The "Good Ol Days"

I've earned most meals since I was 17 years old. You-?
8 or face no dinner and a beating with a slotted serving spoon. Began working for the man at 12 when the rich kids were all crying about not getting enough "allowance." Nonetheless, I can read and appreciate that IM2 has his facts straight. Clearly more than the anecdotal horse patootie offered up by you and your racist "Fuck Y'all" friend from "queers and steers" land.
Back in the day blacks had two parent households and then came the leftist gov giving black women money to raise the little bastards without a father figure.
Whereas long before that, "the leftist gov" had already been giving white "women money to raise the little bastards without a father figure." Spoiled brats who get all John Wayne on others tend to be overcompensating for one thing or another and poor listeners.
Proof that the "good old days" were no such thing, for anyone ...

8 or face no dinner and a beating with a slotted serving spoon. Began working for the man at 12 when the rich kids were all crying about not getting enough "allowance." Nonetheless, I can read and appreciate that IM2 has his facts straight. Clearly more than the anecdotal horse patootie offered up by you and your racist "Fuck Y'all" friend from "queers and steers" land.

Whereas long before that, "the leftist gov" had already been giving white "women money to raise the little bastards without a father figure." Spoiled brats who get all John Wayne on others tend to be overcompensating for one thing or another and poor listeners.
LUXURY!!! My brothers and I started working WITH Dad when we were SIX!!! At least we thought we were helping; he was incredibly kind. By 8 we WERE twelve we were loading and driving trucks around the factory yard.

We, or should I say some of us, really have no ability to analyze past history as it relates to now. We need to understand it so we don't continue to believe things that make no sense.

20 facts that prove it wasn’t better in the past... except for white men

Alicia Delay

It’s common to think that things were better in the past, but how accurate is that sentiment? Was it really better back in the day, or was it simply better for those with privilege? Here are 20 misconceptions that prove the past was only better if you were a white man.

It's a slideshow.
/-----/ The slideshow was difficut to navigate, but I saw it is based on YouGov’s latest research. According to them, "For each survey, a representative sample of 1,500 respondents is selected from YouGov’s U.S. research panel. Panelists are invited to each survey, based on their age, gender, race, and education, in proportion to their frequency to the frequency of adult citizens in the most recent American Community Survey" 1,500 out of a population of some 275 million adults is statistically insignificant.
We, or should I say some of us, really have no ability to analyze past history as it relates to now. We need to understand it so we don't continue to believe things that make no sense.

20 facts that prove it wasn’t better in the past... except for white men

Alicia Delay

It’s common to think that things were better in the past, but how accurate is that sentiment? Was it really better back in the day, or was it simply better for those with privilege? Here are 20 misconceptions that prove the past was only better if you were a white man.

It's a slideshow.
I'm a victim!
You don't know!
You can't talk!
I hate your race but I'm not a racist!
My victims are the only victims!
"My people" have no chance, but I'M awesome!
Gimme money!
We win the victim competition!
Everyone in the world is racist (except my guys)!
I'm not 150 years old, but I was personally born into slavery!
I hate you! Why do you hate me?
Statistics don't exist!
People who look like me but don't think like me are evil!

There ya go. I just wrote your next 100 posts for you. No need to thank me.
I'm a victim!
You don't know!
You can't talk!
I hate your race but I'm not a racist!
My victims are the only victims!
"My people" have no chance, but I'M awesome!
Gimme money!
We win the victim competition!
Everyone in the world is racist (except my guys)!
I'm not 150 years old, but I was personally born into slavery!
I hate you! Why do you hate me?
Statistics don't exist!
People who look like me but don't think like me are evil!

There ya go. I just wrote your next 100 posts for you. No need to thank me.
I’ll bet people like you don’t even read @IM2’s OP. I’ll bet you read the title and immediately dump on him. It’s quite pathetic.
America is still racist. No progress has been made.
I'll explain it to you as I have to the other minority victims on USMB. America was a systemically racist country up until the 60s. At that time the majority of White people held racist views especially toward Black people. Laws enacted during the 60s and 70s eliminated systemic racism. What remains today are INDIVIDUALS who are racists. But unlike sixty years ago or longer, it's a small percentage of American White people who hold racist views. That does NOT mean America is still racist.
We, or should I say some of us, really have no ability to analyze past history as it relates to now. We need to understand it so we don't continue to believe things that make no sense.

20 facts that prove it wasn’t better in the past... except for white men

Alicia Delay

It’s common to think that things were better in the past, but how accurate is that sentiment? Was it really better back in the day, or was it simply better for those with privilege? Here are 20 misconceptions that prove the past was only better if you were a white man.

It's a slideshow.
Correction, white Protestant men.
  • Fact
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We, or should I say some of us, really have no ability to analyze past history as it relates to now. We need to understand it so we don't continue to believe things that make no sense.

20 facts that prove it wasn’t better in the past... except for white men

Alicia Delay

It’s common to think that things were better in the past, but how accurate is that sentiment? Was it really better back in the day, or was it simply better for those with privilege? Here are 20 misconceptions that prove the past was only better if you were a white man.

It's a slideshow.
So it is, as a matter of the narrative, better today.....Yet you still won't quit whining and crying.

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