The Genius of Donald Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a collection of videos that explain Trumps genius at communication

Anbd he made absolute fools of the 'experts'

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He "has the power to influence the masses" if the masses are idiots, and many Americans are just that. The Dumbing Down of America has never been better illustrated than by the election of Donald Trump.
Trump is a genius. Calling him "stupid" repeatedly changes nothing. Results change everything and Trump gets results. POSITIVE results.
He "has the power to influence the masses" if the masses are idiots, and many Americans are just that. The Dumbing Down of America has never been better illustrated than by the election of Donald Trump.
He "has the power to influence the masses" if the masses are idiots, and many Americans are just that. The Dumbing Down of America has never been better illustrated than by the election of Donald Trump.

The previous President and the Democrat Party passed landmark legislation in which its architect stated that its success was predicated on the stupidity of those voters that supported it. Most Trump voters did not support it. So, your side is claiming that most of America, Democrat or Republican, is dumb. There’s a platform to run on in ‘18 and ‘20.
Trump doesn't worry about sounding smart and plays towards the listener's mood rather than intellect. That was especially in evidence during the 2016 primaries and was especially a sharp contrast to somebody like Carly Fiorina.

A well found mistrust of information sources also doesn't hurt and can provide itself useful.

Trump doesn't worry about sounding smart and plays towards the listener's mood rather than intellect. That was especially in evidence during the 2016 primaries and was especially a sharp contrast to somebody like Carly Fiorina.

A well found mistrust of information sources also doesn't hurt and can provide itself useful.

You mean like Joe Biden: “They’re going to put y’all back in chains”.
Trump makes chumps out of sociopaths and gimps. That is the root of the hate, he's better at their own game than they are, and it enrages the animals that they don't intimidate him in the least.

The country's middle class lost the ability to govern itself a long time ago, in the 1960's. It was a case of Affluenza KIds, and morons being allowed to vote with no controls or restrictions, essentially a death sentence for a country that relied on common principles and morals to exist and function, only to ruin itself via unrestricted immigration and moral disintegration and the pursuit of mindless self-indulgence, and both the Right and the Left are all for mindless self-indulgence and narcissism.

It can only end one way. Just enjoy the ride down, learn to be comfortable with poverty, disease, and anarchy, and don't resist the invaders when they show up; no reason to die keeping anybody else free, just suck up and grovel better than the next guy and get better bennies than your fellow rats.. Try and get a 'pen pal' in North Korea, or maybe Yemen; they will have all kinds of useful tips on how to get by in your new America. Most of you will die in the first few weeks anyway, so maybe you should just do nothing.
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