The GOP & Racism: A One Way Street?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Why does the GOP only seem to be concerned about racism when it involves protecting a white guy or attacking a minority?

We have this charge of a potential Justice being a racist...

...and there were the charges that future Justice Sotomayor was a racist.
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing Sotomayor as "racist," "bigot" | Media Matters for America

We did have the GOP accusing somebody of a high tech lynching of a black man, but that was a charge levied against a black woman and her supporters

If the GOP is so concerned with racism, have they embraced former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman's apology?
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes -
It is the GOP tactic of reflection and projection

They take whatever issue they are vulnerable on and project it on their opposition. That is how we get the "Obama is a racist" and "Sotomayor is a racist" rants.

GOP runs record deficits....they project it to "Obama is running deficits"
It is the GOP tactic of reflection and projection

They take whatever issue they are vulnerable on and project it on their opposition. That is how we get the "Obama is a racist" and "Sotomayor is a racist" rants.

GOP runs record deficits....they project it to "Obama is running deficits"

double yep
wow it nust have struck too close to the heart for some to answer you
More like absurd beyond the waste of energy.

But, then again, both you and Nellyboy specialize in the absurd.

Oh, if it isn't Maude, the butch broad with another snidely whiplash comment.

Why does the GOP only seem to be concerned about racism when it involves protecting a white guy or attacking a minority?

We have this charge of a potential Justice being a racist...

...and there were the charges that future Justice Sotomayor was a racist.
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing Sotomayor as "racist," "bigot" | Media Matters for America

We did have the GOP accusing somebody of a high tech lynching of a black man, but that was a charge levied against a black woman and her supporters

If the GOP is so concerned with racism, have they embraced former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman's apology?
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes -

all good examples of what happens through the looking glass.
Why does the GOP only seem to be concerned about racism when it involves protecting a white guy or attacking a minority?

We have this charge of a potential Justice being a racist...

...and there were the charges that future Justice Sotomayor was a racist.
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing Sotomayor as "racist," "bigot" | Media Matters for America

We did have the GOP accusing somebody of a high tech lynching of a black man, but that was a charge levied against a black woman and her supporters

If the GOP is so concerned with racism, have they embraced former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman's apology?
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes -

all good examples of what happens through the looking glass.

Ahhh, a GOP fantasy world? A world where willing dupes fall "down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiberals and anthroObamic creatures?"
wow it nust have struck too close to the heart for some to answer you
More like absurd beyond the waste of energy.

But, then again, both you and Nellyboy specialize in the absurd.

This is why the right is so fucked up.

You never do anything but insult or tout failed ideas that have crashed the world economy twice in one lifetime.

You ignore the fact that the right has worked for decades to keep black people from voting (court documented proof exsists) and then insult black people for voting fordemocrats as if the right has WEVER done anything but shit on black Americans.

How any asshole can pretend there is not racism in the right when blacks only vote for them at a rate of about 10% is beyond the pale.

Yeah the rights not racist they just think black Americans are just too stupid to vote their own self interests.
wow it must have struck too close to the heart for some to answer you

He is on my ignore list, as he is on the ignore list of way too many other folks.

We don't know what he said, and really don't care. It is, from past experience, a trollish exercise in half truths and snark.
wow it must have struck too close to the heart for some to answer you

He is on my ignore list, as he is on the ignore list of way too many other folks.

We don't know what he said, and really don't care. It is, from past experience, a trollish exercise in half truths and snark.

the "we" tactic isn't working out so great for the weak pussies.


they have a Dante Fevah Cabal. I guess they haven't sent you an application to join the group, eh?

Why is it the left, liberals, Democrats are SO OBSESSED with the color or Nationality of people?

it's because they don't see people for people, they see them as pawns to be USED for their own Political agenda.

they don't give a shit about THE PERSON.
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wow it must have struck too close to the heart for some to answer you

He is on my ignore list, as he is on the ignore list of way too many other folks.

We don't know what he said, and really don't care. It is, from past experience, a trollish exercise in half truths and snark.

NO ONE is on my ignore list.

This is you peoples problems , you refuse to listen to your fellow Americans.

You cant take the questioning of your ideas.

You shut out information that you dont like.

Guess what happens to a country that is run like that?

What we just got rid of under Bush

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