The great rise of men who do not date man hating feminists


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
I would never date a feminist, would you?

"Not wanting to date “woke” women, far from being laughable, is actually one of the more insidious aspects of it. Spend an afternoon on any major dating app and you’ll come across (generally white) men saying openly sexist and misogynistic things.

The reactionary influence of these ideas doesn’t stop at dating, though. As the campaign group Hope Not Hate reported last year, a hostility towards feminism is feeding directly into far-right movements online. They found that a third of young British people today believe that feminism is marginalising or demonising men and warned that these beliefs were a “slip road” to other far-right ideas."

Guardian: The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date Woke Women

It's a supremely long far left regressive rant, so I did not paste it all. Needless to say, if you are a man and don't hate feminists at least half as much as they hate Trump, you need medical attention, check the T levels.
I doubt there are many men willing to date a “man hating women.” This is why most of them are lesbians. LOL.
I wonder why...

Depends on the feminist ... if she still expects you to take the blame for her farts ... then yes, we have a problem ... but if she rips a loud stinky one and raises her hand and proudly says she did it ... well, that's kinda cool ... likely she'll pay for the dinner and a movie and still sleep with you ...
Depends on the feminist ... if she still expects you to take the blame for her farts ... then yes, we have a problem ... but if she rips a loud stinky one and raises her hand and proudly says she did it ... well, that's kinda cool ... likely she'll pay for the dinner and a movie and still sleep with you ...
Well there are now 7 different kinds of feminists,... so....
Why would men want to date women that are rabid men haters and that are obsessed with their bodily fluids to the point of playing in it?

Feminists are not only insane. They are gross.
I would never date a feminist, would you?

"Not wanting to date “woke” women, far from being laughable, is actually one of the more insidious aspects of it. Spend an afternoon on any major dating app and you’ll come across (generally white) men saying openly sexist and misogynistic things.

The reactionary influence of these ideas doesn’t stop at dating, though. As the campaign group Hope Not Hate reported last year, a hostility towards feminism is feeding directly into far-right movements online. They found that a third of young British people today believe that feminism is marginalising or demonising men and warned that these beliefs were a “slip road” to other far-right ideas."

Guardian: The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date Woke Women

It's a supremely long far left regressive rant, so I did not paste it all. Needless to say, if you are a man and don't hate feminists at least half as much as they hate Trump, you need medical attention, check the T levels.

This is just an extension of the whole "if you won't date a trans person you are X, Y and probably Z"
Why would men want to date women that are rabid men haters and that are obsessed with their bodily fluids to the point of playing in it?

Feminists are not only insane. They are gross.
No good woman is a modern feminist.
In the same sense no good man is a misogynist.

Misogynist/Feminist = 1
Why would men want to date women that are rabid men haters and that are obsessed with their bodily fluids to the point of playing in it?

Feminists are not only insane. They are gross.
No good woman is a modern feminist.
In the same sense no good man is a misogynist.

Misogynist/Feminist = 1

"Misogynist" and "feminist" are not opposites of each other. The opposite of misogynist would be misanthropist.

Related to that, ever wonder why there is no such word as "masculist"? Could it be the same reason there isn't a "White History Month"?
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Why would men want to date women that are rabid men haters and that are obsessed with their bodily fluids to the point of playing in it?

Feminists are not only insane. They are gross.
No good woman is a modern feminist.
In the same sense no good man is a misogynist.

Misogynist/Feminist = 1

"Misogynist" and "feminist" are not opposites of each other. The opposite of misogynist would be misanthropist.

Related to that, ever wonder why there is no such word as "masculist"? Could it be the same reason there isn't a "White History Month"?
Of course
And BTW, what I was trying to say is misogynist and feminist is the same thing (for most).
A selfish woman who think men suck and want women to have more power is called a feminist... and is supposed to be hailed.
A selfish man who thinks women are bad and thinks men should control things are called misogynist...and is loathed.

Such as it is.
I would never date a feminist, would you?

What's a feminist?

A crazy woman.

Or man who is made out of soy, one like you. Get the T checked bro... get it checked...

There it is, innit. I knew you wouldn't have an answer for a term you yourself brought up.

A feminist is a man hating woman, or a loser man. What is the difficulty in understanding simple concepts for you?

And no, no man should date a man hating woman, not even the loser low T soylent man.
You just described the female species, people. I find girls attractive sexually but knowing what I know about marriage, human relationships, et al I will not be marrying and will hopefully spend most of my time sexually and however else with guys. Too much has been going on for the past fifty years to change my mind. Plus all of human history. So I guess all that happened is the curtain has been pulled back and all revealed. Sad but true. But not. It's positive.
You just described the female species, people. I find girls attractive sexually but knowing what I know about marriage, human relationships, et al I will not be marrying and will hopefully spend most of my time sexually and however else with guys. Too much has been going on for the past fifty years to change my mind. Plus all of human history. So I guess all that happened is the curtain has been pulled back and all revealed. Sad but true. But not. It's positive.

Don't date feminists and leftists, problem solved. Don't let a blue haired whale shaped feminist be the end of your family line - even if she is hers.
I don't think that a "man-hating feminist" would date a man, much less a man who hates women.

All the term "feminist" actually means is that the person supports equal rights for women and will not accept any second-class treatment. It's another one of those issues that can be discussed openly and respectfully by intelligent people who are capable of listening as well as talking, without tantrums or rants.

It's a supremely long far left regressive rant, so I did not paste it all. Needless to say, if you are a man and don't hate feminists at least half as much as they hate Trump, you need medical attention, check the T levels.
trump is only one person, not a litmus test about how one feels about an entire one-half of humanity. He is a danger to our national security and interests. He has become despised because of his conduct and his policies and those of his minions, which openly show disdain for millions of people, including women, a group that he has continually singled out. People just plainly and simply don't want to live under the policies he is shoving at us on so many subjects and don't want any involvement with him and his pals. There are plenty of men who despise him, too.


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