The Gaystapo is at it again

The Constitution isn't the problem. The problem is all of you indoctrinated pawns.

Actually, the constitution really is the problem, because it didn't anticipate the kind of world we live in today.

Few countries still try to use the constitution they had 250 years ago. They write updated ones on a regular basis.
We do have a process for updating the Constitution called "Amendments".
We do have a process for updating the Constitution called "Amendments".

We should also have a constitutional convention and write a new one, which would be a pretty good idea.

Things to get rid of/change.

The Electoral College.
The Senate
The ability of Presidents to pardon their cronies.
The goofy interpretation of the Militia Amendment that says crazy people can have guns.
Making it really clear that you can't break laws because you sky pixie says so.
Actually, we'll probably end up re-writing the constitution within your lifetime, little boy. Too many flaws.
The American people voted for Hillary...
If that were true, Hitlery Clinton would be sitting in the Oval Office at this very moment, instead of sitting at home crying like she does every day.

Even the "blue wall" of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and West Virginia said "trump that bitch". :laugh:
We should also have a constitutional convention and write a new one, which would be a pretty good idea.

Things to get rid of/change.

The Electoral College.
The Senate
The ability of Presidents to pardon their cronies.
The goofy interpretation of the Militia Amendment that says crazy people can have guns.
Making it really clear that you can't break laws because you sky pixie says so.
So basically everything that Adolf Hitler instituted. Shocking.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
I concur. Homosexuals are like 5% of the population, yet they take way past 50% of our civil rights or humanitarian focus. Why? Their high income level means they can co-op our entire society? So, Money+lawyers=civil rights?
If that were true, Hitlery Clinton would be sitting in the Oval Office at this very moment, instead of sitting at home crying like she does every day.

Even the "blue wall" of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and West Virginia said "trump that bitch".

The White Trash in WV haven't voted for their own economic interests since 1996... but never mind.

So basically everything that Adolf Hitler instituted. Shocking.

Um, no, but you are ignorant enough about American history, you really shouldn't try German History, too.... you might strain something.

I concur. Homosexuals are like 5% of the population, yet they take way past 50% of our civil rights or humanitarian focus. Why? Their high income level means they can co-op our entire society? So, Money+lawyers=civil rights?

Where do you get any of those percentages from? First, LGBTQ people are 10% of the population. Secondly, how is giving them equal treatment effecting you in any way shape or form?
Agreeing with MaryL, though leaving out LGBT in general is a mistake. All of them Jones for recognition in their "upward mobility," and their (10%) distractions can be legitimately considered an offensive proselytization to others who were not paying attention to them but were interested in other things. The scapegoat has the right to filter out social interests, otherwise the sheer promiscuity of the political pathologies vying for attention from which to choose cultivates a kind of autism. duh, the 10% LGBT distraction can indeed produce equal treatment, which gets 10% of our attention, Democracy Breath."
Who cares what a bunch of old dead slave rapists thought?
Leftists are all about control and oppression. That cannot be achieved under the laws of the U.S. Constitution. Thus, step #1 must be to make the constitution irrelevant. The only way to do that is to create a narrative that it was written by “evil” rapists.
Here's my hypothesis about people who use slavery to trash the Founders: They have contempt for our constitutional guarantees of liberty, writes Walter Williams.
I’ve been saying it for over a decade now. It’s not a “hypothesis” either. It’s an indisputable reality. People like Joey just cannot accept seeing people free from their control. He live in a constant state of aggravation that you can live your life how you want to live it.

The Left’s Favorite Tool to Attack Our Founding Principles
Who cares what a bunch of old dead slave rapists thought?
Just because I love humiliating Joey and his astounding ignorance...
“There is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of [slavery].” - George Washington, in a letter to Pennsylvania delegate Robert Morris
“It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished.” - John Jay, in a letter to R. Lushington

The Left’s Favorite Tool to Attack Our Founding Principles
Leftists are all about control and oppression. That cannot be achieved under the laws of the U.S. Constitution. Thus, step #1 must be to make the constitution irrelevant. The only way to do that is to create a narrative that it was written by “evil” rapists.

Or recognizing that it was. The thing was, if you were black, native American or a woman, you didn't have "rights"... that' was the point.

I’ve been saying it for over a decade now. It’s not a “hypothesis” either. It’s an indisputable reality. People like Joey just cannot accept seeing people free from their control. He live in a constant state of aggravation that you can live your life how you want to live it.

The problem is when people like you talk about "Freedom" and "Liberty" it usually means the rights of white rich folks to abuse the rest of us.

Look at who you hate. Lawyers, Unions and Bureaucrats... anyone who might actually make it a fair fight.

Just because I love humiliating Joey and his astounding ignorance...

Wow... yes, Geo Washington said some things about why slavery was bad..

And then spent years trying to track down Ona Judge, the poor girl who just wasn't that keen on being a slave for some reason.

Ona Judge: The slave who ran away from George Washington
Again, “buddy”, check your propaganda. You parrot all of the tired and idiotic left-wing talking points.

Naw, man, I've lived it.

As I've said, I used to be right wing, until I had medical issues and my Romney-loving boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

Nothing changes your perspective than realizing the only thing that kept his behavior from being a lot worse was a fear of government.
Nothing changes your perspective than realizing the only thing that kept his behavior from being a lot worse was a fear of government.’re white and male. And you were just whining about “privilege”. And yet, in your very next post, you whine that you suffered unimaginable injustice.

See what I mean about propaganda, folks? I have never seen a progressive not contradict themselves. Never. When you lie and push propaganda, you will inevitably forget what you said and expose your own lies.’re white and male. And you were just whining about “privilege”. And yet, in your very next post, you whine that you suffered unimaginable injustice.

Exactly my point. If there actually was a magic fairy in the sky, I would be thanking him every day that I was born white, straight and male.

But encountering my first dose of discrimination (in this case, medical/age discrimination) was a real eye opener. It made me realize that if you don't have the protections of unions, activist government and other safeguards that created the middle class, someone with more money or power can pretty much screw you with impunity.

When I pointed out the unfairness of what he was doing to my career after six years of loyal service, his response was, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union." He really couldn't rationalize what he was doing...

See what I mean about propaganda, folks? I have never seen a progressive not contradict themselves. Never. When you lie and push propaganda, you will inevitably forget what you said and expose your own lies.

Your lack of empathy and critical thinking skills is not a contradiction on my part.
Your lack of empathy and critical thinking skills is not a contradiction on my part.

No, but the lack of consistency between the lie that you tell one moment, with one tip of your forked tongue, and the lie that you tell in the next moment, with the other tip of your forked tongue; is a contradiction on your part.

That's the trouble with being such an extreme pathological liar as you are; it becomes difficult to avoid creating obvious inconsistencies from one lie to the next.
No, but the lack of consistency between the lie that you tell one moment, with one tip of your forked tongue, and the lie that you tell in the next moment, with the other tip of your forked tongue; is a contradiction on your part.

That's the trouble with being such an extreme pathological liar as you are; it becomes difficult to avoid creating obvious inconsistencies from one lie to the next.

I must be pretty good, since you can never cite an example of where my narrative really deviates.. It's actually been pretty consistent.

Again, you belong to a cult started by a convicted con man who fucked little girls, you really can't be safely dismissed as an authority on the truth.

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