The GOP Should Hold Another Johns Committee To Save America From The Gays


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In an effort to acknowledge and move past one of the darkest phases of Florida’s 20th Century history, a state senator has filed a resolution calling on the Legislature to apologize for the notorious Johns Committee’s investigation targeting civil rights leaders, academic leaders and LGBTQ Floridians in the 1950s and 1960s. The panel was better known as the Johns Committee, named after state Sen. Charley Johns, who was the first chairman of the committee and who also served as Florida’s governor from 1953 to 1955. The committee initially focused on civil rights leaders and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1957 and 1958, the committee “devoted itself to besmirching NAACP members as criminals and communist sympathizers in order to slow or halt their efforts to desegregate Florida schools and public spaces,” the resolution says.

By late 1958, the legislative committee turned its focus on the University of Florida. With the cooperation from the school and its police force, the committee launched an investigation into alleged homosexual activity at the school. It resulted in a four-year, statewide investigation into alleged homosexual activity in the public school system, resulting in the state revoking teaching licenses, the resolution says. The resolution notes that over the course of nine years, the Johns Committee “at the expense of the taxpayers of this state using unconstitutional and unjust methods to discredit and combat legal, peaceful desegregation efforts; to destroy or otherwise jeopardize the livelihoods and reputations of educators, administrators, and other professionals in Florida’s public schools and universities; and to create a climate of fear that caused pain and suffering among vulnerable residents and made Florida a national symbol of intolerance.”

Now I know the first time Conservative officials tried to fight back against the gays and BLM trouble makers (civil rights activists) it didn't work out so well and the person who formed the committee and who the committee was named after, resigned. However, instead of giving up, maybe it is time to dust off this playbook and try to do it again; except this time, maybe a Ron DeSantis can win where previous Conservatives failed. If you are unfamiliar with the Johns Committee, it was a committee started by right-wing Congress members in Florida; initially to attack civil rights activists and block desegregation from taking place in Florida schools, you know, shit Conservatives normally did.....Here is how it went down....

When Thurgood Marshall successfully argued against segregation; Conservatives went ape shit...Charley Johns himself said "I’ve just been informed by the press of the United States Supreme Court’s ruling, Washington on segregation. My present inclination is to call an extraordinary session of the Florida legislature to cope with this ruling." And that was how the Johns Committee was born...Conservatives intended to use this committee to imply that desegregation was a Communist-Marxist plot and that black civil rights leaders like Medgar Evers and others were just Jewish controlled black Communists, you know, like Conservatives claim now....but it didn't work out....conservatives lost that "culture war"

So it shifted to using the committee to go after gay professors and students at University of Florida...even paying students $10 for every person they turn in as being homosexual....some got fired, some went to jail...because at the time, being gay was illegal....but they didn't just do this to college professors, they branched out to public school teachers in an attempt to do the same thing...even brought them in for Congressional hearings ...and on live TV, these conservative politicians were questioning school teachers about why are they teaching children that integration is good, why are you allowing kids to read books by JD Salinger, etc, backfired then...but maybe this time, if Conservatives stick with it, they can accomplish the goals that Conservatives 50 or so years were trying to accomplish. However, it kinda blows the whole claim out of the water that Conservatives were on the right side of the Civil Rights movement...I guess that is why history is so touchy with them....oh well...
Republicans have no issues with Gays... in fact gay men and women are beginning to complain about the LGBTQ community for sending them back into the closet by setting their tranny sights on our kids.... as I said...yall should fire up another Johns committee...except this time, instead of trying focus on the gays (SINCE CONSERVATIVES ALREADY LOST THAT FIGHT) -- you can focus on just the trannies..and claim they are all pedos...

By the way, yall done trying to claim desegregation was a marxist communist plot now or are yall trying to find a way to link that to trannies too?? as I said...yall should fire up another Johns committee...except this time, instead of trying focus on the gays (SINCE CONSERVATIVES ALREADY LOST THAT FIGHT) -- you can focus on just the trannies..and claim they are all pedos...

By the way, yall done trying to claim desegregation was a marxist communist plot now or are yall trying to find a way to link that to trannies too??
I think you want a conflict between gays and republicans but you won't get one... Trump had two gay people high in his administration and they both did a great job for the country... so stop with the pot stirring you are wasting your time....
Just leave the kids alone whether you are gay or straight and republican's will be happy....

"In an effort to acknowledge and move past one of the darkest phases of Florida’s 20th Century history, a state senator has filed a resolution calling on the Legislature to apologize for the notorious Johns Committee’s investigation targeting civil rights leaders, academic leaders and LGBTQ Floridians in the 1950s and 1960s. The panel was better known as the Johns Committee, named after state Sen. Charley Johns, who was the first chairman of the committee and who also served as Florida’s governor from 1953 to 1955. The committee initially focused on civil rights leaders and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1957 and 1958, the committee “devoted itself to besmirching NAACP members as criminals and communist sympathizers in order to slow or halt their efforts to desegregate Florida schools and public spaces,” the resolution says.

By late 1958, the legislative committee turned its focus on the University of Florida. With the cooperation from the school and its police force, the committee launched an investigation into alleged homosexual activity at the school. It resulted in a four-year, statewide investigation into alleged homosexual activity in the public school system, resulting in the state revoking teaching licenses, the resolution says. The resolution notes that over the course of nine years, the Johns Committee “at the expense of the taxpayers of this state using unconstitutional and unjust methods to discredit and combat legal, peaceful desegregation efforts; to destroy or otherwise jeopardize the livelihoods and reputations of educators, administrators, and other professionals in Florida’s public schools and universities; and to create a climate of fear that caused pain and suffering among vulnerable residents and made Florida a national symbol of intolerance.”

Now I know the first time Conservative officials tried to fight back against the gays and BLM trouble makers (civil rights activists) it didn't work out so well and the person who formed the committee and who the committee was named after, resigned. However, instead of giving up, maybe it is time to dust off this playbook and try to do it again; except this time, maybe a Ron DeSantis can win where previous Conservatives failed. If you are unfamiliar with the Johns Committee, it was a committee started by right-wing Congress members in Florida; initially to attack civil rights activists and block desegregation from taking place in Florida schools, you know, shit Conservatives normally did.....Here is how it went down....

When Thurgood Marshall successfully argued against segregation; Conservatives went ape shit...Charley Johns himself said "I’ve just been informed by the press of the United States Supreme Court’s ruling, Washington on segregation. My present inclination is to call an extraordinary session of the Florida legislature to cope with this ruling." And that was how the Johns Committee was born...Conservatives intended to use this committee to imply that desegregation was a Communist-Marxist plot and that black civil rights leaders like Medgar Evers and others were just Jewish controlled black Communists, you know, like Conservatives claim now....but it didn't work out....conservatives lost that "culture war"

So it shifted to using the committee to go after gay professors and students at University of Florida...even paying students $10 for every person they turn in as being homosexual....some got fired, some went to jail...because at the time, being gay was illegal....but they didn't just do this to college professors, they branched out to public school teachers in an attempt to do the same thing...even brought them in for Congressional hearings ...and on live TV, these conservative politicians were questioning school teachers about why are they teaching children that integration is good, why are you allowing kids to read books by JD Salinger, etc, backfired then...but maybe this time, if Conservatives stick with it, they can accomplish the goals that Conservatives 50 or so years were trying to accomplish. However, it kinda blows the whole claim out of the water that Conservatives were on the right side of the Civil Rights movement...I guess that is why history is so touchy with them....oh well...
Holly shit! You can’t be serious ??!! You link an article about the horrors of the Jones Committee with all of the graphic and bigoted aspects of it on full display, and then have the temerity to suggest that Florida bring it back? Have you no shame or decency??!! Maybe you would also like to bring back the commie witch hunts of that same era as well.
And what the fuck is that abut saving America from gays? What are gays....what are LGBTQ people doing to America? We need to save America from hysterical bigots like you. Gay would not even be a topic of discussion if the bigots and snowflakes would just leave them alone and allow then to live with the same rights that you take for granted.

They have for the most part blended into and have become part of the fabric of society. They have homes, families, and jobs. They pay taxes and contribute to the community. They are essentially just like everyone else. They are most visible when they are forced to push back at and assert themselves against the sort of bigotry that you advocate. But I’m sure that DeSantis will love your idea
The only safe party for the Gay people is the Republican party.

The DemocRAT party is only for the extreme radicals willing to do anything for power.
Holy shit! You again ?? What the hell does any of that even mean? You are insane.!! The Republicans have historically been that part that seeks to deny and roll back gay rights. How stupid are you? Didn’t you claim to be gay? How much do you hate yourself? as I said...yall should fire up another Johns committee...except this time, instead of trying focus on the gays (SINCE CONSERVATIVES ALREADY LOST THAT FIGHT) -- you can focus on just the trannies..and claim they are all pedos...

By the way, yall done trying to claim desegregation was a marxist communist plot now or are yall trying to find a way to link that to trannies too??
Transgender PEOPLE are not pedos you moron!

"In an effort to acknowledge and move past one of the darkest phases of Florida’s 20th Century history, a state senator has filed a resolution calling on the Legislature to apologize for the notorious Johns Committee’s investigation targeting civil rights leaders, academic leaders and LGBTQ Floridians in the 1950s and 1960s. The panel was better known as the Johns Committee, named after state Sen. Charley Johns, who was the first chairman of the committee and who also served as Florida’s governor from 1953 to 1955. The committee initially focused on civil rights leaders and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1957 and 1958, the committee “devoted itself to besmirching NAACP members as criminals and communist sympathizers in order to slow or halt their efforts to desegregate Florida schools and public spaces,” the resolution says.

By late 1958, the legislative committee turned its focus on the University of Florida. With the cooperation from the school and its police force, the committee launched an investigation into alleged homosexual activity at the school. It resulted in a four-year, statewide investigation into alleged homosexual activity in the public school system, resulting in the state revoking teaching licenses, the resolution says. The resolution notes that over the course of nine years, the Johns Committee “at the expense of the taxpayers of this state using unconstitutional and unjust methods to discredit and combat legal, peaceful desegregation efforts; to destroy or otherwise jeopardize the livelihoods and reputations of educators, administrators, and other professionals in Florida’s public schools and universities; and to create a climate of fear that caused pain and suffering among vulnerable residents and made Florida a national symbol of intolerance.”

Now I know the first time Conservative officials tried to fight back against the gays and BLM trouble makers (civil rights activists) it didn't work out so well and the person who formed the committee and who the committee was named after, resigned. However, instead of giving up, maybe it is time to dust off this playbook and try to do it again; except this time, maybe a Ron DeSantis can win where previous Conservatives failed. If you are unfamiliar with the Johns Committee, it was a committee started by right-wing Congress members in Florida; initially to attack civil rights activists and block desegregation from taking place in Florida schools, you know, shit Conservatives normally did.....Here is how it went down....

When Thurgood Marshall successfully argued against segregation; Conservatives went ape shit...Charley Johns himself said "I’ve just been informed by the press of the United States Supreme Court’s ruling, Washington on segregation. My present inclination is to call an extraordinary session of the Florida legislature to cope with this ruling." And that was how the Johns Committee was born...Conservatives intended to use this committee to imply that desegregation was a Communist-Marxist plot and that black civil rights leaders like Medgar Evers and others were just Jewish controlled black Communists, you know, like Conservatives claim now....but it didn't work out....conservatives lost that "culture war"

So it shifted to using the committee to go after gay professors and students at University of Florida...even paying students $10 for every person they turn in as being homosexual....some got fired, some went to jail...because at the time, being gay was illegal....but they didn't just do this to college professors, they branched out to public school teachers in an attempt to do the same thing...even brought them in for Congressional hearings ...and on live TV, these conservative politicians were questioning school teachers about why are they teaching children that integration is good, why are you allowing kids to read books by JD Salinger, etc, backfired then...but maybe this time, if Conservatives stick with it, they can accomplish the goals that Conservatives 50 or so years were trying to accomplish. However, it kinda blows the whole claim out of the water that Conservatives were on the right side of the Civil Rights movement...I guess that is why history is so touchy with them....oh well...
Democrats use and abuse blacks, gays and other minorities....but you may like that.
Holy shit! You again ?? What the hell does any of that even mean? You are insane.!! The Republicans have historically been that part that seeks to deny and roll back gay rights. How stupid are you? Didn’t you claim to be gay? How much do you hate yourself?
"Gay rights" doesn't include the sexualization of minor children, fucking retrograde.
Holy shit! You again ?? What the hell does any of that even mean? You are insane.!! The Republicans have historically been that part that seeks to deny and roll back gay rights. How stupid are you? Didn’t you claim to be gay? How much do you hate yourself?
how much do I hate myself, zero when you expose yourself as a bigot
We don't need another government committee. What we need is to have democrats agree to keep groomers away from our kids.
We don't need another government committee. What we need is to have democrats agree to keep groomers away from our kids.
What we need....

Reps need to break off into their own union of states. If not...all will be lost. Reps have proven to be weaklings and cucks at fighting the new school dems.

suck it up.jpg

Accept it and reform your states. Dems will come to perpetual power and then send out the robots to disarm you.

What further proof do you need that dems own you? Not one dem spoke out against the 'coming for your kids' groomers in pride month. Instead, they celebrate it and promote them even more

vote democrat.jpg
Holly shit! You can’t be serious ??!! You link an article about the horrors of the Jones Committee with all of the graphic and bigoted aspects of it on full display, and then have the temerity to suggest that Florida bring it back?
We need to become a moral nation again.
Republicans have no issues with Gays... in fact gay men and women are beginning to complain about the LGBTQ community for sending them back into the closet by setting their tranny sights on our kids....
Quite a few on this board at least DO have a problem with gays and are using their hatred of transgender people to legitimize it.
Democrats use and abuse blacks, gays and other minorities....but you may like that.
It's funny...because the politicians referred to themselves as Conservatives...

The rhetoric and policies these politicians enacted is the SAME EXACT SHIT conservatives today are trying to enact...

What is it with Conservatives and always trying to oppose people's Civil Rights??

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