The Great Leftist Lie About Voter ID laws

Doofus thinks everyone in 1776 had IDs

Just like you think everyone in 1776 had semi-automatic assault rifles.

They had arms. Doesn't say a damn thing about muskets does it?

It sure doesn't! Just like it doesnt say anything about state-issued voter ID. I think you're getting this...after a bit of spoonfeeding, of course...

I think you're comparing apples and oranges in a futile bid, dumbass
Of course you think that, because you are a gun nut supporter who wants lower voter turnout. In other news, the Sun rose in the East today...
If someone doesn't have a valid ID they can't function in society. That's just a fact.

End the charade loons
not even close to a fact.... :rolleyes:

118,000 Alabama citizens who were registered to vote could not vote because they do not have a valid ID acceptable under the new voter ID laws, most of whom are black, but a good percentage are white as well.

Keyword being acceptable ID. What's acceptable under Alabama law?
ID's that these 118,000 registered to vote their whole lives citizens.... do not have due to the Alabama laws created to disenfranchise them.
Doofus thinks everyone in 1776 had IDs

Just like you think everyone in 1776 had semi-automatic assault rifles.

They had arms. Doesn't say a damn thing about muskets does it?

It sure doesn't! Just like it doesnt say anything about state-issued voter ID. I think you're getting this...after a bit of spoonfeeding, of course...

I think you're comparing apples and oranges in a futile bid, dumbass
Of course you think that, because you are a gun nut supporter who wants lower voter turnout. In other news, the Sun rose in the East today...

Awwww now you're getting angry.Lol

Ya think colonials had IDs in case they went to fast on their horses? Lol
If someone doesn't have a valid ID they can't function in society. That's just a fact.

End the charade loons
not even close to a fact.... :rolleyes:

118,000 Alabama citizens who were registered to vote could not vote because they do not have a valid ID acceptable under the new voter ID laws, most of whom are black, but a good percentage are white as well.

Keyword being acceptable ID. What's acceptable under Alabama law?
ID's that these 118,000 registered to vote their whole lives citizens.... do not have due to the Alabama laws created to disenfranchise them.

You failed to answer my question. What ID is acceptable?

I have no time for gibbberish
Doofus thinks everyone in 1776 had IDs

Just like you think everyone in 1776 had semi-automatic assault rifles.

They had the same weapons of the time.
Nice try.
They , of course, did not, and what an embarrassingly stupid thing to say. Damn , you will say ANYTHING.

Let's review:

You like Voter ID laws, because you hope lower turnout will favor your politicians. period. Every other steaming pile you have pinched off is complete bullshit, and you are a shameless liar.
When you mention the subject of voter ID laws, invariably the left will parrot the meme "Voter ID laws disenfranchise black voters".

But look at last night's election in Alabama:
30 percent of the electorate was African-American, with 96 percent of them voting for Mr. Jones.

It's a fact that Alabama has a voter ID law. So this pretty much shoots down the leftist's argument that voter ID laws are "disenfranchising" black voters, doesn't it?

GOP Turzai : Voter ID allows Romney to win PA - YouTube
The question was what ID is acceptable under Alabama law you befuddled halfwit

Yes, thank you, you whiny little religious nutball, I am aware. I, however, chose to answer the question, as stated, in a more general sense. Which immediately sent you into tailspin #865 of the day.
Doofus thinks everyone in 1776 had IDs

Just like you think everyone in 1776 had semi-automatic assault rifles.

They had the same weapons of the time.
Nice try.
They , of course, did not, and what an embarrassingly stupid thing to say. Damn , you will say ANYTHING.

Let's review:

You like Voter ID laws, because you hope lower turnout will favor your politicians. period. Every other steaming pile you have pinched off is complete bullshit, and you are a shameless liar.

So you're telling me that one musket was somehow better than the others?

As far as voter ID goes I want a level playing field.
What ID is acceptable?

Just identifying yourself is acceptable, as the logistics behind any significant, in-person voter fraud are prohibitive.

Now, find a way to whine like a little b**** and insult me, because you sound so smart when you do.

The question was what ID is acceptable under Alabama law you befuddled halfwit

He thinks he sounds intelligent......
It's the last defense of the halpless liberal,kinda like when a Armadillo rolls up into a ball but less effective.
The question was what ID is acceptable under Alabama law you befuddled halfwit

Yes, thank you, you whiny little religious nutball, I am aware. I, however, chose to answer the question, as stated, in a more general sense. Which immediately sent you into tailspin #865 of the day.

You're becoming very annoying

I'm still at the toying level,but I'm sure annoyance isnt far behind.
As far as voter ID goes I want a level playing field.

Shameless lie. You want voter ID in order to reduce turnout. Seriously, man.... at this point, your like the toddler with chocolate all over his face who is claiming that not only did he not eat the chocolate, he's never even heard of chocolate....
As far as voter ID goes I want a level playing field.

Shameless lie. You want voter ID in order to reduce turnout. Seriously, man.... at this point, your like the toddler with chocolate all over his face who is claiming that not only did he not eat the chocolate, he's never even heard of chocolate....

Do you have an ID?

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