Here’s The Crazy Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Especially the parts about Squanto the “friendly Indian.”


This image from “Young Folks’ History of the United States,” published in 1903, is typical of depictions of the Thanksgiving story at the time.

The Thanksgiving story you know probably goes a bit like this: English Pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where they found a rich land full of animals and were greeted by a friendly Indian named Squanto, who taught them how to plant corn.

The true story is more complicated. Once you learn about the real Squanto — also known as Tisquantum — you’ll have a great yarn to tell your family over the Thanksgiving table.

I asked historian Charles Mann, the author of 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, and Paula Peters, a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe and an expert on Wampanoag history, to tell me the real story.

“This is not revisionist history,” Peters promised. “This is history that’s just been overlooked because people have become very, very comfortable with the story of happy Pilgrims and friendly Indians. They’re very content with that — even to the point where no one really questioned how is it that Squanto knew how to speak perfect English when they came.”

Here’s what really happened.

In 1614, six years before the Pilgrims landed in modern-day Massachusetts, an Englishman named Thomas Hunt kidnapped Tisquantum from his village, Patuxet, which was part of a group of villages known as the Wampanoag confederation. (Europeans had started visiting the northeast of what is now the United States by the 1520s, and probably as early as the 1480s.)

Hunt took Tisquantum and around two dozen other kidnapped Wampanoag to Spain, where he tried to sell them into slavery.

“It caused quite a commotion when this guy showed up trying to sell these people,” Mann said. “A bunch of people in the church said no way.”

Tisquantum escaped slavery — with the help of Catholic friars, according to some accounts — then somehow found his way to England.

He finally made it back to what is now Massachusetts in 1619. As far as historians can tell, Tisquantum was the only one of the kidnapped Wampanoags to ever return to North America, Peters notes.

As far as historians can tell, Tisquantum was the only one of the kidnapped Wampanoags to ever return to North America.
But while Tisquantum was in Europe, an epidemic had swept across New England.

“The account that’s recorded by Gov. Bradford of Plymouth Plantation is that there’s a shipwreck of French sailors that year on Cape Cod,” Mann said. “One of them carried some disease and it wiped out a huge percentage of the population in coastal new England. ... The guess is it was some kind of viral hepatitis, which is easily communicated in water. It exploded like chains of firecrackers.”

When Tisquantum returned to Patuxet, he found that he was the village’s only survivor.

“Into this bumbled the Pilgrims,” Mann said. “They had shown up in New England a few weeks before winter. ... Up until the Pilgrims, the pattern had been pretty clear. Europeans would show up, and Indians would be interested in their trade goods, but they were really uninterested in letting [Europeans] permanently occupy land.”

Often, armed native people would even force Europeans to leave if they attempted to stay too long.

This time, the Europeans wanted to stay, and the disease that had decimated Patuxet ensured that they had a place to settle.

“Patuxet ultimately becomes Plymouth,” Peters explained. “They find this cleared land and just the bones of the Indians. They called it divine providence: God killed these Indians so we could live here.”

A website Peters helped create for the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival puts it even more bluntly: “The graveyard of [Tisquantum’s] people became Plymouth Colony.”

Massasoit, a local Wampanoag leader, didn’t trust Tisquantum. “He looks at this guy and smells trouble,” Mann said. Massasoit kept Tisquantum under what was essentially house arrest until the Pilgrims showed up and promptly started starving to death.

Patuxet wasn’t the only native village decimated by the plague. The entire Wampanoag confederation had been badly hit — as much as 75 percent of the Wampanoag population was wiped out, Mann said. But the Narragansett, a rival neighboring group, basically weren’t affected by the disease at all. That put the Wampanoag in a precarious strategic position.

“The graveyard of his people became Plymouth Colony.”

Massasoit had an idea.

“He decides we’ll ally with these guys, set up a good trading relationship, control supply of English goods, and the Narragansett won’t be able to attack us,” Mann said.

On March 22, 1621, Massasoit went to meet with the Pilgrims. He brought Tisquantum along to translate.

Mann described the meeting in a 2005 article in Smithsonian Magazine:

Tisquantum most likely was not the name he was given at birth. In that part of the Northeast, tisquantum referred to rage, especially the rage of manitou, the world-suffusing spiritual power at the heart of coastal Indians’ religious beliefs. When Tisquantum approached the Pilgrims and identified himself by that sobriquet, it was as if he had stuck out his hand and said, “Hello, I’m the Wrath of God.”

Massasoit was right not to trust Tisquantum, who soon tried to pit the Pilgrims against him. But the plan didn’t work: Massasoit “is just pissed off and demands the Pilgrims hand him over because he’s gonna execute him,” Mann said.

The Pilgrims didn’t. Instead, Tisquantum stayed in the colony with them, helping them prepare for the next winter.

“Never did the newcomers ask themselves why he might be making himself essential,” Mann wrote in Smithsonian. “But from the Pilgrims’ accounts of their dealings with him, the answer seems clear: the alternative to staying in Plymouth was returning to Massasoit and renewed captivity.”

It’s all a lot more complicated — Machiavellian, even — than the story you might have learned. Mann in Smithsonian again:

By fall the settlers’ situation was secure enough that they held a feast of thanksgiving. Massasoit showed up with “some ninety men,” Winslow later recalled, most of them with weapons. The Pilgrim militia responded by marching around and firing their guns in the air in a manner intended to convey menace. Gratified, both sides sat down, ate a lot of food and complained about the Narragansett. Ecce Thanksgiving.

So what does this all mean? “While it was by far not the first occasion of human trafficking conducted by European explorers to the new world, the capture of Squanto and his fellow tribesmen would forever alter the course of history for people on two continents,” Peters wrote on the anniversary website.

“We learn about Columbus landing in 1492 and it’s as if nothing happened for over 100 years until the Pilgrims landed,” Mann added. “But the Tisquantum story gives you this tiny peek into that all the people involved had been interacting for more than a century.”

And today, of course, the Wampanoag are still around.

Here’s The Crazy Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard

And now you know. Happy Thanksgiving.

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And a modern day story of seizing land from native settlers happened in a national historic district of Freedman's Town in downtown Houston Tx. But since most of the blame can be traced to Democratic Politics exploiting the Blacks for votes, liberals like Lakhota won't touch the story that makes Democrats look bad and all the claims by Republicans look true and right on target.

Only Constitutionalists and Christians who put truth before partisan agenda can handle the true history of Freedmen's town censored from history books and all but demolished by Democrats in office abusing taxpayer money and influence of political office to destroy national historic landmarks to civil rights, Black church, and Freed Slave history.

Lakhota if you really care about liberal principles you wouldn't put party image before the ugly truth that needs to be owned up to and corrected.

If you are just a paid partisan hack then keep posting one-sided stories.

I just wish Soros, Gates, or Trump would pay to expose real problems and real solutions that have come out of Freedmen's town history.

The model for breaking the poverty cycle and dependence on welfare, by setting up sustainable campus programs to restore districts as self governing, came out of the Freedman's town plans for renovating the Democratic district and precinct.

Lakhota whoever is paying you to post things, can you ask them to pay you to promote solutions to public housing that were signed by Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
Can this genocide be blamed on racism or sexism against the Freed Slave descendants who deserve tribal status to reclaim the land and what's left of the settlement built up from the ground by Freed Slaves who weren't citizens at the time. The remaining descendants are women, so is this a sexist issue where their rights to claim heritage were not respected because church leaders are all men and govt leaders bought out the men and would not recognize the women seeking historic preservation.

How would you pitch this story?
There's a PBS program about the Pilgrims...

... with the story of Tisquantum...

... it's been on this week and last week...

... prob'ly can get a copy of it...

... at yer local library.
U.S. History has been dumbed down and sanitized for the children as long as the public schools have been teaching it. Teachers aren't going to teach a bunch of apathetic kids the complicated machinations of politics. All they can do is get the kids to dress up like Pilgrims and Indians and have turkey sandwiches on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Most people never learn anything more complicated than that.
From your OP Lakhota. What's interesting is Columbus never landed in North America. Ever. So I don't have a clue what Mann is babbling about.

Just like I don't understand the hard on for Columbus Day considering he never once set foot in America.

Here's the truth.

*Columbus didn’t “discover” America — he never set foot in North America.

During four separate trips that started with the one in 1492, Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas as well as the island later called Hispaniola. He also explored the Central and South American coasts.

But he didn’t reach North America, which, of course, was already inhabited by Native Americans, and he never thought he had found a new continent.

Christopher Columbus: 3 things you think he did that he didn’t

As compared to Mann's statement.

“We learn about Columbus landing in 1492 and it’s as if nothing happened for over 100 years until the Pilgrims landed,” Mann added. “But the Tisquantum story gives you this tiny peek into that all the people involved had been interacting for more than a century.”

Here’s The Crazy Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard

That protest is complete bullshit. Standing Rock tribe is protesting on private property. Not one inch of the pipeline crosses their land.

It's all a lie. Enviro whackos using the tribe as they have done before with other First Nations as the front men to try to shut down drilling. Last time it was the Alberta Oil Sands.

Now the goal of this bullshit protest is to shut down the Bakken.

And the protestors deserved what they got. They have been repeatedly violent. Assholes.

That protest is complete bullshit. Standing Rock tribe is protesting on private property. Not one inch of the pipeline crosses their land.

It's all a lie. Enviro whackos using the tribe as they have done before with other First Nations as the front men to try to shut down drilling. Last time it was the Alberta Oil Sands.

Now the goal of this bullshit protest is to shut down the Bakken.

And the protestors deserved what they got. They have been repeatedly violent. Assholes.

Yes, it's always hilarious how these 'First Nations' phonies are now all about 'environmentalism n stuff', something they were never interested in until a bunch of ignorant stupid hippies came along and glorified them with silly fantasies, mostly because they were supposed to be big on smoking pot, a practice hippies have made into some sort of bellwether of 'good intentions' and 'Niceness' or something, and not only for native americans but everywhere else on the planet, never mind the realities about their history are far different. The Sioux especially were notorious for their genocides and bullying and cruelties, along with their slave trade and torture for entertainment that is a hallmark of 'native american culture', but of course that stuff is only bad when white europeans do it, right? But it's a good propaganda ploy and running shakedowns for big bucks, as they found out, so now they run around posing as 'environmentalists' and all the idiots in Suburbia and Academia go 'OOOOOH!' and AAAAAH! right on cue over them, like the good parrots they are.

The only thing keeping them 'protesting' is waiting to see how many dollars they can get for going away.
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