The GOP NOT the Party of No

The GOP NOT the Party of No

Canada Free Press? Holy shit, that's like quoting Ted Cruz or Louie Gohmert - or even Michele Bachmann. Get real...

It is factually documented and proven that the GOP is the party of NO!

Good grief every where I go Douchakota you are spreading your lies.

Even the New York Times and the WPo have let it be known that Harry's the blocker.
The GOP NOT the Party of No

Canada Free Press? Holy shit, that's like quoting Ted Cruz or Louie Gohmert - or even Michele Bachmann. Get real...

It is factually documented and proven that the GOP is the party of NO!
If the senate is taken by the republicans and the house remains in control of the republicans let's see which branch is the branch of NO and who is the obstructionist.
obama will have to put himself in the lime light and tell America himself he want do it.
The GOP is the party of no good ideas.
As long as I've been on this earth, the only two ideas they've consistently pushed are:

1) reduce regs on polluters

2) reduce taxes on the wealthy (see #1)

Still like your avie. Can't wait to see Christmassy ones.

Back to politics. You are so full of shit dear heart. :) Do you know who worked diligently with Reagan to address a true and I mean a real deal issue called acid rain?

I worked very hard on this after Grassy Narrows. Big deal to me. So I know the answer. I know who I pressed.

Why it was a mega conservative that Ronnie adored called Brian. And the best was when George the First signed it into law.

This was called true action on the environment. Not bullshit. Not bullshit by an old has been who gave up his wife and children for another old has been.
Still like your avie. Can't wait to see Christmassy ones.

Back to politics. You are so full of shit dear heart. :) Do you know who worked diligently with Reagan to address a true and I mean a real deal issue called acid rain?

I worked very hard on this after Grassy Narrows. Big deal to me. So I know the answer. I know who I pressed.

Why it was a mega conservative that Ronnie adored called Brian. And the best was when George the First signed it into law.

This was called true action on the environment. Not bullshit. Not bullshit by an old has been who gave up his wife and children for another old has been.
can't use the snowman as i did last year as the new OS only supports avies of a smaller size. Meh. I'll just find another avie or ask someone to resize it.

This one is my Thanksgiving avie.
Hell yeah Reid blocks ... everything the Senate hands the House the House hands it back to the Senate chalk full of Republican pet projects, and Reid is either forced to block the legislation or pass legislation that benefits Republicans or trims down the Bill the Senate sent to the House ... damn all of you Rw's are rock-dumb ... of course Reid blocks bills. It's called POLITICS ... DURRRRRRR !

I remember it was Reid who is on record saying "it's the Democrats intention to make Obama a 1 term President", and not the fearless Republican, TURTLEBOY.

RW Idiots.
While Obama calls them “obstructionists” and the media supports him, the truth is far different. For instance, the House passed a Back to Basics FY 2015 – an actual budget! The Senate has not even had a vote on a budget since 2009! The House also passed another bill to reform Obamacare – which the Senate has also not discussed.

This article has a link to a GOP site that outlines ALL of the bills passed in the House that Dingy Harry has tied up in the Senate. Read the article @ Far from 8216 party of no 8217 House GOP offers lots of proposals media never tells you about
Sure! The one bill discussed on this Right Wing website involve the repeal of Obamacare! What a novel idea! And it came from the Republican controlled House of Representatives? Imagine that!

Shows how much you read and what you look for in your biased viewpoint!

The main bill mentioned was The 2015 Budget! As required by the US Constitution!!!!!!

I suppose you really don't care about upholding or obeying our countries more import law, do you?

If you really think Republicans aren't obstructing, then you're an idiot.

The Republicans passed bills SPECIFICALLY intended to not be voted on by Democrats. Why? To have articles like this. Everyone of those bills were republican wet dreams. They knew they were never going to be voted on and even if they were, the president would never sign it.

The republicans refused to compromise and used parliamentary rules to their advantage over the democrats since they could easily pass bills and say to idiots who have no idea how our government works (like longknife) to convince them that Republicans aren't obstructing, it's OBAMA.

It was all a ploy to win future elections while shitting on our democratic process at the same time.

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