The Geminga Scenario

Black holes may hold some explanation because matter that falls into a black hole is said to disappear into a singularity. That actually may go against the well accepted theory that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

It does not disappear. It becomes part of the singularity. Just as an asteroid that impacts the Earth does not disappear, it becomes part of our planet.
It does not disappear. It becomes part of the singularity. Just as an asteroid that impacts the Earth does not disappear, it becomes part of our planet.
Yes but a singularity is only a theory and The Earth is nothing like an uber gravitational Singularity. Since our universe was supposedly created from just such a singularity, could a black hole be the seed of another Universe?
Yes but a singularity is only a theory

No, it is not. The first one known was found over 40 years ago. Only around a dozen have been confirmed, but there may be as many as 100 million in our galaxy alone.

But no, it is not "only a theory". Unless you are one of those that thinks that black holes really do not exist.

But by the very nature of them, in reality nothing that falls into them is believed to actually reach them. That is because of time dilation and spaghettification.
This works IF we are just a three dimensional physical universe with one dimension/expression of time. If either are more than the three or one, there may be a "work around".

What’s the real reason you can’t go faster than the speed of light?​

There's the textbook answer, then there's the real answer.
Junk science is still junk science. And bad science is just bad science.

And most of these have been both.
So if you believe in "Creationism", which Religion are you going with?

If you believe in spontaneous Evolution, how do you account for aspects of human nature and origins not covered by such?

Foundation of this thread is the hypothesis that if the First Known Civilization produced the earliest Known Writings and Records and those show knowledge they couldn't have at the time, then where and how did such happen, come to their awareness. Remember, literacy was a scarce skill and not something held by the masses, hence no market for 'pulp fiction'.

Just for one example, how could they have known about the planets beyond Saturn which can't be seen with naked eye?

How could they describe concepts and technologies beyond their likely knowledge and ability unless they experienced such from other than human sources?
This works IF we are just a three dimensional physical universe with one dimension/expression of time. If either are more than the three or one, there may be a "work around".

What’s the real reason you can’t go faster than the speed of light?​

Click bait title aside, still a few items to consider on the topic of the title;

10 incredible findings about aliens​

Here on the little space rock we call Earth, humans often wonder whether or not we are alone in this universe.

Though that question has not yet been answered, many discoveries seemed to increase the prospect of extraterrestrial entities existing.

Findings on the closest planet to us, in the outer solar system and the far beyond seemed to point to the possibility that other worlds could host organisms ranging from bacteria to technological beings. Perhaps, new results in the coming year will finally reveal who else might be out there.
Since this thread includes the genetics aspect of human development, the following mght be worth consideration ~ inclusion;

How the Great Depression shaped people’s DNA​

Epigenetics study finds that children born during the historic recession have markers of accelerated ageing later in life.'
Couple of potential related items (???)

Scientists find strange, ringed object way, way out in our solar system​


Massive tentacle of plasma breaks off sun - report​


Why are flood myths so common in stories from ancient cultures around the world?​

Could the prevalence of flood myths around the world tell us something about early human migration or even the way our brains work?
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It's pretty typical for red dwarfs to anchor planets (often several), because these stellar bodies are only about half as hot as the sun and have very low luminosities, yet are known to average extremely long lifespans. Even TOI-5205 is measured to be about 3,500 Kelvin (3,227 degrees Celsius), in contrast to our 5,800 Kelvin (5,526 degrees Celsius) sun.

However, there are two peculiar aspects of TOI-5205 and TOI-5205b's companionship.

First off, red dwarfs aren't expected to host gas giant planets -- but that's exactly what TOI-5205b is. Second, and most importantly, sunlike stars in general are usually thought to host planets significantly tinier than themselves.
Slide show of interest. Assorted sites from around the world ...

Some of the oldest archaeology on Earth​

This ultra-ancient palace was such an astonishing find when it first emerged from the dust in 2022, that the lead archaeologist was accused of "making it up". Found in modern-day Tello in southern Iraq and long thought lost, the Lord Palace of the Kings stood above the ancient Sumerian city of Girsu more than 4,500 years ago, and was previously only known through fragmented inscriptions discovered in the surrounding sands.
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Impacts of large meteors and asteroids play key roles at times as this has played out. Some recent finds and links for reference sake.

Mass misconception: The real reason we can’t outpace light speed​

Explanations for the cosmic speed limit often conflate mass with inertia.

Mass misconception: The real reason we can't outpace light speed

An object's mass remains constant, while its inertia changes with speed, ultimately preventing travel at or beyond the speed of light.

Further down this link;
Why Earth is the only planet with plate tectonics
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all uni-plate planets, and always have been. Here are the reasons why Earth, uniquely, has plate tectonics.

Why Earth is the only planet with plate tectonics

Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all uni-plate planets, and always have been. Here are the reasons why Earth, uniquely, has plate tectonics.

One factor closer to Occam's Razor would be a major impact event, likely the source of the Moon/Luna, which isn't mentioned here.
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