The GOP Has a Problem: My Generation Isn't Conservative


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*

Yeah. You kids have been bred to be lazy authoritarians.
Dont know what will happen when all of you useless deadweights start arguing over who has to do all the work and who gets to sit on their fat asses jerking off to anime porn all day.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*

Yes, we realize that you deadbeats don't pay your bills.......the country will not survive your selfish stupidity.
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Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Yoou were taught that we owe you something, we don't.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Yeah, you're right. A generation of worthless pussies. Way to destroy a once great nation. It's folks like you that remind me how lucky I am to be my age - death comes sooner rather than later. Thank God.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


You fools will "grow up" one day, maybe.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


Or it might be that dimwit children are allowed to remain dimwit children forever, instead of being forced to grow up and shoulder adult responsibility, the way baby boomers and Gen Xers were.

Please spare us your immature and ignorant assessments of "good Presidents' as though we're supposed to believe you would know one way or the other.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


It’s true...your generation shows no signs of intelligence.
I guess watching in horror as GOPers storm our capital with Confederate flags didn't help the situation much for the Republican party, as far as Millenials are concerned.


Oh, please. "Watching in horror", my chubby white ass. We all know you were watching in "My masters told me NOW I should be horrified, because it's not the left doing it."

You want to play at being all sanctimonious and judgemental, Punkin, you'll need to point us to your copious posts expressing "horror" about the rioting, looting, and burning all last year. Despite what your overlords told you, you don't automatically have the moral high ground just because you ASSume you do. Get to proving that you deserve to say anything to us on this subject, or sit down.

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