Black Voters

Saddest shit ever. Most of these people dont even realize they are being used.

Go back and look where blacks were in the late 50's compared to now. A steady march for the last 55 years into utter hopelessness. 85% of blacks STILL support Obama!!:ack-1:

Like I said.............saddest shit ever. They think this bozo cares about them because he is black.:blowup:
Black Voters Have Seen Bernie Sanders and They Don't Like Him
January 20, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


(BLM=another racist group)...

In the last Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders answered a question about his poor standing with black voters by reeling off poll numbers in Trump fashion and claiming essentially that black people just hadn't heard of him. But the Monmouth poll actually shows that Bernie Sanders is losing black support.


These are bad numbers, but she does have the edge in the black vote.

Black and Latino voters, who will comprise a large share of the vote in South Carolina and Nevada as well as in many Super Tuesday states, solidly support her by a 71% – 21% margin, which is actually an increase over her 61% – 18% lead last month.

That's a sizable increase. And it's also a drop for Bernie Sanders despite the Killer Mike endorsement that white hipster Bernie fans can't get enough of.

The left loves touting a demographic minority political firewall, but in this case the firewall is working for Hillary and against them.

Black Voters Have Seen Bernie Sanders and They Don't Like Him
So let us understand. There isn't a large number of blacks who are members of the Democratic party.

They are slaves because membership is reserved for other races, not Blacks?
Anyone see the picture of Bernie Sander's "stacked" stage at a rally yesterday?

The group behind him was very diverse. The rest of the venue? Not so much.

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