The GOP's New Fake Racial History

Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


Only thing a Republican has to do not to be labeled a racist is switch parties.

Republicans oppose Obama on immigration and they're racists.

Harry Reid opposes him.....well he's simply distinguishing himself as an individual with an open mind.

By the way....I don't think you have a clue into the Southern mind. Most of them still vote Democrat.
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Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


Only thing a Republican has to do not to be labeled a racist is switch parties.

Republicans oppose Obama on immigration and they're racists.

Harry Reid opposes him.....well he's simply distinguishing himself as and individual with an open mind.

If I was a republican politician I would convert to Islam and then call everyone who says stuff against me a bigot :lol:
the laws you disingenuously denounce are the main reason any black conservative has a voice in today's media or GOP. It was reaction to these laws and the criticisms of the GOP that led the GOP to look for and scout out Black Conservatives.

the civil rights votes were already recorded. What criticism are you referring to, exactly?

Shit, way back, the black Us Senator from Mass., was a liberal Republican -- unwelcome in today's GOP.

who are you referring to, exactly?

And, how welcome is an anti abortion advocate in the democratic party? And I don't mean the "fake bakes" of the last 4 years....
Reading Comprehension.

from your wiki link: "Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964[1] and the Voting Rights Act of 1965."

The acts that led southern conservatives to bolt from the DNC into the welcoming arms of cynical GOP leaders who initiated the GOP's racist Southern strategy.

A strategy that a sitting GOP Chairman (and Bush campaign chairman), during the term of President George W. Bush, later publicly apologized for.

That doesn't change the fact that democrats introduced segregation nor does the fact that the democrats introduced segregation excuse the poor behavior of republicans in the 1960's.

Woodrow Wilson and his congress capped it off, from the left leaning PBS website:

Woodrow Wilson's record on race relations was not very good. African Americans welcomed his election in 1912, but they were worried too. During his first term in office, the House passed a law making racial intermarriage a felony in the District of Columbia. His new Postmaster General also ordered that his Washington offices be segregated, with the Treasury and Navy soon doing the same. Suddenly, photographs were required of all applicants for federal jobs. When pressed by black leaders, Wilson replied, "The purpose of these measures was to reduce the friction Ö It is as far as possible from being a movement against the Negroes. I sincerely believe it to be in their interest."

PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A Portrait

The problem here is you said: "That doesn't change the fact that democrats introduced segregation nor does the fact that the democrats introduced segregation excuse the poor behavior of republicans in the 1960's."

What you left out is the most important bit of fact: those Democrats and Republicans were not different people.

The poor behavior is the behavior of people who left the DNC for the GOP. The GOP welcomed bigots who fled the DNC because of racial equality. The GOP welcomed racists and bigots with open arms.

Wilson is not at issue. I never argued that individual Democrats were not racist or lackluster in supporting Civil Rights, but out of context I could make almost every single American look like a bigot. Truman is not an issue in teh debate of the GOP's southern strategy -- it is a red herring.

You use one man's struggle with racism to excuse the racism of a late 20th century strategy of a major political party. that is text book pathetic.

the laws you disingenuously denounce are the main reason any black conservative has a voice in today's media or GOP. It was reaction to these laws and the criticisms of the GOP that led the GOP to look for and scout out Black Conservatives.

the civil rights votes were already recorded. What criticism are you referring to, exactly?

Shit, way back, the black Us Senator from Mass., was a liberal Republican -- unwelcome in today's GOP.

who are you referring to, exactly?

And, how welcome is an anti abortion advocate in the democratic party? And I don't mean the "fake bakes" of the last 4 years....

abortion being used to cover up the racism of the GOP's southern strategy?

you'll have to do better.

If you don't know who Ed Brooke is I suggest you go back to school
The Democrats who loved Jim Crow and hated the 'niggar' were and are conservatives who became Republicans.

uh huh for a moment lets pretend that mass baptism true, and this is exemplified in influecne, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?
facts. just the fact's ma'am

In the 1948 election, after Harry Truman had desegregated the Army, a group of Southern Democrats known as Dixiecrats split from the Democratic Party in reaction to the inclusion of a civil rights plank in the party's platform.

This followed a floor fight led by Minneapolis mayor (and soon-to-be senator) Hubert Humphrey. The disaffected Democrats formed the States' Rights Democratic, or Dixiecrat Party, and nominated Governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president.

Thurmond carried four southern states in the general election; Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

The main plank of the States' Rights Democratic Party was maintaining segregation and Jim Crow in the South.

The Dixiecrats, failing to deny the Democrats the presidency in 1948, soon dissolved, but the split lingered.

In 1964, Thurmond was one of the first conservative southern Democrats to switch to the Republican Party.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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from your wiki link: "Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964[1] and the Voting Rights Act of 1965."

The acts that led southern conservatives to bolt from the DNC into the welcoming arms of cynical GOP leaders who initiated the GOP's racist Southern strategy.

A strategy that a sitting GOP Chairman (and Bush campaign chairman), during the term of President George W. Bush, later publicly apologized for.

That doesn't change the fact that democrats introduced segregation nor does the fact that the democrats introduced segregation excuse the poor behavior of republicans in the 1960's.

Woodrow Wilson and his congress capped it off, from the left leaning PBS website:

Woodrow Wilson's record on race relations was not very good. African Americans welcomed his election in 1912, but they were worried too. During his first term in office, the House passed a law making racial intermarriage a felony in the District of Columbia. His new Postmaster General also ordered that his Washington offices be segregated, with the Treasury and Navy soon doing the same. Suddenly, photographs were required of all applicants for federal jobs. When pressed by black leaders, Wilson replied, "The purpose of these measures was to reduce the friction Ö It is as far as possible from being a movement against the Negroes. I sincerely believe it to be in their interest."

PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A Portrait

The problem here is you said: "That doesn't change the fact that democrats introduced segregation nor does the fact that the democrats introduced segregation excuse the poor behavior of republicans in the 1960's."

What you left out is the most important bit of fact: those Democrats and Republicans were not different people.

The poor behavior is the behavior of people who left the DNC for the GOP. The GOP welcomed bigots who fled the DNC because of racial equality. The GOP welcomed racists and bigots with open arms.

Wilson is not at issue. I never argued that individual Democrats were not racist or lackluster in supporting Civil Rights, but out of context I could make almost every single American look like a bigot. Truman is not an issue in teh debate of the GOP's southern strategy -- it is a red herring.

You use one man's struggle with racism to excuse the racism of a late 20th century strategy of a major political party. that is text book pathetic.


Actually I used the laws that Wilson did not veto, the segregation his cabinet instituted, and the jim crow laws that southern democrats put in place to show that your claim of the republicans being the party of racial division is in itself a red herring along with the title and original post of this thread.
The Democrats who loved Jim Crow and hated the 'niggar' were and are conservatives who became Republicans.

uh huh for a moment lets pretend that mass baptism true, and this is exemplified in influecne, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?

facts. just the fact's ma'am

In the 1948 election, after Harry Truman had desegregated the Army, a group of Southern Democrats known as Dixiecrats split from the Democratic Party in reaction to the inclusion of a civil rights plank in the party's platform.

This followed a floor fight led by Minneapolis mayor (and soon-to-be senator) Hubert Humphrey. The disaffected Democrats formed the States' Rights Democratic, or Dixiecrat Party, and nominated Governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president.

Thurmond carried four southern states in the general election; Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

The main plank of the States' Rights Democratic Party was maintaining segregation and Jim Crow in the South.

The Dixiecrats, failing to deny the Democrats the presidency in 1948, soon dissolved, but the split lingered.

In 1964, Thurmond was one of the first conservative southern Democrats to switch to the Republican Party.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the laws you disingenuously denounce are the main reason any black conservative has a voice in today's media or GOP. It was reaction to these laws and the criticisms of the GOP that led the GOP to look for and scout out Black Conservatives.

the civil rights votes were already recorded. What criticism are you referring to, exactly?

Shit, way back, the black Us Senator from Mass., was a liberal Republican -- unwelcome in today's GOP.

who are you referring to, exactly?

And, how welcome is an anti abortion advocate in the democratic party? And I don't mean the "fake bakes" of the last 4 years....

abortion being used to cover up the racism of the GOP's southern strategy?

you'll have to do better.

If you don't know who Ed Brooke is I suggest you go back to school

You never answered my request ala what criticism.

I know who Ed Brooke was I asked to be sure who you were referring. And you are exactly right his views would not find a warm welcome in today's conservative wing of the rep. party and what of it?
Actually I used the laws that Wilson did not veto, the segregation his cabinet instituted, and the jim crow laws that southern democrats put in place to show that your claim of the republicans being the party of racial division is in itself a red herring along with the title and original post of this thread.

nope. you're using pre 1964 history to cover up for the history of racism in the GOP.

racism existed and exists. all parties had racists within. Truman desegregated the US Army. That's such a racist act? but that is pre-1964

You keep running away from the fact that a sitting GOP Chairman apologized for the GOP using racial fears of whites and racism as a wedge issue to win elections in the South.

It was official GOP strategy, not what one man or woman did or did not do. That makes it GOP Institutionalized Racism.
The Democrats who loved Jim Crow and hated the 'niggar' were and are conservatives who became Republicans.

uh huh for a moment lets pretend that mass baptism true, and this is exemplified in influecne, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?

facts. just the fact's ma'am

In the 1948 election, after Harry Truman had desegregated the Army, a group of Southern Democrats known as Dixiecrats split from the Democratic Party in reaction to the inclusion of a civil rights plank in the party's platform.

This followed a floor fight led by Minneapolis mayor (and soon-to-be senator) Hubert Humphrey. The disaffected Democrats formed the States' Rights Democratic, or Dixiecrat Party, and nominated Governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina for president.

Thurmond carried four southern states in the general election; Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

The main plank of the States' Rights Democratic Party was maintaining segregation and Jim Crow in the South.

The Dixiecrats, failing to deny the Democrats the presidency in 1948, soon dissolved, but the split lingered.

In 1964, Thurmond was one of the first conservative southern Democrats to switch to the Republican Party.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


:lol: I am well aware of all that, I will repeat the question;

this is exemplified in influence, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?
the civil rights votes were already recorded. What criticism are you referring to, exactly?

who are you referring to, exactly?

And, how welcome is an anti abortion advocate in the democratic party? And I don't mean the "fake bakes" of the last 4 years....

abortion being used to cover up the racism of the GOP's southern strategy?

you'll have to do better.

If you don't know who Ed Brooke is I suggest you go back to school

You never answered my request ala what criticism.

I know who Ed Brooke was I asked to be sure who you were referring. And you are exactly right his views would not find a warm welcome in today's conservative wing of the rep. party and what of it?

liberal Republicans vs conservative Republicans = liberal vs conservative

I wrote that the racism in the Democratic party pre-1964 was the racism of mostly southern conservatives who later joined the GOP. difference is when the civil rights act was passed -- rights by law as opposed to rights by ideas -- the bigots were welcomed into the open arms of the GOP.

fact is many liberals swallowed their disgust and stayed in the GOP to fight for principles. they were thrown out and the end came with Ronald Reagan demonizing liberalism. For all Reagan's liberal social leanings he ran on and benefited by a racist GOP strategy.

Ed Brooke lost to people like Reagan.
nope. you're using pre 1964 history to cover up for the history of racism in the GOP.

I see what going on here now......

so in short you will win every point because you will classify what counts as viable;pre 64, post 68, its hello, (2010 btw) no matter of/in states with dem govrn.s, sen.'s, state legislatures etc., national party policy are all accorded or denied guilt based on what you decide the beneficial time line is for you at the particular moment absent quantifiable proof.

I am still waiting on examples of racism , systemic, egregious examples on the scale of anything the democratic party imposed pre-64....that has always been the yardstick, so please share. Until then angels are dancing on pinheads.

Why Byrd, Strom Haley did, didn't or don't do doesn't really count in the end, absent implementation, law etc. etc. its all vapor.

If you accord Byrd et al redemption then you must accord the same to Strom et al, they all knew they lost and had to move on, just because Bryd stayed a democrat means nothing , they all took their best shots, Bryd vetoed 2 civil rights bills and moved on ( maybe he was the smarter of the Cracker grp. and as the king of pork , well, thats problematic) Strom became a rep. , BUT, unless you can prove Storm drove a national agenda, enacted and effective with the republican party behind him, its the same old same old.

I don't get it, you've got your lock step monolithic never say die ( except in the streets and in the womb) constituency, what are complaining about?
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:lol: I am well aware of all that, I will repeat the question;

this is exemplified in influence, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?



Jim Crow was reality. Liberals got rid of Jim Crow.

end of story

oh so the dems didn't or wait, I mean the reps didn't or wait so its the liberals in the rep. party that got rid of jim crow?
nope. you're using pre 1964 history to cover up for the history of racism in the GOP.

I see what going on here now......

so in short you will win every point because you will classify what counts as viable;pre 64, post 68, its hello, (2010 btw) no matter of/in states with dem govrn.s, sen.'s, state legislatures etc., national party policy are all accorded or denied guilt based on what you decide the beneficial time line is for you at the particular moment absent quantifiable proof.

I am still waiting examples of racism , systemic, egregious examples on the scale of anything the democratic party imposed pre-64....that has always been the yardstick, so please share. Until then angels are dancing on pinheads.

Why Byrd, Strom Haley did, didn't or don't do doesn't really count in the end, absent implementation, law etc. etc. its all vapor.

If you accord Byrd et al redemption then you must accord the same to Strom et al, they all knew they lost and had to move on, just because Bryd stayed a democrat means nothing , they all took their best shots, Bryd vetoed 2 civil rights bills and moved on ( maybe he was the smarter of the Cracker grp. and as the king of pork , well, thats problematic) Strom became a rep. , BUT, unless you can prove Storm drove a national agenda, enacted and effective with the republican party behind him, its the same old same old.

I don't get it, you've got your lock step monolithic never say die ( except in the streets and in the womb) constituency, what are complaining about?

Redemption? I'm not in charge of redemption. Sorry.

Strom didn't drive a national agenda? :cuckoo:

Byrd and Strom were products of their time and I do make excuses for them when arguing about racism. But everything must be in context.

The racism in the GOP post 1964 was a reaction against civil rights. The racism of the Dixiecrats was in support of Jim Crow laws.

Peoples views on civil rights for minorities evolved. Some just accepted the inevitable. So what? I was never arguing those points.What I was arguing was the institutionalized racist strategy of the GOP which a sitting GOP Chairman publicly apologized for.


you may want to stop using individual acts of racism, bigotry or ignorance as apologies for the institutionalized racism of a major political party in the later 20th century into the 21st.
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:lol: I am well aware of all that, I will repeat the question;

this is exemplified in influence, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?



Jim Crow was reality. Liberals got rid of Jim Crow.

end of story

no not really, they just re-worked their marketing and changed the name; War on Poverty, AFDC, Food Stamps, SBA loans, Affirmative Action, Quotas etc etc.

Thats the liberal party of yesterday and the democratic party today, I don't miss them.

Hey wait a minute......:rolleyes:You know what I contend that those crackers that ran to the rep. knew what Johnson was about to do and embark on and knew it wouldn't work out well, so they sought sanity in the rep. party...and guess what?

fter 40 years, they were right. :lol:
:lol: I am well aware of all that, I will repeat the question;

this is exemplified in influence, deeds and words, how exactly? what party platform reflects Jim Crow etc.?



Jim Crow was reality. Liberals got rid of Jim Crow.

end of story

no not really, they just re-worked their marketing and changed the name; War on Poverty, AFDC, Food Stamps, SBA loans, Affirmative Action, Quotas etc etc.

Thats the liberal party of yesterday and the democratic party today, I don't miss them.

Hey wait a minute......:rolleyes:You know what I contend that those crackers that ran to the rep. knew what Johnson was about to do and embark on and knew it wouldn't work out well, so they sought sanity in the rep. party...and guess what?

fter 40 years, they were right. :lol:

War on Poverty, AFDC, Food Stamps, SBA loans, Affirmative Action, Quotas etc etc. = Jim Crow laws?

good bye

you're a moron if you think anyone with any credibility would buy that bullshiit cracker line,

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