elected officials - not judges - should decide on the legality of abortion - MedCity News
Funny how the leftards want individual states rights circumvented by liberal mandate..
The far right fooks want popular democracy on civil rights, like abortion or gay marraige, but the EVs on the presidency. :lol:. They are fooks because they cannot think straightly. Billy_boob is but one example. Shakles is another.

"Think straightly"??? Really Jake

Does this basically summarize your personal knowledge on the subject? When exactly ARE you going to finally start contributing something of knowledge on one of these threads exactly, beyond just the usual bloviated commentaries of course? You know, a well thought out discussion with substance and links would sure be a shock to many of us here.
We hear it all the time. The founders didn't want democracy; they wanted a 'republic'. The distinction is usually made by conservatives to defend any undemocratic aspects of our system of government -

those that just so happen to suit the conservative agenda.

Well, how about we hear what a real founding father really said about this thing 'republic'.

Thomas Jefferson:

"It must be acknowledged that the term republic is of very vague application in every language... Were I to assign to this term a precise and definite idea,

I would say purely and simply it means a government by its citizens in mass, acting directly and personally according to rules established by the majority; and that every other government is more or less republican in proportion as it has in its composition more or less of this ingredient of direct action of the citizens.

Such a government is evidently restrained to very narrow limits of space and population. I doubt if it would be practicable beyond the extent of a New England township." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:19

Get it? Jefferson EQUATES 'republic' to 'direct democracy', with only the caveat that a direct democracy becomes impractical in larger areas of space and population.

Never does he say that democracy and republic are distinct or separate entities.

Jefferson again:

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic, but impracticable beyond the limits of a town." --Thomas Jefferson to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1816. ME 15:65

.Once again, he does NOT differentiate between democracy and republic,

he equates them.

And Jefferson continues:

"The first shade from this pure element which, like that of pure vital air cannot sustain life of itself, would be where the powers of the government, being divided, should be exercised each by representatives chosen either pro hac vice, or for such short terms as should render secure the duty of expressing the will of their constituents. This I should consider as the nearest approach to a pure republic which is practicable on a large scale of country or population.

There he explains how a representative democracy, or republic, should function, when a pure (direct) democracy, aka a republic, is impractical.

And one more...

"We may say with truth and meaning that governments are more or less republican as they have more or less of the element of popular election and control in their composition..." Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23

I suggest that before certain people spout off about what the founders believed, they actually find out what the founders believed.

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Republican Principles

Stupid shit like this is why you have no credibility... no not you personally, but your regressive gang. You don't have credibility because your IQ is smaller than that of a potato. Admittedly, typical in the group.

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